Page 1 of Reaper
There’s a time in every man’s life that you just get tired. Tired of the same routine every day. Tired of the way life is going. I didn’t know what I wanted until I saw her. I felt stuck in my life and until she showed up to see Aliana. I didn’t know what it was that I truly wanted. There is one thing that I knew I wanted since I was a boy. I’ve always wanted to part of the Broken Angels, MC. The Club is the one thing that I know will always be a part of my life and I wouldn’t change it for anything.
I realized that I wanted to settle down. I wanted a wife, kids, a dog. I want all of it. I just didn’t know with who until that blonde-haired, blue-eyed woman walked into this clubhouse. That was almost two years ago, but who’s counting? She moved here and opened a clinic with Ali.
We’ve hooked up quite a bit over the time she’s been here, and it’s been the best damn sex of my life, each and every damn time. She’s ruined me for other women and I just hope that I’ve ruined her for other men. We’ve played this back-and-forth game and it was fun at first, I loved the chase, but now, I’m not sure if it’s worth it. It’s hot and cold with her, and I don’t think I could walk away or even stay away if I tried. Maybe that’s why I’ve been taking more runs since she’s been here. So, I have a reason to stay away.
Hannah is always on my mind day in and day out. The way she feels in my arms, the way her lips taste on mine. The way her pussy sucks my cock like a vacuum. She was made for me. I just don’t know how to get her to see it. I’ve been lusting after this woman for almost two years. What’s another few months?
“Uncle Jackson!” I’m brought out of my thoughts by little voices calling my name. I look behind me to see Macey and Jacey, my goddaughters, standing there with their little hands clasped in their brothers’ hands, looking just like their mother. Macey has a hold on Murdock’s hand and Jacey has a hold on Danny’s. These boys are protective over their mother and sisters. Ali went through a lot of shit when she was pregnant with them and they made it through, healthy as can be.
“I don’t believe I know anyone by that name.” I tease, getting up from the barstool and going towards them. They turn one today, so we’re all gathering at the clubhouse for their party. It’s hard to believe that it’s been a year since these little beauties were born. When Alex showed up to take the girls, Aliana went into early labor and ended up hemorrhaging. She was fighting for her life while the girls were fighting for theirs. We got lucky when they all came out of it in the clear.
“Yes, you do! Mommy said she needs help!” Danny informs me before they all run off to the playroom in the clubhouse. We had a room made just for the kids for when it’s wintertime. It’s the middle of November so it’s a little too cold for them to be playing outside. I shake myself out of my thoughts and walk outside to help Aliana bring things in. Ali is six months pregnant and looking as beautiful as ever.
“I’m surprised your old man let you out of the house with you being pregnant and all. We all know how he likes to keep you sitting on your ass the whole time.”
“You fucking try telling Aliana something and see how far you get with that. Just make sure the guns are locked up.” Axyl says from behind me. We all know not to boss Ali around. She can be trigger happy. Non-pregnant Ali is scary, but pregnant Ali is terrifying. We all know this, but Axyl loves seeing her pregnant, so he’s made it his mission to get her pregnant as often as possible. Granted, this is the first time he’s personally gotten her pregnant.
“That’s right you fucking asshole now tell the guys to get their asses out here and unload this shit before I bring out the gun. It’s fucking cold.” I shake my head and start grabbing bags from the back of her car. I see the guys practically running outside, tripping over their own feet, to get shit from her car. Yeah, like I said, pregnant Ali is terrifying.
“For fucks sake woman! Would you sit the fuck down!” I turn my attention towards Axyl yelling at Aliana. We’ve brought everything in for the twins’ party and now we’re setting it all up. Apparently they wanted aDoc McStuffinsthemed party. I don’t know how many episodes of that show I’ve watched, but I’d do anything for those kids. All of them. I look to see Aliana standing on a chair hanging up streamers.
“Shut the fuck up and help me.” I turn back towards the table I’m putting the tablecloths on while Axyl grumbles about Ali being a stubborn ass woman. She’s been a dictator today, that’s for sure, but she wouldn’t be Aliana if she wasn’t.
“Hey! Sorry I’m late!” I hear her voice and my body instantly basks in the effect it has on me. “I got stuck at the clinic and then I needed to go home and change.” I turn towards the door to see the woman, my woman, rushing towards Aliana. She doesn’t spare me a second glance. I don’t know if I should be offended or not. I mean, she could have just been focused on Ali. I stare at the way her hips sway with each rushed step she takes. My cock instantly hardening, making my pants extremely tight. The jeans she has on form to her ass perfectly. Her blond hair is in a messy ponytail and the shirt wearing hugs her curves and the swell of her breast perfectly. Goddamn. She’s fucking perfect.
“Close your mouth, you’ll catch flies and you’re drooling.” I look over to see Westyn standing next to me. I snap my mouth shut and send him a glare.
“Shut the fuck up.” He shakes his head and laughs. “Just you fucking wait until you find a girl and all she wants is a good fuck out of you.”
“You’re pussy-whipped. Better claim her before she gets away. You look at her the exact same way that Axyl would always look at my sister. Hell, he still looks at her that way. Don’t pull an Axyl and wait years to make a move. No one in this club can handle that shit again.” With that, he walks over to his sister and tries to get her to sit down. I don’t think it’s going to work. Especially since Axyl hasn’t had any luck with it.
Hannah looks around the room, taking in the decorations before her eyes lock with mine. Fuck, I’m putty in her hands when she looks at me with those damn blue eyes. I would do anything for this woman, and she doesn’t even realize it. I watch as Ali leans over to tell her something before she starts making her way towards me. “Hey Reaper.”
“Jackson. I’ve told you to call me Jackson, Hannah.”I watch as a shiver rolls through her body before she can hide it. She’s fighting the pull between us and I don’t know why.
“Can we talk? In private?” I nod and lead her to my room here at the clubhouse. She follows me and I open the door to allow her in first before I follow her, shutting the door and locking it.
“What did you want to talk about?” She turns towards me and takes a deep breath. She sits on the bed and looks like she’s having a mental debate with herself. “Look, whatever it is, you can tell me. I know that you only want this to be fucking between us, but you know how I feel about you. I’ll listen to whatever you need to tell me.” I sit down on the bed next to her and wait for her to start talking.
“I like you, Jackson. At first, I was just looking for someone to occasionally fuck, but each time I’m with you, it gets harder to fight this pull I feel towards you. There are things about me that you don’t know, and I don’t know how you’ll react to what I tell you.”
“Hannah, I’m not here to judge you. You should know that. You should have known that since the first time we were together almost two years ago.” She huffs and she starts to tell me the things about her that I never, in a million years, would have imagined.
When I moved here, almost two years ago, I never expected to have my eye on a biker, or any man really. I just got out of a relationship and wanted a fresh start. I met Aliana in college, and we were inseparable. I was there for her when she and Alex got together. I didn’t know the full extent of it, but I knew it wasn’t good when she disappeared, but there wasn’t anything I could really do. I went as far as talking to my father, but he wouldn’t do anything on a hunch. He’s the type of man that wants proof and if he doesn’t have that proof, he won’t put his men in danger.
My dad is Travis Mason. He’s the leader of the Mason Family Mafia. He has the largest, and most feared, mafia in the United States. Just because he wouldn’t do anything on a hunch doesn’t mean he didn’t look. We have one of the best hackers in the world and even she couldn’t find her. They hid her well enough to not be found.
When I decided to move here and open the clinic with Ali, I wasn’t looking for anything serious. I was freshly heartbroken and wanted to just fuck around. Then, I had to lay my eyes on him. It was like he could see directly in my soul. His piercing green eyes, his blonde hair that flops down into his eyes, and his tall frame. We’ve had sex a lot over the last year and some odd months and I’ve been fighting my feelings for him. I don’t want to take the risk of getting my heart hurt again. I don’t think I’d be able to take it, especially from him. Just ask the last guy how that ended for him. My dad wasn’t happy, and I don’t want anything to happen to Jackson.
Over the last few months, I’ve been trying to steer clear of the clubhouse and Reaper because I can feel the pull to him getting stronger and stronger each time we’re together. It’s been almost two years and I still don’t understand how I’ve managed to not give in. My mind keeps going to how my last relationship ended and, even though I know that he won’t do that to me, I still find myself following my head instead of my heart. I’ve become good at self-sabotage over the years, and I really have no one to blame but myself.
Today is the twins’ birthday and I’m running late. I’m stuck at the clinic with one of my frequent fliers. I know there’s something going on with her home life, but there isn’t much I can do if she won’t talk. I’ve even promised her that I would keep it between the two of us and get her help, but she won’t budge. This time she’s here for a broken arm and a few broken ribs. She’s hiding the bruises with a shit ton of makeup, and it would go unnoticed, if you didn’t know what you were looking for. Ali used to try and hide hers all the time, but I was raised in violence, so I know what it looks like when someone covers bruises, but that’s a story for another time.
I finish up putting her arm in a cast and I ask her, once again, to let me help her. “Please let me help you. You and I both know that I know what’s going on here and I can’t say or do anything until you want that help. I’m bound by patient-client confidentiality, but I know some people that can help you. Do you still have my number?” She nods and doesn’t say anything more. Her husband walks into the room looking concerned. Like the bastard isn’t the one doing this to her.
“Oh honey! Are you okay? I got a call while at work from the maids saying that you fell down the stairs.” I can see through his façade. He’s not really worried about her. His face may say one thing, but his eyes say a completely different thing. He’s warning her to keep her mouth shut or face the consequences. “Thank you, Dr. Mason. Is there anything else that needs done? I’d like to take my wife home so she can rest.” I shake my head, give them the paperwork, and they leave. I hang my head in frustration for a moment. I hate not being able to do anything but treat her injuries. I hate that I feel helpless in this situation.
The last time I felt this helpless was when I found out my oldest sister was being beaten. I walked into her room asking if I could borrow something of hers and stopped in my tracks when I saw all the bruises. She had them all over her torso and one on her cheek. I told her I was going to tell dad and she begged me not to. She pleaded with me, and I knew I couldn’t betray her, but I wanted to do something to help her. I needed to do something. I couldn’t just sit there and do nothing, but I was only fourteen at the time so I couldn’t do much at all. I should have gone to my dad when I found out. Maybe she’d still be here if I did. She was good at hiding it and I knew she’d deny it all together if I told. So I kept my mouth shut and helped take care of her when she was beaten to the point of not being able to move. That’s when I decided I wanted to be a doctor.