Page 9 of Reaper
I’m getting ready to close for the day when someone walks in. “Sorry we’re closed for the evening.” I sat as I turn around only to see my sister standing there. “Sierra.”
“Hannah.” She says coldly.
“What can I help you with? I’m getting ready to close.” I snark.
“I heard you were going to see daddy tonight.”
“What’s your point?”
“I want you to tell him to put Blake back as Kai’s second. It’s your fault, after all, that he’s been demoted. If he was still second, we wouldn’t be struggling like we are. Daddy won’t help us out after what you did.”
“That’s not going to happen. He wouldn’t have lost his position in the family if it weren’t for you spreading your legs for him. God Sierra, I thought you respected yourself more than becoming some whore. That’s right, I know everything you did as a teenager. What I don’t understand is why you did it. You didn’t need the money. Dad made sure we were all well taken care of. Did Blake pay you?” I snarl. “From what I heard, and witnessed, you loved getting paid for sex. Especially where there was more than one person. You loved having all your holes filled. It didn’t matter if it was a man or a woman. Oh, wait. I do know why you did it. Gosh I forgot about your cocaine addiction.” I mock slap my palm to my forehead.
“I have no idea what you’re talking about. We fell in love and he chose the better sister.” She’s trying to get under my skin, but what she doesn’t realize is I don’t give two shits about Blake anymore. I just snort and go about packing my things. I’ve just about got the files for the day put back in the filing cabinet when I hear the familiar click of a gun being cocked. “I would do as I say, sister. You see, I could easily kill you.”
“I’d be careful who you point that gun at little sister. You forget who taught you everything you know.” I say while continuing with my filing. “I’m not scared of you, and I’m not scared of getting shot. You’re a terrible shot. Always have been. No matter how many times I tried to teach you, you always missed the bullseye.” I turn around and see she’s struggling to reign in her temper. I smile inwardly because the angrier she gets, the worse of a shot she is. She actually is a good shot, but she’s not the best in the family.
“Shut up and just do as I say. I asked nicely and I won’t do it again. Fix this mess you created.” I pull my own gun out from the holster under the desk. I keep it there when I’m working. My twenty-year-old little sister is throwing a tantrum like a petulant child. Some things never change it seems.
“Oh Sierra. You really shouldn’t talk to your older sister like that. You know how my temper can get. Especially when I shut it all off. I really don’t want to have to explain to Daddy why his daughter is dead when I go see him tonight. Our family has already lost one daughter and sister, do we really need to lose another? What about your daughter? Should she grow up without a mother? Well, she wouldn’t because I’d make sure of that.”
“I’d advise you put the gun down before her ol’ man comes. You don’t want to see him when he releases the Reaper. I know for a fact he doesn’t want the in-laws to hate him, but that won’t stop him from taking the shot to protect what’s his.” A deep voice says from behind me. I notice Ali is coming up behind my sister with a gun in her hands, so that means Axyl is behind me. Sierra doesn’t know what to do when there’s other people involved. She thought she had the upper hand when she showed up here alone.
“Drop it.” Ali hisses when she makes her way towards Sierra, her gun pressed against the base of her skull. We all know how Ali is with a gun.
“This isn’t over. You better fix this before it gets worse. I won’t be alone next time.” Sierra hisses before rushing through the front door.
“I had it under control.” I say, lowering my gun.
“I know, but I also know who you become when threatened. You give Reaper a run for his money.” Ali snickers. She’s right about that. “Besides, I left some papers here that I need to get finished before next week. I saw the scene in here when we stopped. Axyl came through the back, and I snuck in from the door to the side. She really thinks she didn’t do anything wrong?”
“Apparently. This is going to get worse before it gets better. That’s for damn sure. Wouldn’t surprise me if she was high as a fucking kite.”
“What’s going to get worse before it gets better?” Jackson asks, walking through the front door.
“Your ol’ lady had a visitor a few minutes ago.” Axyl states. I send a glare to him, and he just smiles widely.
“My sister decided to pay me a visit. She wants me to talk to dad about making Blake Kai’s second again. She doesn’t like being a low level. She shouldn’t have spread her legs for someone that would get demoted if she didn’t want that to happen. She’s always only cared about status.”
“This is why I brought it up in church today. I knew things were going to be more than we can handle by ourselves. Westyn wants to set up a meeting with your dad and his higher ups. We’ll get this handled. You don’t need to go back to that place in your head. Let me handle the darkness my love. Your soul is too bright to let anymore darkness in. You have me for that now.”
“Alright, that’s our que to leave. Ali baby go get your papers that you need. Let us know how this meeting goes. Bye Hannah.”
“Bye guys. Thanks for coming in when you did. I really didn’t want to kill my sister.”
“It wouldn’t have gone that far Hannah. See y’all later.” Ali and Axyl walk out, and Reaper helps me lock up before we head towards his bike. “Meet you at the house to drop the bike off?” I ask as he climbs on it.
“Yeah. It’s too cold for you to ride tonight. I love you Hannah Banana.” I scrunch up my face and he lets out a laugh. “Yeah, I’m not too fond of it either. I’ll come up with something. Get your sexy ass in that car and head on home.” I do as he says. He starts the bike and waits for me to leave the parking lot before following close behind the SUV. The office is only five minutes from my house, so it doesn’t take long to get there. By the time I slide over into the passenger seat, Jackson is climbing into the driver’s seat. He has a bag in his hands that he places in the back seat. I’m curious as to what’s in it, but I’m sure I’ll find out soon.
Why would Sierra think that I would ever help them out? Especially after what they did to me. Yes, she is my sister, and yes, I do love her dearly, but what she and Blake did to me, is unforgivable. I’ll never forgive them. At least, I got Jackson out of it. I’m pretty sure I almost lost him though from being so stubborn. I can’t blame him though. Who waits for a woman for years? I’m glad he waited and didn’t move on. I don’t know what I would have done. “Penny for your thoughts beautiful?” Jackson’s voice sounds through the silence of the car, breaking me from my thoughts.
“I was just thinking how glad I am you didn’t give up on waiting for me. I love you, Jackson Johnson.” I tell him honestly. I’ve been holding that in for a year now and it feels good to let it out.
“I love you too princess. Have since I first laid eyes on you in the clubhouse. I would have waited many more years to have you as my own. I’m just glad I didn’t have to.”
“Me too my love, me too.” We spend the rest of the ride in comfortable silence. My mind goes to my first ride with him. It was a little over a year ago and I was a nervous wreck. I swear I just about squeezed him in half, but twenty minutes into the ride, I lifted my head from the middle of his back and looked around. My arms loosened and I couldn’t stop the smile that formed from ear-to-ear on my face. It was amazing. I had no worries, no reason to fight things I wasn’t ready to face, and it helped that the hottest man I had ever seen was in front of me. I could hear his chuckles from the Bluetooth in the helmet and it went straight to my lady bits. The sex that night was amazing. I had to show my appreciation somehow.
Pulling up to my parents’ house with Jackson isn’t as nerve wracking as I figured it would be. I mean, I would love for them to approve of him, but it’s not going to change anything if they don’t. He brings the SUV to the front of the house and cuts the engine. I hold his hand for a few extra seconds before sliding out. He copies my movements after taking the bag from the back seat. “You ready babe?”