Page 7 of Taken By the Mob
I quickly moved out of the way and he sat the bags near the kitchen. He went down twice more before he closed the door and locked it. I still hadn't moved, too shocked to know what to say or what to think.
No one had ever done anything like this for me. My parents weren't the type to help their kids. It had always been me and my sister, for as long as I could remember.
"Really," I urged. "You didn't have to do this for me."
"Too late for that now," he grunted as he started to open the bags and pull things out. He stopped long enough to remove his suit jacket and hang it over a dining room chair, and his tie followed. When he rolled up his sleeves and I caught of glimpse of his strong forearms, I nearly hyperventilated. "Simon's food is right there," he said as he pointed to one of the bags.
I dug into the bag and pulled out an entire tray of cat food. My eyes started to water and, before I could stop it, I sniffled and Nico turned to me. He saw the tears on my cheeks only for a split second before I tried to turn away, but he turned me back and pulled me into his arms.
"What's the matter? Why are you upset?" He asked as he held me close.
"I've never had anyone be so nice to me," I stupidly cried and shook my head. "Sorry, I'm like this right now. I just ….it's been a hard few months."
"You don't have to explain a thing."
I don't know how long we stayed like that, I wrapped in his arms and him comforting me, but I felt so much better. For once, I didn't feel alone in the world. I hated pity, but what he did wasn't pity at all, he cared. Simon's high-pitched meow finally pulled us apart and we both chuckled before he swiped his thumbs underneath my eyes.
"No more crying," he said gently as he finally smiled at me. "I told you, I'll take care of everything."
"Thank you," I managed to get out as I gazed up at him. "I'm going to work my ass off even more," I laughed.
Nico chuckled. "From what I saw tonight, you were already going to do that." He finally let me go and stepped back. "I better get going. I forgot I have an early morning."
I nodded. "You've done more than enough for me, thanks. Maybe sometime I can make you dinner," I blurted out before I could stop myself. "You know, as a thank you. I'm a pretty good cook," I laughed awkwardly and fidgeted with my fingers.
"Are you free Sunday night?"
"Definitely," I said, happy that I'd checked the schedule that far ahead.
"How about eight o’clock?" He asked as he dug out his phone. "Give me your number in case something happens."
I happily typed my number in and passed it back. "Eight sounds amazing." We gazed at each other before Simon protested again and broke the spell. "I better feed him before he tries to climb up my leg."
Nico smirked. "Goodnight, Madi."
"Goodnight, Nico."
As soon as I closed the door and locked it, I leaned against the wood and felt the fluttering in my belly. It was just a casual dinner, but it already felt like so much more.