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Page 7 of Mending a Highland Heart

Chapter Four

Charlotte was grateful to be sitting with her cousin Julia in Julia’s chambers. Julia, of course, slept in the main bedroom with Calum, but she had her own space in which to read, work on plans for the Isle, or to simply be. It was her haven away from all of the stressors of being in charge of a whole clan, and she and Charlotte had spent many pleasant hours there.

They sat there before the evening meal, indulging in a much-deserved glass of sherry. Charlotte had been unsuccessful with the book and her research. She had taken it back to her room and tried to focus, but all she could think about was the weight of Calum’s request and her new-found understanding of her own traitorous body, which was yearning for Angus even as she wished to hate him in her heart. She would have to research later.

And, so she’d left the book in a huff and moved to give her letter to the butler to be mailed as soon as possible. She was told that Liam would be happy to do the job as he and Fergus, another of Calum’s men, were going to the other side to begin hunting again and to see if deer were coming out of their wintery hiding places.

She thought with satisfaction, on her way to Julia, about the way that Angus’ face had looked when she’d appeared so happy to have Liam as her protector and guide for as long as she would be staying on the Isle of Mull. It would be much easier without Angus always around, pointing out things she ought to consider.

When she arrived at Julia’s chambers, Julia had handed her a glass, and they sat before a merry hearth. It was still cold, but not as biting as January and December had been, and so, with the warming weather, the both of them were feeling much more comfortable within the castle walls, wearing only their gowns and no plaids when sitting before the fire. Julia took a sip. “So, have you sent your letter then?”

“I have, and I believe it will be very well-received. I painted a picture to my father about the need for a womanly touch and the need to act as the lady of a clan while its true lady has departed.” Charlotte laughed, and Julia followed suit.

“I don’t know my uncle very well, but he would definitely approve of such a wholly good, noble, and feminine mission.”

Charlotte bit her lip. “I do hope that no word of my working as a healer will reach him. He is very lax with his instruction of me, but only if he does not feel that I have behaved improperly or indecorously. If he hears of it, he will lock me up in a room in the barracks and search out a husband for me himself.” Charlotte chuckled, but without as much mirth.

“Tell me, cousin. How did your father react when he found out my Uncle Andrew had killed his brother-in-law all those years ago?” Julia moved the tiny glass in her hands, watching her friend with interest.

Charlotte sighed. “Well, he told me he was not very surprised, knowing the man as he did, but he was ashamed to have left you in his care. I’m sorry; I tried to convince him. But, Andrew had threatened father with so many horrible things. And my father is just...too weak. He would not fight back. I fear my mother would have been ashamed of him.”

“If she is anything like you, then I’m sure she would have,” Julia said quietly.

Julia paused, another question on her lips. “Charlotte, what will you do if your father demands your presence in response to your letter? Will you continue to convince him, or will you return to the barracks?”

Charlotte looked into the flames. It was what she greatly feared. “I don’t know. I will see what kind of mood he is in. Perhaps I would be more convincing if I could go and visit him. I could plead my case. But,” she paused for a moment, thinking over her next words. “I’m not ready to leave. I’m so happy that you asked me to stay, Julia. Your friendship has meant the world to me these many months. And here I thought a lifetime of society balls and functions was all I needed to be happy. But something was missing. You are giving me that something.”

Julia clasped Charlotte’s hand. “And you have saved me. I was practically a recluse with a madman and murderer as my guardian. Now, I cannot believe where I am and what I do. It’s like a miracle. I want you to be happy, dear Charlotte, and so I hope your father will listen to your wise counsel.”

Both of them laughed at Julia’s intonation. Charlotte felt as if she was right on the cusp of being happy, but there were a few things in her way: her father’s approval, the healing of the clan members, Angus, and what she would do next after it was all over. That thought scared her the most. While she would be able to stay for a time on the Isle of Mull, doing her healing work, she knew it couldn’t possibly last forever. She would have to leave and find a husband. She knew her father was firm about that. But she secretly wished she could do something else.

He would tolerate her “playing,” as he called it, for a time, but he wanted her to marry and marry well. He wanted to live the rest of his life in luxury, and Charlotte was his tool to do so. She knew that weight was on her shoulders. She loved her father, and she wanted to follow his wishes. It had also been her desire to marry well, but now, her desires seemed to be shifting. She was finding so much purpose in her new work. When she saw a patient’s face ease as the body found relief, it fulfilled something deeper within her. She was more than just a woman, more than a pretty face, more than her clothes and dancing abilities. She had a purpose. She could help people.

But this world was not one in which women could do as they pleased. That’s when she realized that Angus’ interference bothered her so much. It was as if she was away from the real world for a time, and she wanted to treasure her freedom for as long as she could. Even if she returned to London, married a wealthy man, and lived an easy life, there would still be restrictions placed on her.

“I hope so too, dear Julia. But I also hope that you and Calum have a lovely time together. I know you are taking yourselves to a murder trial, but it is also time you can spend with your new husband without the worries of the clan plaguing you both. Let us take care of your land while you’re away.”

Julia’s uncle, while capturing Julia, had revealed to her that he had killed his own brother, her father, in order to inherit his wealth. He was, if all went according to the order of the court, soon to be hanged for it.

“Oh? Us, is it?” Julia’s look changed to a devilish grin.

Charlotte fought a blush. “I just mean that I would help you in any way I can.” She didn’t want to reveal that Calum had asked her personally to stay, for Angus’ sake. “To repay you for all that you’ve done.”

“Well, that does not need repayment in any way. You helped me find a way to get my freedom! I will be eternally grateful. But, it would be nice to know that Duart Castle is safe in your hands. In both your hands.”

Julia attempted another question. “What do you think of Angus, by the way? It appears you two don’t get along all that well. I never wanted to say anything, but I’m sorry you both can’t find common ground. Seeing as he is my new brother, and you are my dearest cousin and friend.”

Charlotte stared at a smiling Julia and sighed. “I know why you are asking this question, my friend.”

Julia grinned even wider.

Charlotte continued, “But your hopes will never come to fruition. He is not a man I could ever see myself being with. You know me, don’t you, Julia? I am a woman of the city. I need a clean-shaven man fawning over me hand and foot. I want to be leading society with balls and events.” Charlotte dramatically laid a hand lightly upon her forehead and swooned.In her mind, she added, and my father would most vehemently fight against such a match.

Julia laughed. “I may have thought so before, my dear, but not any longer. I know that the rugged highlander type appeals to you, and Angus is a very handsome man. Most women in London would not be able to avoid my brother’s charms.”

Charlotte straightened. Charlotte knew that her cousin was right. “Ah yes, you have succumbed to the illness you mention and so think that others must. I, however, have no interest in a man who wishes to thwart my every move and control me just as any other man does!”

Julia clasped her hands together and paused in thought. “I shall miss you dearly, Charlotte Andrews. You entertain me to no end. Not every man desires to control and repress. You would do well to remember that when there are so many lovely men around, especially on this Isle. But, before I begin to set my mind to packing for my trip to London, I must say, be patient with Angus. To me, he was all kindness and aid. But, to a different woman, who he is very much attracted to, I think he would be the self that most people see: reserved, strict, stoic.”

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