Page 19 of The Blue Path
I didn't trust her to obey, but I needed to let Lex know where we were. As a predator, he had a decent sense of smell, but it wasn't as good as an alpha. More than once, he had wandered off in a huff when he couldn't find us. It was better to find him before he got too worked up.
And I was also eager to know if he came across our shadow in his hunt.
Walking through our campsite, I kicked some dirt over the remnants of an old fire. Our flint rocks sat carefully next to it. That had to be Lex's doing. The siren was shit at remembering to pack up our supplies after using them.
Lex stepped out of the cave, his new appearance startling me. He wore the face of a young male omega with very dark blue-ish, black hair that hit his shoulders, and his skin was so white it had an almost blue hue.
The sun hit his face throwing off an odd sheen, and I shook my head at how ethereal he looked. I couldn't understand how a siren could trick anyone. They never quite looked right. Always just a little too perfect to be real.
The blue-haired Lex pulled the satchel's strap over his head, settling it flat against his chest. He looked up at me and then froze, his dark eyes locked on my face.
"How was your hunt?" I asked, picking up the flint.
Lex nodded, his body stiff and fists tightening around the strap just over his heart.
I held out the flint, waiting for him to take them. "We're probably another day or so from Aberdeen, but the land will level out between here and there, so hunting will be easier. More hooved creatures, less predatory ones."
I continued holding the flint, but the siren didn't move to take them. He didn't even look at my hand, his wide eyes still firmly on my face. It was as if he was in a trance.
"Lex?" I said a little louder than I intended.
I spun to the sound of the siren's voice. He stepped over the ridge behind me, hand in hand with Tzidal, her hair wet and body shaking slightly from the chill in the air.
I cut my eyes back to the blue-haired boy. He let out a frightened whimper.
Then he ran.
The Forest
* * *
Joon's voiceboomed through the forest before the unmistakable sound of a chase hit my ears. The wind shifted, and the softest scent hit my nose. It was impossible to place, but it wasn't anyone from our group. It had to be whoever had been trailing us these last few days.
I took off, running as fast as I could toward the sound of crunching leaves and snapping twigs. My wolf edged forward, prepared to shift if our shadow appeared to be an equal in a fight. Otherwise, my fists would be more than enough to pull their purpose from their lips.
Jumping over a wide-set break in the rough terrain, I landed softly, then darted toward the base of the hillside. Joon appeared in the distance chasing someone small and fast. The creature raced quickly, his movements seemingly graceful but too panicked to avoid the branches that kept smacking him every time he looked over his shoulder at the enraged alpha on his heels.
I angled my body and made a line straight for the young man. I was within arm's reach of him when he turned just in time for his frightened eyes to see me crash right into his middle, tackling him to the ground. He fell beneath me with a thump and let out a soft whimper.
My wolf panicked, the sound too familiar to be ignored.
I rolled him onto his back, and his face scrunched with pain. Leaning into his hair, I inhaled the air around him. He smelled soft and clean, not as strong as others of his status, but it was still very clear. He was an omega. But he had incredibly white skin and dark blue hair. Almost black.
What was he?
His lips trembled, and tears dripped out of the corners of his eyes as he held his ribs. I leaned away from him. My wolf was enraged that I would treat a delicate creature in such a needlessly violent way.
"Are you alright?" I whispered, ghosting my hands over his slender arms. My need to soothe him was overwhelming, but I had no idea what to do. I was never great at offering comfort.
He gave a quick nod, his big eyes fixed in the distance, too scared to look at me. I stared at him, unable to help myself. His nose was long and straight, and his lips bowed upward in a slight pout. But his eyes were what made it so damn hard to look away. They were blue and green and everything in between, the colors swirling ever so slowly together. They were the most hypnotizing eyes I had ever seen.
"I apologize," I said, trying like hell to figure out how to calm the fragile creature. Leaning down, I scented him properly, trying to find any injuries from my rough handling. My lungs flooded with his fresh scent, and my mouth watered.
A deep growl pushed from my chest, and I settled more of my weight on him, loving the feel of his warmth pinned beneath me. He whimpered, displaying the long column of his neck. He was so submissive and pliant to my dominance without me even having to say a word. My cock grew hard, and my wolf edged closer.