Page 30 of Trigger
“I need to go home and make dinner for Morgan.” I say as I shake Gavin. “Come on sweetheart. Let’s get you over to the house and fed. It’s getting late. You need rest.”
“Baby girl. Let someone else take care of dinner. Morgan’s over at Axyl and Ali’s place.” Eliot starts. I shake my head in denial.
“No. I need to be busy. If I’m not busy I’ll think and overthink. I can’t do that. I need to keep busy. If cooking and taking care of my family is going to keep me busy, you can bet your fucking ass that’s what I’ll be doing.” I snarl.
“Okay little minx. Whatever you want. Just don’t curse anymore. It sounds weird coming from your mouth.” He says as I let out a snort. This is true. I never curse. Not on purpose, but I’m stressed. I need to calm down. This isn’t good for the baby. I wait for Gavin to get off of me before I have Eliot help me up.
“Cane, we have an extra room if you’d like to stay at our house.” I tell him.
“I’ll think about it. Go get some rest.” He says. Gavin and I make our way out of the clubhouse and over to Ali’s to get Morgan. Once we all make it to the house, I’m freezing and starving. Eliot told Morgan what was going on, at least that his sister was missing, so that takes that stress away from me. I don’t know if I could tell him without breaking down again. I’m barely holding on as it is. I make my way to the kitchen and pull out the chicken breast I had marinating in the fridge when we get back home. I’m making shredded chicken tacos.
By the time I get everything ready for dinner, Eliot and Cane are walking through the door. There’s another man with them that I haven’t had the pleasure to meet yet. I also didn’t realize how much time had gone by since I started cooking. I was lost in my thoughts about Posey. This house is so empty without her in it. I just hope she’s okay wherever she is, and I hope that the guys can find her soon. “Anything?” I ask Eliot when he makes is way towards me.
“Nothing yet babe. Snoopy is doing everything he can to find her. He’s even called in the Mason’s family hacker. She’s one of the best with Snoopy being the best there is.” He tells me.
“Well, if he’s the best then shouldn’t he have found her already? If he’s as good as you say he is, she should be home right now! Not out there without me!” I exclaim. Anger. That’s better than breaking completely apart. “My daughter is out there pregnant, alone, and scared! If he’s the fucking best then why did he have to call in reinforcements? If he can’t find my daughter, then I will.”
“Mom?” Morgan’s voice breaks through my anger and I break.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry. It’s just a lot. Come here baby. I know you miss her too.” Morgan rushes into my arms and hugs me tight. I think I need this more than he does. To be loved by one of my children while the other is somewhere out there. “Let’s eat.”
“We’ll get her Alanis. I can promise you that. As soon as we get a lead, I’ll be going after her myself. I’m going to get our daughter back. If there’s something that you can trust, you can trust my word. You know that.” Eliot says. I know he’s right, but this is my baby we’re talking about. I can’t not do anything. I just can’t sit here and twiddle my thumbs while she’s out there being exposed to God only knows what. What if they do things to her. What if they abuse her, or worse…rapeher? What if they cause her to lose the baby? “Stop it babe. We’ll get her.”
“I know. It’s just hard. Let’s sit down and have a nice meal. We all need to keep our strength up if we’re going to do anything.” I say. I turn my face towards the man standing next to Case. “I’m terribly sorry about my outburst.”
“Don’t worry darlin’. It’s understandable during a time like this.” The man says.
“This here is Motor. He’s my brother-in-law. He’s also my Enforcer.” Case says as we all sit down at the table.
“Well, it’s very nice to meet you Motor. I hope chicken tacos are good for everyone.” They all nod and I look around to see that Gavin hasn’t joined us. “Excuse me.” I get up from the table and make my way through the house toward Posey’s room. I hear his cries before I get to her room. Opening the door, I see him hugging her pillow tight along with the stuffed dog they got for the baby. “Oh, honey. It’s going to be okay. They’ll come back safe and sound.”
“I miss her so much mama.” When he and Posey got engaged, he started calling me mama and I absolutely love it. It warms my heart every time. “What if something happens to the baby? What if something happens to her and the baby? I tried to save her. I wasn’t fast enough. If I would have just gone into the building…I should have been able to save her.”
“Nothing’s going to happen to her son. She’s going to come home safe and sound. Both her and the baby are going to come back. Now, get your ass up and at that table.” I give Eliot a hard look. “Don’t look at me that way. Crying over it isn’t going to help anything.” He turns towards Gavin who is sitting up in the bed now. “You can either get up and help find her, or you can sit in this room and wallow.” With that, he turns around and leaves the room. It was harsh of him to say, but he has a point. I can’t sit here and wallow in self-pity, even though his words weren’t directed at me. I need to be strong for my daughter.
“Come on honey. Let’s get some food and relax the best we can with the situation we were dealt. We’ll reconvene tomorrow morning.” We make our way towards the dining room. While we’re in the middle of eating, my phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and my blood runs cold.
Unknown Number:If you want her back alive, you’ll come to this address. Alone.
I quickly turn the screen of my phone off and look at the men around the table. “Who was that?” Eliot asks. I can’t tell him. They said to come alone. I’ll have to find a way to get away from the men staying in my house.
“Facebook notification.” I say before going back to my food. He doesn’t look like he believes me, but it’s the best that he’s going to get right now. I need to plan. I need to get to this address in hopes of saving my daughter. Eliot lets it go, but I can tell he won’t for long.
Dinner goes by in a blur and before I know it, Morgan and Gavin are going to bed. I show Motor and Case a room and head towards Eliot and my room. I’ll make my way out of the house when he’s asleep. It’s a crappy plan, but it’s the only one I’ve got at this moment. I just hope it works.
I knew there was something going on when Alanis lost all color to her face at dinner. I knew it wasn’t a Facebook notification. It was something that was bad enough to spook her. She was quiet the rest of dinner. I know she’s going through a lot right now. Hell, I am too. Posey is my daughter too. She’s carrying my grandchild too. Fuck. I’m going to be a grandpa at thirty. Never thought that would happen, but I’m getting off track here. Something spooked her. She showed Blaster and Motor to their rooms for the night and made sure that Gavin and Morgan were settled in for the night.
Gavin was in a state of hysteria when I walked into Posey’s room earlier. I had to do what I could to get him out of it. I had to play the asshole card. I needed him to get his mind focused on something other than his child and woman out there somewhere. I know the thoughts going through his head. I’ve been having the same thoughts. When I had to tell Morgan what happened, he lost it. Murdock was the one that helped calm him down. With all the weirdness going on with them, he was the first one to step up and sooth his friend.
When we got back to the house tonight, I could tell she was about to lose it. I could tell she was about to break. I was right. She turned her grief into anger. She got it out. I wouldn’t say she got it all out, but she got some of it out. When Morgan came to her, I could tell something snapped. She needed his presence instead of mine. She needed the love of her child. I hate that she has to go through this. She just lost a baby, now she’s having to deal with being unsure if her daughter will come back to us alive. I can promise her that I’ll bring them home safe until I’m blue in the face, but it’s not guaranteed. That’s all it is, a promise.
When we get into bed, I pull her closer to me and place my hand on her belly. The baby starts kicking up a storm. It’s one feeling that can ease all the tension in my body. Knowing that my baby is healthy and happy, makes something settle deep inside me. I thank God every day that he brought her into my life. I don’t know where I would be if she didn’t accept that job offer. I’d probably be the same asshole that I normally am. “You want to tell me what that message was or are we going to continue on that it was a notification?”
“I didn’t get a message Eli. It was a notification. I’d tell you if something were going on.” She’s lying. I know she is. When she lies, she picks at her nails. I’m not going to call her on it, but I do plan to find out what it is.
“If you say so. Get some sleep. You need it.” I pull her body closer into my arms. This is where she belongs. I can feel her body relax, but she’s fighting her fatigue. I relax my body and let my breath even out. She’ll think I’m asleep. If I’m right, then she’s going to sneak out to go somewhere and then, when I catch her, I’m going to turn her ass fucking red.