Page 6 of Dirty, Flirty Dancing
He shrugged. “Everyone does.”
“Oh, my God,” Tawney whispered. “Alex, deflate your ego a bit, yeah?”
I looked back at her, a grin still pulling at my lips. Her kid was something fucking else, I tell you. “You almost done shopping?”
“Yes, thankfully,” she said, sounding like she meant it. I bit back a laugh. I imagine shopping with Alex had to be a bit of hell.
I smiled at her and leaned on the handle of my cart. “Want to grab some ice cream afterward and take him to the park?”
“Yes!” Alex answered for her, making me laugh again. I officially loved this kid.
Tawney bit into her lower lip, sucking it into her mouth. I bit back a groan. God, it was quite possibly the hottest thing I’d ever seen in my life. I wanted to pull that lip from between her teeth and suck it into my own mouth until it was so swollen and plump that anyone looking at her would know I’d just got done kissing her.
“Are you sure? Once he gets ice cream, that’s it. He’s on a sugar high, and he has to burn it off.”
I shrugged. “Told you I liked kids. I can help him burn all that energy off.”
She shrugged. “Your funeral.” I snorted. “Which park?”
“You in any rush to get back to Sizzle Beach soon?” I asked her.
“No. I have a cooler I keep in my car during the summer for all of my cold items,” she explained.
Relief hit my square in the chest. I really wanted to spend time with her. “How about the one at Forsyth? I’ve got a football in the back. He’ll fall asleep on your way home.”
She laughed like she didn’t believe me. “Sure, Slater. We’ll meet you there.”
I grinned and quickly hurried on with my shopping, eager to spend time with her, and honestly, I wanted to spend time with Alex, too. I hadn’t expected him to be such a breath of fresh air.
* * *
Alex was bouncingon the balls of his feet when I walked up near the park. He was scowling, and Tawney looked a bit exasperated.
“Everything okay?” I asked.
Tawney arched a brow at me and crossed her arms under her chest, pushing her ample cleavage further up. I quickly raised my eyes from her chest, and a slight smirk tilted my lips at the sight of her pretty blush. I’d never get enough of that, I swear.
“Someone promised him ice cream, and I didn’t remember until we were already here, so he’s grumpy.”
I grinned and tossed my thumb over my shoulder. “Good thing I passed an ice cream stand on my way over here,” I said. I looked down at Alex. “You want to go get ice cream, kid?”
He eagerly nodded his head, his scowl disappearing—just like that. Without hesitation, he grabbed my hand in his, and I led him over to the ice cream stand I’d passed. Tawney walked on the other side of him, her eyes scanning the area.
“I never thought to bring him out here,” she said as we walked up to the stand. “It’s nice.”
I glanced out thoughtfully over the large expanse of grass. On one side of the walkway, people were lounging on blankets with laptops, books, or just napping. On the other side—the side the playground was on—people were throwing footballs, playing tag, and other fun sports.
“My parents used to bring me here all the time when I was growing up,” I informed her. She glanced back over at me before turning back to watch where we were going. “I learned to throw my first football here, tackled my dad for the first time here.”
She laughed. “You played football?”
I nodded. “From minor league all the way through college,” I told her.
“Why did you choose to be an accountant and a lifeguard?” The way she asked, it was like she couldn’t make the math add up in her head, and I didn’t blame her. It was a bit strange.
I shrugged. “I like numbers.” She pursed her lips like she didn’t believe me. I laughed and looked down at Alex as we got up to the ice cream stand. “Pick what you want, bud.” I looked back at her. “I do. I really do like numbers. They make sense, and I like things that make sense.” I fished my wallet out of my pocket when the cashier told me the total, playfully swatting Tawney’s hands away from her crossbody purse when she moved to get her own money. “I decided to be a lifeguard on the weekends because the ocean is my first love.” I handed the money over and told her to keep the change.
Alex happily began eating his ice cream as we walked back toward the playground. “Your first love is the ocean, huh?” she teased.