Page 78 of The Blue Path
Leaning against a water barrel,I stared at the King's tent, waiting. Tzidal hadn't been in there long, but each second felt like an eternity.
Our bond was tense, but she was blocking me out. She was doing it because whatever was happening in there scared her, and she didn't want me to overreact, but it made my wolf a frantic mess.
Lex still laid unconscious behind me, his body crumpled and broken.
A massive alpha loomed over the siren. I growled low at the fucker as he approached. He kept his distance, just snarling at Lex's unconscious form. I understood his hatred of the creature, but I needed him to move the fuck on so I could grab Lex and move him somewhere safe.
Strayton marched across the camp. A few guards flanked each side of her. She stopped just in front of the King's tent. She hesitated for a moment, then pulled the flap open. Her guards quickly followed her inside the dark tent, securing the entrance behind them, not giving me a chance to see inside.
Groaning, I looked back at Lex, relieved to see the alpha gone. I took my chance. I rolled Lex's battered body, letting him rest on his back. His face was black with thick siren blood.
"Lex," I whispered, touching his shoulder.
He didn't move.
"Lex," I repeated, pressing my hand to his wet cheek. He was hot. Too hot. But his features were still intact.
"You're going to be okay," I whispered, moving my hand down his arm. It was something Tzidal did to soothe Blue. She even did it to me on occasion, and it was always comforting. I just hoped I was doing it right. "Everything is going to be okay. Just don't…die."
Checking around me, I moved to pick Lex up but froze as Strayton stepped out of the King's tent. The deep satisfaction on her face contained an excitement that couldn't be described. She looked reborn and ready to take on anything in her path.
She moved her pleased gaze all around the camp, her eyes finally falling to me. Her lids fell, hooded with lust and violence.
I carefully stood up and moved away from Lex. Strayton looked over his figure at my feet, and she recoiled slightly in disgust.
"Theo!" she called to me. "We need to return to Ossory."
I hesitated.
Leaving with Strayton was an opportunity I couldn't pass up—I could find out what she was up to, possibly find the King's weakness, maybe even end all this madness. But I needed to see my mate first.
I needed to see Tzidal's face.
The tent flap moved again, and one of the guards stepped out with Tzidal and Blue right behind him. They both looked pale and scared. Blue had a dark streak of blood smeared on his neck and one cheek. I fought the urge to run to them, pushing my claws into my palms to remain steady.
Strayton turned to the guard and spoke quietly.
Tzidal's eyes widened as our eyes locked, and her body jerked as if she wanted to run. But she held firm, gripping Blue's wrist. She opened our bond, letting me feel the dread pulsing through her. It took everything in me not to let my wolf take over, rush to her in a fit of rage, and destroy everything in my path.
But that was how things like this failed—an alpha's inability to control his beast.
"She's okay."
I turned to the unknown voice. A stocky alpha with short black hair stepped up next to me.
"Kenji," he held out a hand, "I'm a friend." He looked pointedly behind me, and I followed his gaze to Jonelle on the other side of the camp. She nodded at me, then walked off.
Turning back, I ignored his outstretched hand, continuing to stare at my mate.
"Trust us," he said, crossing his arms over his barreled chest. "She'll be okay."
"I know," I gritted out through clenched teeth. I didn't know this fucker, and his assurances weren't helping.
"Then why do you look like you might kill everyone here?"
I forced my eyes away from Tzidal to see Kenji's almost lazy expression. He was calm. Too fucking calm.
"Strayton wants me to escort her back to the palace," I said.