Page 83 of The Blue Path
Blue quietly stood up and removed the sash from his middle. He dipped it into the eerie water before returning to wipe at Lex’s chin and neck.
“I saw him near Myphic Village and decided to slip into his mind and see what he wanted in a sexual conquest. I was going to consume him, then move north.” Lex narrowed his eyes into the distance as if watching it all play out in front of him. “But he didn’t hold any violent lust in him. He wanted love. He wanted a love that had no face.”
He smiled wide as he spoke while Blue dabbed at the wounds in his hairline. “He wanted someone he hadn’t met yet. I had never met an Alpha that didn’t carry a carnal lust for at least one or two other creatures. So I followed him.” Lex gave me a mischievous scrunch of his nose, the love he felt in his memory flowing out of him. “Then I talked to him, and I fell in love. One day, I looked into his mind and saw that he wanted me too. But not the fantasy I projected for him. He wanted my mind and humor.”
Lex let out a slow breath, his eyes glistening with tears. “I was his fantasy and his passion. I was what he thought about when seeking pleasure.”
My chest tightened for the siren and everything he lost. I slipped my hand in his, listening as he continued to speak.
“My people discovered us near the beach, talking, laughing, and making love. We had accidentally wandered too close to Siren Territory.” He sucked in a painful breath. “They anchored our feet to steel and pitched both of us into the black reef.”
Blue gasped, letting his tears flow freely.
“I was helpless as I watched him struggle for air, his eyes never leaving my face. I held his hand as he died and cursed my body for not being able to die with him. I stayed at the bottom of the reef with his lifeless body for days. What little light that surrounded us only let me see his face. The rest was black. Lifeless, horrible, black water.”
Blue’s chin trembled as he slowly circled his arms around Lex’s neck, snuggling the siren. I did the same, kissing his temple and smoothing his hair. He wasn’t an omega, and our comfort probably wasn’t what his kind really needed, but it was all we had to give. And he took it graciously.
Silence settled as we sat in our shared grief. For lost mates, wounded packs, and missing loves. We just held each other.
“Blue?” Lex finally said, breaking the soft silence. “Byriel loves you.”
The omega smiled at his words, his cheeks going pink.
“I know,” he whispered, pride filling his face. “He is mine, and I’m his. He hasn’t had me yet, but he will. We’re going to save him.” His big eyes met mine, and I quickly nodded in agreement. “We’ll save all of them.”
“Tzidal,” Lex whispered, and I leaned back to better see the siren. “Joon can’t stand you.”
Blue let out a burst of laughter, and I immediately smacked Lex’s arm. “This is not the time to be funny,” I said, still smiling at my terrible friend.
Lex groaned in a slightly dramatic fashion, rubbing his arm. “If you can’t laugh at death’s door, then you have no business dying.”
“You’re such a baby.” I rolled my eyes, and Lex smirked.
Blue sat up straight, a new kind of energy pushing off him. “We’re going to save Byriel and find Joon.” He nodded as if he was stating a fact.
“I know,” I agreed. I was still too beat to offer much more than a weak smile, but Blue’s fierce energy had me thinking about the letter in my pocket, and I suddenly felt determined to make sure it was delivered exactly where it needed to be.
Lex continued to tease Blue, telling him about Byriel’s ridiculous feelings for the omega, but I tuned them out. Trying again to feel Joon through our bond, I closed my eyes and concentrated hard, but he was quiet. Deadly quiet.
“What?” Lex gasped, and I snapped my eyes open.
Blue nodded, his mouth pulled down slightly in the corners. “Yup. Byriel killed the King.”
Lex bolted up, letting out a strangled cough. Then he grabbed Blue by the shoulders. “Did he really?”
Blue nodded.
“The King hit Blue, and Byriel lost it,” I said, not interested in reliving the moment for the second time this morning. “We need to get to Ossory.” I stood up and dusted off my bottom.
A mischievous energy poured off Lex. “Of course we do. We just need to get through these woods by ourselves. Sneak into Ossory with two omegas, which will capture everyone’s attention. Find Joon. Find Byriel. And kill an evil Queen.” Lex shot me a look. “I saw into her mind for a moment before they had a go at me, and that female holds nothing good inside her.”
“Do we even know which way Ossory is?” Blue asked.
“You know,” Lex said, rubbing at his ribs, “you should go without me. I’m too weak to walk and too heavy for either one of you to carry.”
“I can carry you,” Blue said quickly. “I carried you to the river.”
“You just need to eat,” I said, sitting directly in front of the siren.