Page 25 of Highlander's Battle of Hearts
“Yer neglecting yer duties again, lad,” Lady Alisa said without looking at Daniel. “Ye should be training in the courtyard. Not prattling on with the local peasant girl.”
Blair blinked, not knowing if she heard the lady correctly. She bowed her head, not knowing what to say or why she was being spoken about so harshly. During her time at Castle Lachlan, she made sure not to irritate the lady and diligently do her duty.
“Mother,” Daniel said sternly, and Blair’s gaze flew to him, watching his hands fist, and his gaze darken upon his mother. “Blair is our guest, the laird’s guest. We should—“
Lady Alisa raised her hand, and Daniel swallowed his words, his mouth hanging open as he stared at his mother in shock. “Enough,” she said without looking at him. “Away, lad. Marcus is looking for ye.”
Daniel looked as if he wanted to say more. His mouth opened and closed before finally he shook his head and bowed low. “Of course, Mother.” With one last look at Blair, he shook his head and turned on his heel, muttering something under his breath.
Lady Alisa lowered her hand, placing both gracefully in front of her. Blair clutched her basket to her, bowing her head in acknowledgment while whispering, “Good day to ye, my lady.” She lifted her gaze slightly, her eyes lingering on Alisa’s pristinely tailored dress. The crimson red fabric stood out in the green garden, making her appear more regal. The skirt was wide and her corset tight, unlike Blair, who loosely tied her own in the morning before the maids were up. Everything about the lady made Blair want to shrivel and hide under a rock.
“I want ye to stay away from my son,” said Alisa as soon as they were alone.
Blair opened her mouth, wanting to tell the lady she hadn’t intended to speak with Daniel in the morning, but Alisa continued, not giving her the opportunity to speak.
“I don’t want ye ruining him.”
Blair could hear her heart thudding in her ears. All blood drained from her face and the dizziness returned while her hands shook.
"He deserves more than the likes of ye.”
Blair swallowed. She knew what Lady Alisa was saying was true, but still, hearing it made her want to run back to her room.
“Do ye understand me, lass?”
Blair nodded vehemently, blinking away the tears prickling her eyes and forcing a smile. “Of course, my lady.” She bowed her head. “My apologies, my lady.”
A root snapped as Lady Alisa stepped towards Blair. She gasped, feeling Alisa grab her chin and yank her head upwards. Blair swallowed, her body still under Alisa’s dark scowl. She scrutinized Blair’s face as if she was looking for something, something Blair did not know. Blair didn’t fight her, hoping the more she obeyed the lady, the nicer she would be.
“I don’t know why the laird has decided to bring ye here after all these years,” Lady Alisa said lowly, her eyes still searching Blair’s face. “But know this, lass. I will not have ye ruining everything I’ve worked so hard for.”
Blair shook her head, not understanding a word Alisa was uttering. Why would Blair do anything to the lady? They barely knew each other, and Blair, often more than not, tried to keep herself hidden away from Alisa. She knew the lady hated her, although she did not understand why. Possibly, she was worried for her son’s livelihood, worried about him choosing the wrong lass to marry.
“Ye have nothing to be worried about,” Blair whispered. Her eyes fluttered closed for a moment, trying to regain her breath and calm her pounding heart. She swallowed a sob before opening her eyes. “I will stay away from Daniel.”
“Swear it,” Alisa hissed, her grip on Blair’s chin tightening.
Blair smiled, hoping she appeared genuine as she whispered, “I swear it, my lady. I will leave yer son be.”
“Good.” Alisa released her chin and wiped her hand on her skirts as if by simply touching Blair, she was dirtying herself. She stared at her gown in disgust, perhaps thinking the dress was ruined now. “See that ye do.”
Lady Alisa swiftly turned around, walking gracefully through the garden with her head held high. Blair wobbled on her feet, dropping to the ground. Her hands pressed into the dirt, and she stared at the primroses before her, trying to calm herself against the pain tearing through her, telling her she would never belong to Castle Lachlan.
That’s not true, she told herself while picking a primrose and holding it close to her nose, inhaling its scent, hoping to procure its power. She had a home here. The laird had seen to it by providing her with a duty and giving her a teacher. She wasn’t alone anymore, living in a dilapidated cottage, barely getting by.
Nae. Castle Lachlan was more of a home to her now than any place had been since her Mamó’s death. She had friends. She had Tavis. She was doing what she enjoyed.
Blair smiled, caressing the primrose petals against her cheeks while she thought of her Mamó’s tale. She had a beautiful life. The laird would make a suitable match for her, and once she was married, Lady Alisa would have no need to worry any longer.