Page 25 of Trigger
“I know exactly who you are. I’ve done my research on you. The only one I haven’t been able to find is the man next to you. However, that doesn’t matter. My wife will be going nowhere with any of you. As for my daughter, she will be going nowhere near the man who abandoned her before she was born. Now leave!”
“It doesn’t matter who I am. You need to step away from my bride before things go badly.” This man looks familiar, but I just can’t place him. I know I’ve seen him around, but my brain is in protective mode, so I can’t think of anything other than protecting what’s mine.
“ETA five.” Alanis whispers behind me. I have a feeling she’s only being calm for the baby. That, or she’s used to situations like this. Either way, it makes my blood boil that she’s going through this stress just after losing one of our babies. I give a slight nod, so she knows that I heard her. No one says a thing until my brothers arrive with one of our good friends from the force.
“There a problem here?” Case asks. He’s the chief of police. We went to school together. He even prospected for the club. He’s still a member but took over for his father when he was killed in the line of duty. “Is there a reason you’re holding these fine people at gun point Eliot?” He asks me before turning to the group by the door. “Is there a reason you’re in this woman’s room shortly after she was in surgery?”
“This man is saying he’s married to my daughter. This man next to me is her husband-to-be. Not thiscriminal. He’s been holding my daughter and granddaughter hostage. Arrest him.” Mr. Barton says.
“Is that so. Well, I was at their wedding a couple months ago Mayor Barton. I assure you that Eliot isn’t holding anyone hostage.” Turning to the man next to the Mayor, he greets him. “Governor Hanson. Is there a reason you’re here claiming to be this woman’s husband? From what I know you’re already married. I sure am sorry to hear about your daughter. How is she doing by the way?” That’s why he looks familiar. He’s the Governor of Indiana. Fuck me. This has just gotten ten times worse.
“She’s in the hospital at the moment. Her mother is with her. We have decided to go our separate ways and got a divorce. I came here to get my bride. I’ve been looking for her for a long time, and I don’t plan on leaving here without her after finally finding her after so many years.” Governor Hanson says.
“Posey is my daughter. I came to get her. I’ve been trying to see her for the past fifteen years, but her mother always has one excuse after another.” I let out a laugh at Charles’ excuse. Case knows everything that we know. Probably more than we do since he recognized the Governor.
“I think it’s best if you all leave. I’d hate to have to arrest each of you. You were asked to leave multiple times. Time for you to go.” Case says. Trying to usher them out of the room.
“I’ll inform security that they’re not to be let near here.” Westyn says, leaving the room. I put my gun down and turn to my woman. Case will handle those four. I need to check on my wife. You can hear them hollering from the other end of the hallway. Things have just turned into a worst-case scenario. We’re going to have to play our cards right to come out on top.
The only thing that has made this bed even the slightest bit bearable is the fact that Eliot is in it with me. It’s been a couple days since my parents, Charles, Governor Hanson, who happens to be the man my parents want to force me to marry, were forced out of here. When I woke up to voices in my room, I wasn’t worried at first. I thought Eliot was just on his phone or talking to one of the doctors or nurses, but then I heard my father’s voice, causing my blood instantly to grow cold. They had a lot of nerve showing their faces here. I have a feeling that if we weren’t in the hospital, Eliot would have done something other than bring his friend in to handle the situation. He’s still mad about what they did to me when I was fifteen. He’s also still mad that they tried to take Posey.
I had a feeling that Charles was in cahoots with my family since he just tried to get in touch with me out of the blue. He had multiple chances to get to know Posey over the years. I always informed him of what was going on in Posey’s life. Well, I did up until we moved here, and she came to terms that he would never be in her life. He didn’t respond any other time, so why should I continue to try. I know I’m not the same as having a father, but I made it work. I was mom and dad for fifteen years. Then Eliot came into our lives, and everything changed for the better. I have a man that cares about me and that treats my daughter as his own. A single mother couldn’t ask for more.
“What has you thinking so hard babe?” I’m brought out of my thoughts when Eliot comes back into the room. He stepped out to check on the kids while Doc went to get my discharge papers. Hannah had to be back at the clinic today, so Doc took over for her. It’s nice to have two doctors that I know. I’ve also heard about how Doc saved Ali’s life a few times when she was pregnant with Macey and Jacey. So, it’s safe to say that I feel completely safe with him.
“Just thinking about how Charles was working with my parents. I knew it wasn’t a coincidence that he reached out to see Posey. He had fifteen years to do so, but never did. He was too caught up in his new life. He didn’t even believe that he was the father when I told him I was pregnant. Then my parents, don’t get me started on them. This is all just too darn much. I’m stressing about everything. I’m behind on work, my daughter is pregnant, I’m pregnant, and I haven’t even had time to properly mourn the loss of one my twins. My son is in love with his best friend, and said best friend is avoiding him at all costs. There’s a lot going on right now.” I rant.
“One thing at a time my love. First, we’re going to get you home. You can work from there. I want you resting as much as possible. You’re going to be sore for a while and if you do anything strenuous, it could cause more damage. Posey may be pregnant, but she’s smart girl with a massive support system behind her. We have Kai, Hannah’s brother, looking into your parents and that situation along with Snoopy. We can’t do anything about them right now.” He takes a breath before he continues.
“As for Morgan, I talked to Axyl. Apparently, Murdock told Ali that he’s feeling things that he doesn’t know how to make sense of. He won’t go into detail with his dad, but he did tell his mom that he wants to figure out what’s going on in his head. He’s confused. We just have to let it play out the way it’s supposed to. They’ll figure it all out on their own. They have a support system too. Morgan and I had a conversation when I went home to get clothes. He understands that Murdock needs time to figure out his head. I told Morgan that he needs to figure out his feelings as well. He’s only twelve. Now, I’m not saying he doesn’t know what he’s feeling. I just want him to be sure before they both ruin a good friendship. Charles has gone back to Pittsburg, so he won’t be a problem. We’ve got this babe. Just let me stress about this. Stress isn’t good for our little peanut. Now, get dressed so I can get you home.”
I don’t know what I would do without this man in my life. He grounds me. I get off the bed with his help and manage to get into the clothes he brought me from home. He brought me one of his shirts, which I’m thankful for because I don’t want anything tight one my stomach right now. I still have a while to go before it’s completely healed, but that’s not going to stop me from doing what I need to do. Once I’m dressed, he helps me in the wheelchair that the hospital requires that I sit in until I’m out of the building. I’ve been sitting on my butt for three days, and I’ll be sitting on it for the foreseeable future. At this rate, but butt is going to go flat.
Once we’re out of the hospital and into the November weather, Eliot gets me into the truck as fast as possible. He starts the truck and turns on the heat full blast before he runs the wheelchair back into the building. He didn’t want to leave me to pull the truck around in case I needed something. He hasn’t wanted to leave my side since all this happened, but I managed to talk him in to going to the house to check on the kids. Morgan had been staying with Axyl and Ali, while Posey stayed with Blake and Gavin. Do I like that she was staying with her boyfriend? No, but there’s not much else that can happen. She’s already pregnant.
“You ready sweetheart?” Eliot asks, getting into the driver’s seat. I nod and lace my fingers with his.
“More than ready. I miss our bed.” I tell him. He puts the truck in gear and back out of the parking space. The way home was done in comfortable silence. I was looking out the window watching as the snow started to fall. I love the snow. It’s so beautiful when it first falls. I don’t like driving in it, but I love looking at it. It doesn’t take us long to get home. Only about fifteen minutes or so. Once we’re in the driveway, Eliot shuts the truck off and helps me out. He wanted to carry me, but I wanted to walk.
When we make it inside, my eyes widen at all the people in our home. Tears spring to my eyes and I don’t try to hide them. I could blame it on the hormones, but it’s not them. It’s everyone here showing support. The family I’ve always wanted is standing right in front of me. “What is all this?” My voice is shaky when I ask the question.
“We know you’ve been through a lot and wanted to make sure you were okay with our own eyes. I know we’ve all visited you while you were in the hospital, but we wanted to make sure that you got settled. We also got you real food. Hospital food is the worst.” Hannah says. Ever since I’ve arrived, Hannah and Aliana have become my girls. I never really had any friends growing up, so I couldn’t be more thankful for them at this very moment.
“You guys don’t know what this means to me. This is amazing. Thank you.” Eliot brings me into his embrace, and I cry into his shirt. This is more than I ever thought I’d have. Morgan and Posey rush up to us and wrap their arms around Eliot and me. My family. “I missed you guys so much.” We stay in our embrace for a few more moments before we break apart and visit with our guests. Eliot makes sure that I’m comfortable on the couch before Hannah and Doc descend on me to check me over. I kept telling them I was fine, but the kept telling me that they were the doctors and would decide that for themselves. There was no point in fighting with them on it, so I just let them have at it.
Once they give their approval on my health, we all start eating and having a good time. Even with everything going on, we can still come together as a family. “So, Gavin. We haven’t had a proper chat since I found out that you got my daughter pregnant.” Eliot starts and I send him a glare.
“Now is not the time Eliot. What has happened has happened. We talked about this.” I chastise him like a child, but he ignores me. All the men stop talking and put their full attention on the boy in the hotseat.
“Y-yes sir.” Gavin stutters out. I’m sure he’s not used to the attention that he’s getting now. Gavin has always been a quiet kid and likes to stay to himself. He’s the total opposite of Posey. I guess what they say about opposites attracting is right. Eliot and I are polar opposites, but we work well together. Knowing this is a lost cause, an unavoidable situation, I keep quiet and eat my food. I wish I could save him from this, but it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to. Doesn’t mean I’m happy about it though.
“Now, I know we’ve talked a little about what’s going to happen, but I want you to know that I should kick your ass. If you were any other boy, I would. However, you’re family. I just want to know what they fuck you were thinking not wrapping it up. I know we’ve all drilled it in your head to wrap it if you’re not looking to marry her.” Eliot starts.
“That’s thing Trigger. I do plan to marry her. Before the baby, I was still planning to make her mine. I wanted her to graduate both high school and college before we had a baby. I wanted to marry her the day she turned eighteen. Am I happy about this baby? Yes, I am. I’m ecstatic. It’s a part of both Posey and me. Anything that is a part of her, I will love no matter what. She’s it for me. I remember the stories that mom and the other ol’ ladies would tell about knowing when you find the one. I’ve found my one and I don’t plan to let her slip between my fingers. I was planning to do this on her birthday, but I guess now is as good as time as any.” I look at him shocked when he drops to one knee in front of Posey and pulls a ring box out of his pocket.
“What are you doing?” Posey asks, shocked.