Page 9 of Trigger
“It wouldn’t have anything to do with my bitch of a wife taking your enforcers son and running off, would it?” He says, shocking the shit out of me.
“That would be it. She’s come to us asking for protection. Said you’re a danger to her and her son.” Before Westyn could continue, Venom broke out in a laugh.
“The only one you need to protect that boy from is his bitch of a mother. I told her that I didn’t care that he wasn’t mine. I’d raise him as my own. She told me she didn’t know who the father was, but as he got older, I figured it out. It wasn’t hard to do. He’s your enforcers twin. However, she would hardly let him leave that damn room. She would never let anyone near that damn thing and kept it locked up tighter than Fort Knox. I even told her to take him to your club, but she said it wasn’t safe.” Venom says.
“She told us that her parents married her off to you as a debt owed.” I chime in.
“Hell no. She came here on her own. We were together for years before then. She always planned to escape her family and come here.” Venom says. “You bring that bitch to me, or I’ll have some men come get her. Her ass is mine. She tried to fucking kill me before she took off. Bitch decided to hit me in the temple with my own fucking gun. She’s been going behind my back, fucking my men, and getting them to turn on me. I’ve managed to find some of the traitors, but it’s a slow process. I’ve got three kids to look after. She’s a terrible fucking mother. She’s the one that got us started in selling skin. I’ve put a stop to a lot of shit that she’s started. I guess good pussy can make you do just about anything.”
“She’s all yours brother.” Westyn says. “See you when you get here. I’ll have someone meet you at the gate with her. We’re keeping the boy though. He’s finally where he belongs.” Damn right he’s staying here. He’s right where he should have been all his life. With me and his family.
“Be there in about an hour.” The line went dead before anyone could respond.
“So, everything she fucking spewed out of her mouth was a lie. Twelve years ago, and now. Are you fucking kidding me right now!” I roar. I jump up out of my seat, sending it flying into the wall, before making my way into the main room of the clubhouse. “Megan!”
“Trigger! Stop! Don’t do anything you’ll regret later!” I ignore Doc shouting at me. I ignore everyone shouting at me trying to get my attention. My dad and Kyle are holding me back from charging at the woman that is currently the center of my anger.
“Let me the fuck go!” I roar. “She’s a fucking lying bitch!”
“What the fuck are you talking about Trigger? I haven’t lied about anything.” Her voice is like sandpaper on my ears. It’s like nails on a chalkboard.
“Don’t fucking lie to me. I know everything. I know you tried, and failed, to kill Venom. I knoweverything.” I snarl. I can feel myself losing control of my anger. I can feel myself going into the place that I was in when I first got out of the Marines. If that happens, we’re all in trouble.
“You need to calm down son. She’ll be dealt with. You can’t go back to that headspace. Come on, calm down.” I can hear my dad speaking to me, but the blood is rushing in my ears. I can’t concentrate on it. I know I need to calm down, but I can’t find myself to do it.
“Maybe I can help.” I hear an angelic voice coming from somewhere, but the need to see this woman pay for her actions is still roaring through my veins. We’re in a stare of and I’m going to win. Her end is coming and there’s nothing she can do about it. You don’t try to kill a MC President and not pay the consequences. She’s a lying and conniving cunt that deserves every damn thing that she gets. She’s never going to see my son again. I’ll make damned sure of that.
The next thing I know, there are hands on my face. Soft hands. The scent of citrus fills my senses. Slowly bringing the fire roaring through my body down to nothing. My eyes clear and I see the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. Red hair, green eyes, pale freckled skin. She’s around five-foot-five to my six-foot-three. Looking into her eyes I can feel myself being put in a trance. It’s just the two of us, everyone else in the room has disappeared. “That’s it, deep breaths. Come back to me. You’re almost there.” That voice brings me the rest of the way back to earth. I bring my eyes down to her lips. Her soft, pink lips.
Without thinking, I bring my lips to hers. They’re as soft as I thought they were. She freezes for a moment, but as soon as my tongue brushes her lower lip, she melts into my body. I vaguely hear the room erupt in hoots and hollers. When my tongue meets hers, fireworks play in my head. Sparks flow through my body. What the fuck am I doing? I don’t know this woman, but damn if her lips don’t feel fucking amazing. I bring my head back and stare into her eyes. “Hey.”
“Hello. Feel better?” She questions, a light blush appearing on her pale cheeks.
“Much better, thank you. What’s your name?”
“Alanis Barton. I’m the new accountant.” Fuck. Me. I do believe I have just found my one, but can I give myself to another woman? I guess we’ll soon find out.
The clubhouse was about twenty minutes or so away from the school. I decided to stop at the local diner and grab a coffee to go. As I was waiting for my coffee, a woman came up to me. “I haven’t seen you around these parts before. Are you new here?” I look at the woman speaking. She’s older, even though she doesn’t look like it. She’s wearing a Broken Angels, MC leather vest.
“I just moved here with my daughter. I just finished dropping her off at school before I head over to the Broken Angels clubhouse. I’m the new accountant.” I inform her.
“Welcome to the area. I’m Elise Carter. I own this diner and my son is the current President of the club. You ever need anything, you just let me know and if any of those boys give you trouble, find their mothers. The mom squad will take care of them. What can I get for you dear?” Elise asks.
“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind. I’ll have a coffee with two sugars and one creamer. I’m running behind, but it took a bit longer to enroll Posey in school than I thought it would. I also couldn’t get a word in when Kelsey came into the office to show her around. Posey is supposed to ride with her to the clubhouse after school.” I ramble.
“I’ll be the one to pick the kids up today. We’re having family night tonight since the boys have a run to go on in the morning. You and your daughter should join us.” She says, handing me my coffee. She must sense that I’m going to refuse because we’re not family, just an employee and her daughter. “Before you say that you’re not family, you are. The moment you took that job, you became family to the club. You will be treated as one of our own. You should probably get going though. You don’t want to be any later than you already are. I’ll call and let my husband know you’re on the way.”
“Thank you so much Miss Elise. I’ll think about it and talk to Posey. If she’s okay with it then we’ll be there. I appreciate you taking us in without knowing us from Adam.” I take my coffee and walk out to the beater. Getting in my car, I turn the key and she starts right up. I pull out of the parking lot and make the drive to the clubhouse. I pull up to the gate and wait for someone to let me in.
“Can I help you?” I jump in my seat with a little scream before whipping my head towards the car window. “Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I thought you saw me walking up.”
“No, it’s okay. I’m Alanis Barton. I’m the new accountant and was told to come here this morning.” I tell the young man at my window. He can’t be any older than eighteen. I look at the vest that he’s wearing and see it says ‘Prospect’ on it.
“I’ll open the gate. Go ahead and drive on up. Park on the right side of the building. Then go up to the front door and walk on in. There should be someone in the main room that can help you from there. It’s nice to meet you Mrs. Barton.” The prospect tells me. Before I can reply, he’s entering the booth that has the controls in it. I do as he says and drive up to the building. It’s a huge brick building. On the left side there are a lot of bikes, and on the right side are cars, trucks, or any vehicle that isn’t a bike.
I shut off the car after I park and can hear yelling coming from inside the building. Maybe I should just wait outside and see if it stops. I’ve always been told I have a way of calming people down. I don’t know where I get it from since both of my parents are assholes, but I do have the ‘gift’ I guess you could call it. Taking in a deep breath, I step out of the beater and walk towards the front door. I manage to walk in quietly and take in the scene in front of me. There is a man being held back by two other men. The man being held back has black as night hair and his eyes look almost black, but I’m just assuming that’s from his anger. He’s snarling at a woman standing a few feet away from him. I’m not sure what has happened here, but I’ll help calm him down if I can. “Maybe I can help.” The words made their way passed my lips before I could stop them. Everyone in the room turns and looks at me.