Page 5 of Taken By the Mob
"Okay," I said slowly. "Then I'll just make sure you're telling the truth."
Madi groaned. "You're kind of a pain in the butt, you know that?" She bit her lip. "No offense."
"Oh no, let it out," I teased. "You're right, I am a pain, but I know when someone's lying to me. It's what I'm good at."
"Why are you so good at it?" She asked and I felt her eyes on me.
Now, that was something that I didn't want to fully explain. I couldn't just come out and tell her about who I was. Madi was sweet and kind of naive.If I tell her, she'll run for the hills and never look back.
I couldn't have told her that if I was going to make her mine and I fully intended to keep my word. Instead of answering her, I decided to change the subject. Maybe that was something I could talk about another day.
I shrugged. "I've always been good at it. It's like my talent." I smiled at her. "Where do you live?"
“Oh, I’m not far,” she said as she sat up and gave me directions.
The more I drove, the more I was sure she wouldn’t have made it home. We finally pulled into the parking lot of an apartment complex where the area didn’t look great. She slipped out and I followed behind her.
"Are you going to come in and see if I have food?" She asked warily.
“Unless you want to change your mind right now and we can both save time,” I said as I raised a brow.
Madilynn chuckled. “Fine, follow me,” she said as she trudged up the stairs and unlocked her apartment. “It’s not much,” she warned me.
“I couldn’t care less about that,” I said as I followed behind her and the door closed.