Page 25 of The Blue Path
"You let them leave?" Byriel asked Lex as I tried to regain control. My wolf was in full distress, my insides shredding with my mate's fear.
"There's nolettingTzidal do anything," Lex snapped. "She decided to take him home while you two were acting like fucking animals!"
"Where?" Byriel snapped.
Lex turned and pointed to a ridge in the distance. I focused all my energy on the trees in the distance. A flock of starlings burst from the trees just as a battle horn split the air.
The Hidden Village Border
* * *
"Who areyou scared you'll let in?" I whispered to Blue, narrowing my eyes at the cluster of trees. It held his attention, his breath slow and hands trembling.
The hair on my arms raised as leaves shook and branches snapped. A thunder of palace guards edged around the trees, and marched straight toward us.
I grabbed Blue's arm and jerked him hard onto the forest floor. The tall grass hid us from the mass of alphas, but we couldn't stay here. I only prayed they hadn't already seen us.
Blue shivered hard, his whole body flooding with terror. I needed to move downwind before the guards caught his sharp scent. Balling up my fists, I tried to calm my wolf, then moved. Grabbing Blue by his collar, I dragged him toward a fat spruce, careful to keep our heads beneath the grass.
I pressed Blue's body against the trunk, his frail form swaying a bit. Once I was sure he wouldn't fall over, I peeked around the tree.
The Alphas moved in formation as if tracking prey. Several were in their wolf-form, and a few betas near the back held bows at the ready, their arrows itching to let loose. The danger around us made my whole body flash hot with fear, and I closed my eyes, hoping Joon would sense me quickly.
"What are they doing here?" Blue asked, tears glistening in his wide eyes.
I shook my head. I didn't know this area well enough to know if it was common to see patrols.
Blue pressed his lips together, his chin shaking hard as he sniffled. I cupped his cheeks in my hands and gave him an urgent look. "No sound," I whispered so softly I was scared he didn't hear me.
He nodded, then bit his bottom lip hard, squeezing his eyes tight.
Moving slowly, I peeked around the tree. The guards stood awkwardly next to a dense cluster of yellow flowers. They strolled along the edge of the tall grass, scenting the air around them. A massive she-Alpha with a thick, red braid leaned down and plucked one of the flowers. The feathery-looking petals released from the bud and caught in the wind, drifting away.
The fierce alpha nodded at her men. "We're close."
"I need to warn them," Blue whispered, tears dripping down his cheeks.
"Who?" I asked, grabbing his arm as he jerked, trying to run. I squeezed his upper arms and shoved him back, keeping him in place.
"My p-pack," he whispered.
"Are we close?" I mouthed, so scared the alpha's would hear us.
Blue moved his lips just next to my ear, "The entrance is just there. I have to warn them." He leaned back, pure desperation and fear consuming his soft features.
"Wait." I moved my hands down his arms, hoping to soothe his fear. "Joon will—“
Blue bolted.
Without thinking, I raced after him. My short legs pumped hard, but he flew toward the alphas as if he had wings. He ran right past the guards, several yelling after the swift omega and a few giving chase. I managed to dodge the swipe of an alpha's clawed hand, then moved my legs as hard as possible. Blue stumbled a bit, and I managed to snag the smallest section of his shirt between my thumb and finger.
The air crackled with thin, broken lines of light. My cheeks itched, and my ears tickled as we moved through something invisible that pushed slightly at my skin. Then the familiar autumn forest around us melted away, replaced by a vibrant greenery only found in the Faelands. The whole area was filled with thick trees with twisting roots, lush down-fur grass, and fat flowers that swayed bright and heavy in the wind.
My eyes widened at the sight of several betas kneeling deep in the thick, green grass, all displaying looks of deep shock and fear. Blue slowed to a stop, then released a long breath of relief.
"You fucking fool!" An angry beta yelled at Blue as he unsheathed his sword.