Page 62 of The Blue Path
But I also couldn't go back to Ossory. Not with Blue.
"Sir," Kenji said, running his nails through his short, black hair. "His Majesty has taken up camp just past the vast ridge," he pointed east, "close to the Black River. He will be so happy to see you're alive. Everyone was ready to give up hope."
I hesitated.
I didn't want to see my father. Maybe ever again. But I couldn't think of a good reason not to go, and refusing would look too suspicious. I had been away from home for well over a year, maybe even two—it was so hard to know for sure—and anything short of returning home would be questionable. My father would send out scouts to drag me back to him. They might hurt Blue.
There was no option that wouldn't put a target on me, Blue, or Dane's camp, so I tightened my hold on my omega and cleared my throat.
"Lead the way."
The Walk To Ossory
* * *
"We need to head out,"Jonelle said, strapping a long, curved kukri blade to her hip. Her palace uniform was immaculate, pressed, clean, the definition of professional. She was clearly a high-ranking official within the guard.
Tzidal turned away from the spot where Lex had disappeared this morning, her eyes brimming with worry. "I feel like we should go looking for them," she said softly.
Jonelle flung her hands up in silent annoyance. The she-wolf had been trying to leave for Ossory all afternoon, but Tzidal was apprehensive, wanting to wait for Lex and Blue to return. But, at this point, it was pretty clear they both had decided to stay with Byriel.
While my mate was disappointed at Byriel leaving us, I was enraged. No amount of good deeds could right the wrongs he set against Tzidal and me, but I wasn't too proud to admit his help had been a blessing. We had so much left to do, things that would be easier with Byriel at our side, especially in this part of Havre. We still needed to find Yasha and gain access to the family quarters of the palace. We still needed to know for sure if the last wolf had been killed. But without Byriel, I wasn't sure if any of it was possible.
Tzidal looked anxiously into the forest, then back at Jonelle. I closed the space between us and whispered in my mate's ear. "If you want to look for them, just say the word." I placed a finger under her chin and tipped her head up to look into her eyes. "We don't have to go to Ossory right now. Just tell me what you want."
She let out a resolved sigh, then shook her head. "No," she said confidently, but her eyes still held a lot of unease. "They obviously went with Byriel." She pressed her lips together, our bond thrumming with her sorrow at our friends taking another path.
"We'll meet up with Lex and Blue in the city," she said. It wasn't a question, but the way she looked at me told me she needed assurances.
"I promise we'll find Lex and Blue in Ossory. It's safe to assume that's where Byriel was headed, and we'll easily find them. Don't worry, mate." I kissed her temple and then turned, giving Jonelle a quick nod. The she-wolf released a thankful huff and slung a black satchel across her body.
Tzidal knelt and cuffed her fitted black trousers so they fell above her ankles. The ally camp had some palace uniforms in stow, and Dane was kind enough to give us both new clothes. The uniforms would be easier to move through the city and gain entry to the palace.
Tzidal was dressed as a member of the prim-staff. The all-black uniform complimented her tempting figure well. The fitted robes were held together by a gold-embroidered sash, the flowing material falling softly at her knees. Small ribbons ran the length of her forearms, creating a snug fit before the looser material at her upper arms. She looked so laced and fancy.
"What?" Tzdial asked, catching me staring as we followed Jonelle and a beta, Arian, out of the camp.
"You look like a proper lady." I smiled. She gave me a bashful laugh and looked down, smiling at her feet. She was too fucking cute. "Anyone that sees you won't have a clue the little monster you actually are."
"Hey!" She smacked my arm, then took my hand. She moved her eyes up and down my body. "You know," she bit her bottom lip, letting it slowly slip from her teeth, "you don't look too bad, yourself."
I smiled, fighting the urge to run off into the trees with her. "I'm wearing the same palace uniform I had on before."
"Yes, but this one is clean. That changes everything." Her eyes fell to a small patch stitched over my right pec, and she poked it. "And it's not exactly the same. This is different."
I looked down at the patch. It held the King's initials in one corner and an ax and sword in the other bound together with a crown. I had never seen a patch like it before.
"What kind of uniform is this?" I asked Jonelle.
"It means you're a skilled worker for the King," she said, seemingly disinterested. Her eyes stayed firmly in front of her, marching like the warrior she was.
"What kind of skill?" Tzidal asked, running a finger of the bright red and gold thread.
"A skill not taught by the palace or by joining the guard," Arian answered, "but instead, it's something you mastered and now provide that service to the King for special favors and prestige."
The muscular beta secured the fastens along the shoulders of his leather breastplate, and he carried the same heavy knife as Jonelle. It was clear he was more than a simple guard.