Page 17 of Until The Moon Ends
The journey was much morepleasant with Lex. While he promised he wouldn't put any more spells on me, I did wonder if he was true to his word. The all-consuming fear I had felt before was pretty much gone, replaced by a drive I had never known before. I was still angry. I still wanted to rip Hida's heart out, but the despair was gone.
"So, Alphas are just dogs in human suits, Betas can only become dogs once a month when the moon gives them permission, and Omegas are puppies stuck as people?" Lex asked.
He was fascinated by weres and had asked me a million questions about our status, ranking, and how male Omegas worked. I was shocked to learn that apparently, Omegas were the only creatures on land where both males and females could birth young. For all other beings, only females were capable. No exceptions. I found it odd and limiting.
"Yes," I nodded. "That's basically it."
"You werewolves are fascinating creatures," he hummed. "I want to cut you open and see what's inside."
"I'm going to politely ask that you find another Omega to satisfy your curiosity," I laughed. "I've watched you cut someone open, and I would not care to have any part of that."
Lex giggled, locking his arm around mine.
The forest terrainbecame rough and jagged as we continued, making it difficult to find comfortable places to camp for the night, but we made it work. I knew this trip would be long and hard, but I wasn't prepared for the abuse my feet would endure. As the days wore on, I longed for my village's lush grass and soft dirt roads.
We had been traveling east for what felt like days on end when a sudden break in the trees caught me off guard. The forest stopped abruptly, cut off by large, shiny red rocks, creating a path into an entirely different-looking forest.
The new land was dense and overly colorful, strikingly different from where we currently stood. The trees had thick bases with large, winding roots that twisted and turned in and out of the earth. The leaves and grass were vibrant and looked fuzzy as if a soft layer of down-hair covered each petal and leaf. And the air sparkled like a thin fog had settled, making the sunlight glisten.
"The shadow forest," Lex sighed. "Do you want to go through or around? Weshouldbe fine to go through, but..."
"Shouldbe fine?"
"This is the Faelands. It holds heavy enchantments. Lots of creatures live here that don't venture out. Fairies, pixies, tree wives, all sorts of things. And they don't take kindly to visitors, but as long as you're gentle, they'll usually let you pass."
I looked into the forest before me. It was so beautiful and calm, but I knew better. Calm things tended to have the most violent reactions when provoked.
"How long to go around?" I asked.
"It'll add days, maybe even weeks, onto the journey. This is the most straightforward way to Vaesen."
"Then we go through," I sighed. I walked across the red stones. The slick surface was surprisingly cool against the souls of my feet.
"Then we go through," Lex mimicked with a quick nod. He marched forward, his robes fluttering behind him. "Just don't touch the trees," he warned. "They don't care for it."
I was careful to step around roots and plants as we pressed on, not wanting to anger the land or its inhabitants. We passed fat flowers with petals so heavy they sagged and fell over as if drunk on amber wine. And when we finally stopped to rest, Lex insisted we sleep on patches of lush moss that grew on top of white, iridescent rocks. I had never slept so well before.
My dreams were filled with my mate's soft touches and sweet words, and I forgot my grief for a moment. At least until morning came. Then I'd wake up confused, my heart breaking all over again.
I sat at the base of a tree and watched the vines slither in and around the branches. Lex had wandered off to dip himself in a stream not far off, leaving me alone to think about Hida and what I needed to do once we got to Vaesen. I longed to see a blade plunge into the Alpha's chest and watch the life drain from his eyes. My hands ached to feel his blood pour over them.
At first, I had no idea how I'd lure him to his death, but seeing Lex seduce and eat that Alpha, I thought I might be able to do the same. I'd tempt him to a secluded area with the promise of sex and then stab him or cut his throat, whichever opportunity presented itself first. It would be easy, I hoped. I had to try at least, even if it killed me.
Without thinking, I reached my hand up and brushed my palm over the bark of the nearest tree. It felt like any other, but soft vibrations pulsed beneath my fingertips. I jerked my hand back, suddenly remembering Lex's warning.
Holding my breath, I waited for something horrible to happen.
Slowly, a vine worked its way down the length of the tree and swayed, hanging from a branch just in front of me. I eyed it cautiously, watching it twist and turn, dancing in the breeze. Its movements were so enchanting, I didn't notice another vine coil itself around my arm until it constricted, pinching my skin.
I yipped at the burning sensation as the vine moved over my exposed flesh, and tried not to panic or move as it slithered over my shoulder and around my chest. My wolf whimpered, and I slowly placed a hand over my frantic heart, feeling the vine slide across my body under my touch. I closed my eyes, taking several deep breaths, willing myself to stay calm.
"Who are you?" a sweet voice chirped.
I snapped my eyes open.
The most unusual creature hung from the tree in front of me. Its arm was twisted in the vines above, just swinging gently. It had the face of a child, with pale green skin that appeared to have the same texture as the tree bark, and its limbs looked like branches with little sprouts along its wrists and ankles.
"Are you a wolf?" it asked in a musical tone. Its long, dark hair swayed as it rocked in the tree, coiling around its arms like the vines that were snaking around my body,