Page 14 of The Blue Path
Tzidal hurried off my lap, and my body flashed with rage at the loss of her warmth. My wolf snarled, desperate for either my omega on my cock, or Lex's blood on my hands.
"We're not doing anything," she mumbled, bunching up the front of her shirt in her fists. It was unnecessary as not a single button had been undone, but she still held the fabric firmly in place. "We were just—"
"Fucking each other's mouths?" Lex gave her a pointed look, dropping a small bundle of sticks onto the mess of rocks.
The soft movement of leaves in the distance caught my attention, and I glanced at the siren. He gave me a knowing look.
We were being followed and had been since leaving the witch's house. I wasn't sure at first. Whoever it was, was very good at masking their scent, but the sounds were unmistakable. This wasn't wildlife.
"I found a stream so we can bathe," Byriel said, appearing just around a cluster of trees.
He was naked, and his hair was wet. His chest moved rapidly as he carried a sizable mountain cat over his shoulder. I envied him. My pent-up energy had no outlet with my omega now keeping her distance. I eyed her soft curves, wanting to snatch her up and carry her somewhere secluded to fuck her hard.
Feeling my eyes on her, Tzidal glanced at me, then my wound, smoothing her hand over my healed flesh. It was very bruised, a puffy scar already forming.
"Did you see whoever's on our trail?" I asked Byriel, trying to distract myself.
Tzidal's head snapped at my words, and she suddenly looked frightened and a bit overwhelmed. I tucked her into my side, letting my scent soothe her.
"No," he said, pulling on his pants. "Their scent is very slight. It's not an alpha, that much I know."
"How long have they been on us?"
"A few days, but I'm not entirely sure." Byriel shook his head. "They're quiet and careful. Whoever they are."
"We're being followed?" Tzidal asked with an angry lift to her voice as she eyed all three of us. "Did you all know? Why didn't anyone tell me?"
"We're the threat. Not them," Byriel said, sitting down and working to arrange the fire pit.
"You don't know that," she snapped, pulling away from me. I circled my hand around her slender arm and pulled her back to me. She didn't fight.
"If they wanted to hurt us," I said, wrapping her long hair around my fist, "they would have attacked while I was unconscious. They might be traveling in the same direction as us by coincidence, or they're hoping to steal supplies. Either way, it's not someone looking for a fight. They're being too careful."
"Or maybe they're tracking us to lead the King's guards to us." She narrowed her eyes.
"Or that, too," I sighed, not wanting to admit how likely it could be.
"I highly doubt it's the King's guards," Byriel said, pulling the flint from the satchel.
"How can you say that?" Tzidal jerked away from me, making my wolf snarl. She tried to hide her temper, but her clenched fists gave her away. "The King wants you dead, in case you forgot."
"No," he said in a harsh whisper. I didn't care for the look in his eyes directed at my omega, and I flashed my teeth. "I already told you. Hida didn't act on the King's orders. Those were either my sister's words or an outright lie. I'm sure of it."
"What does the prophecy mean?" I asked, not interested in hearing his delusions of how honorable his father was.
Lines settled between his brows. "I don't know."
His words almost knocked me over. "You don't know?" My voice rose. "How the fuck do you not know? Didn't the King explain it before sending you to kill your people?"
Byriel's chin jutted forward, squaring his shoulders. "My King gave me my orders, and, as a member of his guard, I did what I was told."
"That lunatic told you to kill innocents, and you just skipped off on your merry way without a single question?"
Tzidal shook her head, her anger softer than mine but just as clear. "How can you blindly follow a wolf that would ask something so horrible of you? Is the King's grip on you that unyielding?"
Byriel stood, curling his fists hard around the flint. His angry gaze moved over Tzidal's slight form, and I stood, ready to attack if necessary. With obvious force, Byriel turned his glare to me. "One day, an alpha is going to kill her for her lip. You aren't doing her any favors by letting her act like this."
Tzidal shivered at his threat but held firm, keeping her head up.