Page 27 of Reaper
“I have some men already in Moscow. I informed them of what was going on. They will be there to help look after you.” My brother starts.
“I’m sending some of my men with you as well. Not that I don’t trust your brothers’ men, but Blake has known some of them for quite a while.” Westyn states. I can understand that.
“No complaints from me. I trust these men with my life, but it’s hard telling who Blake has made deals with. The more people to protect our women, the better.” Kai says. I love how they get along.
“You will be leaving in the next ten minutes. Say your goodbyes. I don’t know how long you will be gone.” My dad says. Jackson and I haven’t been away from each other in so long. Not since I avoided him for a few months to clear my head and the first week we got together, but ever since then, we have spent every night together.
“I wish you would come with us.” I tell him.
“I know princess, but I’m needed here. You’ll have some of the brothers with you and your brothers’ men. You’ll have all the women with you as well. We’ll be back together soon. I promise.” He kisses my lips gently and holds me until cars start pulling up to the back. “We’re not taking any chances of him seeing you leave. Only a select few know of the back way out of here. He’ll see you going through the front gate.” Jackson informs me. I nod and kiss his lips. He puts Wendy in her seat, kisses her forehead and tells her he’ll see her later. He kisses me one last time before helping me into the vehicle. I’m in the car with Aliana and the kids. The rest of the women are split up between different vehicles. We’re going to drive as far as we can before we fly to Russia. I look back at the clubhouse as we take off until the love of my life leaves my line of sight. I just hope we can see him soon. I’ll miss him dearly.
It’s been two months since I watched my pregnant wife and daughter leave the clubhouse. Two months of dead ends. Two fucking months of trying to find this fucker. Axyl missed Murdock’s eleventh birthday and today is Danny’s fifth birthday. It’s now February and we didn’t even get to spend our first New Years as a married couple together. Luckily, Wendy doesn’t turn five until the end of May, but at this point, I’m not sure if they’ll be home by then. Axyl is slowly losing his cool since Aliana is now nine months pregnant and due any day now. He’s going to miss the birth of Brantley and he’s not happy about it. None of us are, but there’s not much we can do.
We’re all on edge and it’s starting to show. Evan hasn’t been able to be at any of Lyndsay’s recent doctor appointments. She’s now five months pregnant and I haven’t been able to be at any of Hannah’s. Being there over facetime isn’t the same as in person. Luckily, she’s still a month off from finding out the sex of our child. This is hard on all of us, but I think it’s harder on the women. This is the longest Hannah and I have been apart since we got together and I fucking hate it. I want my wife back home. I want my daughter back home. I want my family back in the same place as I am. We’re, once again, playing the waiting game. “He wants us all on edge. He’s trying to destroy us from the inside.” Kai says, breaking me from my thoughts. “He knew we would send them away.”
“Well, it’s fucking working. My wife is going to give birth any fucking day now and I’m not going to be there.” Axyl snarls, getting up from his seat to pace.
“Calm down brother. He’s waiting for us to lead him to her.” Westyn says.
“He would use any of these women and children against Hannah knowing she would never let anything happen to them. He’s ten steps ahead. He’s smarter than we gave him credit for.” Travis interjects.
“I missed my sons’ birthdays. I’m going to miss my other son’s birthday, and my daughters are fucking walking now! I’m missing so much of their lives and I fucking hate it. We need to find out where he’s hiding and find out now.” Axyl snarls.
“We’re all missing important things in their lives Axyl. You think I like having my fucking pregnant fiancé in another damn country? She’s five months fucking pregnant. We had to cancel our wedding because of this bastard. Kai had to do the same fucking thing!” Evan snaps, getting up to stand toe to toe with Axyl. “You need to calm the fuck down. We’re all missing shit in our women’s lives! It’s not all about you.” Before I know what’s happening, Axyl rears his fist back and socks Evan in the jaw. Evan gives as good as he gets. We go to break it up, but Travis stops us.
“Don’t. They both need to get this out of their systems. They’re a lot more alike than anyone thinks. If they don’t fight it out, it’ll just keep growing until it explodes and not in a good way.” We stand there and watch as Evan and Axyl beat the shit out of each other. It’s not much longer until they’re both laying on the floor panting and bloody. “You two done? Did you get it out of your systems? Can we get back to work here?”
“We’re good.” Axyl says, getting up and helping Evan up from the floor. “Thanks man. I needed that.”
“Ditto.” Evan replies. We all take our seats and get back to strategizing. Snoopy is looking into finding Blakes location, but he’s using some fancy shit that makes it bounce from multiple locations. We plan for what we’re going to do when we get his location. We can’t just go in guns blazing until we know how many men he has. Five hours later, we’re calling it a day and going to the diner to grab a bite to eat. We’re all fried and none of us wants to cook. I don’t think any of us have been sleeping well throughout the night, which I hope in the end doesn’t cost us.
We make it to the diner and take our usual spot. We don’t even have to order because everyone that works here knows what our usual orders are. “Something has to give and soon. I don’t know how much longer I can handle this. I need my family home.” I say to no one in particular. “I can’t fucking sleep and I’m missing so much of this pregnancy. I couldn’t even feel when the baby started to move.”
“I know son, but this is a necessary evil. We’re dealing with a deranged sociopath. This is bigger than we’ve ever dealt with before. He’s got ties to the mafia.” My dad says. I know he’s right, but damn it, I want my wife.
“Excuse me.” I turn towards the voice that’s right beside me. “A man asked me to give this to you.” She hands me and envelope with my name on it. I’d recognize that writing anywhere.
To the man who stole my love,
You can hide her all you want, but I will find her and when I do, I’ll make sure you watch as I cut the child she’s carrying out of her and then slit her throat before I slit my daughters throat in front of you. Then, and only then, will I slit yours.
See you soon
“Where was the man that gave you this?” I question, handing the note to the others.
“He was sitting over there in the far corner.” She states.
“Thanks sweetheart. You can go now.” Westyn says. She scurries off and Westyn turns to look at the letter. “He was right here under our fucking noses, and we missed him. We need to get our heads in the game. We all miss our families, but this poor me bullshit ends now. The faster we find this piece of shit, the faster our women can come home. Let’s eat, go back to the clubhouse to get some sleep, and reconvene in the morning. Take some fucking sleeping pills if you need to. Just get some damn sleep.”
We eat our food in complete silence and head back to the clubhouse. I make it back to my bedroom and call Hannah on her burner. She picks up after a few rings. “Hey handsome.”
“Hey pretty girl. I miss you.” I tell her.
“I miss you too my love.”
“How are my girls and peanut doing?” I question.
“Wendy isn’t handling being away from you too well. She’s starting to adjust, but it’s still constant screaming for her daddy. You haven’t been able to tuck her in or read her a story. She misses you. I miss you too. I miss the way you feel inside me. I’m a needy mess over here and my hand isn’t cutting it. As for peanut, he’s been on a roll today.”