Page 14 of Reaper
“Well, how about we table this for now. We can’t do much until we get back from our trip. I’d cancel, but I don’t want the wrath of the moms, or worse, Aliana. She’s been looking forward to this trip since we decided where to go and I’m not going to tell her we need to postpone. She may be my sister, but damn it if she’s not scary as hell.” Westyn says. We all share a laugh and Westyn bangs the gavel ending church. We talk a few more minutes before we get up and walk towards the main room. We’re halfway there when we hear yelling.
“I told you to shut the fuck up and stay out of my damn face!” That was Hannah. She doesn’t sound happy. I’ve never heard her use that tone before. Something must have happened while we were all in church. “I’m not going to put up with some club bunny getting in my business with my ol’ man because of some stupid jealousy. You’re here for one reason and one reason only.”
“You’re just jealous that Reaper isn’t a one-woman kind of man. He has me warming his bed when you’re not around. Besides, does he even know who you really are?” Of course, it had to be Kara, the club slut that won’t take no for an answer.
“What the fuck is going on in here?!” Westyn bellows. I round the corner and see Hannah holding Kara at gunpoint. I’ll give her props, she doesn’t seem to be concerned with facing the barrel of a gun.
“This mafia trash is just jealous. She just came after me because I was talking to the other girls about me and Reaper. How he told me he loved me and that he was only with Hannah to get in the good graces of her father.” I hear Hannah cock the gun, ready to shoot. Everyone in the room is dead silent. Well, except for Aliana.
“Let her have it! We all know she’s talking out of her ass. Just don’t aim for the boob! You might get sprayed with the solution they use in those implants.” I see Hannah’s lips twitch and Kara’s face turns red as she narrows her eyes on Ali.
“These are real, thank you very much.” She states before turning her attention back to Hannah. “You know, I’m not even sure why he’s with you. It’s not like you’re anything more than mafia trash. I bet you just tell people your parents are part of the mafia so you can get the recognition. It’s not like they would keep you, I mean, your own boyfriend had to find it somewhere else.’” She was about to continue with her rant but noticed all of us standing there. She looks at everyone but stops on Travis. She visibly pales and gulps and Travis smiles. “Your last name is Mason? As in the Mason Family Mafia?”
“That would be me. You should have kept you mouth shut when you had the chance. There’s one thing you should know about me.” She moves her gun closer to Kara and places her finger on the trigger before she continues. “My daddy may run the mafia, but I am the Mafia.” With that said, she pulls the trigger and Kara’s body drops. “Someone take out this piece of trash.”
“Well princess, you sure don’t do anything half-assed.” Travis chuckles.
“Obviously.” Westyn snorts. “Let’s eat and enjoy the rest of the night.” With that, he steps over Kara’s body and out the door where the fire is. Now I’m going to enjoy time with my family and the ones that just became an official part of it.
“Damn brother, your ol’ lady is badass. I’m pretty sure she’s a better shot than me and I’ve been in the military for years.” Abe says in awe.
The barbeque was a blast, but the party after the kids went to bed was better. None of the club girls came near any of the taken men after my little show with Kara. I don’t put up with any shit and that bitch was just asking for it. I could have just beat the shit out of her, but like my dad said, I don’t do anything half-assed. I make sure my point is one hundred percent received. I don’t fuck around when someone threatens what’s mine or my family. “So, you are the Mafia, huh?” We’re all sitting around the fire, listening to music, and I’m brought out of my thoughts by my brother’s question. The fire is keeping the nights chill away, along with the alcohol.
“Damn right.” I state matter of fact. Everyone around us chuckles.
“Well, I wouldn’t fuck with you.” Trigger says with grunts of agreements around us. “You’ve got yourself a good one there Reaper.”
“You don’t have to tell me something I already know.” Reaper replies, pulling me closer to his chest. I was worried about my family fitting in with the club, but it seems that they’re more comfortable at a club party than they are at one of their own. None the less, I’m happy that my family gets along with my new family. All the parents are off on their own, while us kids are in our own little clique. “I knew she was badass when I first laid my eyes on her.” I lean over and kiss his cheek.
“So, are you excited about taking over for dad?” I question Kai.
“I mean, it was supposed to go to Demy, but now that she’s gone, it’s up to me. I’m not sure how I feel honestly. It’s a lot of responsibility. I mean, dad is the best there is out there. Demy was just like him. I guess I’m just worried about not filling his shoes the way she would.” Demy was the oldest but was murdered by her husband. He was an abusive asshole, but I took care of him.
“I felt the same way when I took over for my dad. Well, not with the whole losing a sister, which you have my sympathy about, but taking on the responsibility, not knowing if you’re ready for it or not. I was shitting my pants when my dad held the vote to give me his position, even though I’ve been training for it most of my life.” Westyn chimes in.
“Demy would have made a good leader, but she had you chosen as her second for a reason. You’re going to be a great leader, Kai. I know you will. You have Franchesca at your side and you have your family. You chose a great second.” I say.
“Just surround yourself with people you trust with your life. If your second is as good as mine, you’ll have all the help you need. With Axyl being my VP, he’s not scared to call me out on my shit. We go through all the options together and before I make the final decision, I get my members’ opinions. Make no mistake, I do what’s best for my family, and all these men, women, and children standing around here are my family. I’ll make the best decision that will keep them safe. I take all the opinions into consideration, Axyl and I talk it all over, and then I make the final decision. You’re going to fuck up sometimes, but no one expects you to be perfect.” Westyn says. I can tell talking to him has brought some peace to Kai. Talking to my dad is completely different than talking to another leader, that’s not your father.
“If I didn’t think you were up to being the head of this family, I wouldn’t have made you head of this family son.” We were all lost in our own little world, we didn’t see our parents show up behind us. “Demy was going to make a great leader, but you’re going to make an even better one. She was planning on giving you the title as soon as you turned of age.” That came as a surprise to all of us. Demy was happy to be taking over as the head of the family, but that all changed when she methim. “She believed in you and so do I.”
“Westyn is right and so is your father. I may have raised my son to take my place one day, but I wouldn’t have given him that power if I wasn’t one hundred and ten percent sure he was ready for the position. Now, I’ve just met your family, but I can see the leader inside you. You’ll do great.” Rob, which is what I started calling Ali’s dad when I found out that Jackson’s dad has the same name. So damn confusing!
“Sorry sir. I didn’t mean for you to hear my doubts.” Kai says, looking down. Our father has raised us to believe in ourselves. That doesn’t mean we don’t have any doubts, but it’s not something we advertise in front of him.
“You think I didn’t have the same doubts when I was taking over for your grandfather?” My dad asks incredulously. We always thought he was confident in his position. We never thought he had a doubt about becoming the Don. “Hell, I was terrified. My father was a ruthless son of a bitch, and I didn’t agree with all he had done, but I wanted to fill his shoes, show his men that I knew what I was doing. I don’t know how many times I talked to your mother about my doubts, and she was there to calm them. I changed a lot when I took over this family. I learned that I may need the respect of my father’s men, but they’re just that,hismen. I don’t expect you to fill my shoes. I expect you to make this family your own and do more than I could ever do. You’ll be a better leader than I am. When you have an heir, male or female, they’ll be a better leader than you. I’ll always be there to help guide you.”
“Shit, I remember when we were in church voting on letting the new generation take over the club. I knew Westyn wasn’t feeling all that confident, but he didn’t show it to his men. All the members of this club are his men, but he has his own men, his own inner circle. Find yours and you’ll be just fine. We took three hours just shooting the shit because we knew it was time for us to step down and let the new generation take over, but we wanted to make them sweat, and boy were they sweating when we came out.” Christopher, Doc’s dad, said. All the men laugh, and their sons looks pale.
“Oh, I remember that day like it was yesterday. We came out of that room and just walked right past them, went to our table with our beers, and just talked amongst ourselves. Waiting to see who would be brave enough to come ask what the verdict was.” Cameron, Trigger’s dad, continues.
“Took them a good hour to decide, but when they did, I didn’t expect who came over to be the one to come over.” We’re all hanging onto every word these men say. Well, all but their sons, they look miserable just remembering this. “We thought Westyn would come over. Hell, we even thought Jackson would come over, but we were wrong.” All the men are laughing so hard, tears are streaming down their cheeks while Jackson’s father continues the story.
“They sent over Aliana. None of these boys came over to ask their fate. They sent over the princess, knowing we wouldn’t fuck with her. They took so long coming over because they were waiting for her to get to the clubhouse. She came in raging mad. She was in the middle of getting ready for her Senior prom when all the boys messaged her, not stopping until she agreed to come do their bidding. Boy did she fuck with them worse than we did. She came over to the table, looking right at her father, asked what the decision was, we told her. She got a smile on her face, not the ‘happy for them’ smile, oh no, this smile was the ‘you shouldn’t have messed with me’ smile. We knew then that anything she did to them was going to be worse than what we had done. She walked right over to them, smile still in place, they all looked hopeful.” Brock, Snoopy’s dad, continues when the other men to stop and have a good laugh. I look around and all the men are glaring at Aliana, but she’s leaning back on Axyl’s chest, drinking her drink, without a care in the world. Since she can’t drink yet, she’s decided to have virgin drinks so she can feel like she’s drinking with the rest of us.
“She walks over to them and says, and I quote, ‘Maybe next time gentlemen.’ Then she walks out of the clubhouse. Their faces fall and, I kid you not, we were laughing so hard, three of the men were on the floor rolling with laughter. We finally put them out of their misery when we calmed down enough. Let’s just say, they haven’t asked Ali to do anything like that again.” Calvin finishes.
“Don’t fuck with me and I won’t fuck with you.” Ali says nonchalantly.