Page 3 of Hold Me Tight
That same birthday when Kylie also turned eighteen.
Of course I declined the offer, telling them I had other plans. They were disappointed but left me alone eventually.
Kylie told me she was going on a date on her birthday. I knew that she started dating someone a couple of months ago when she accidentally spilled about it. She didn't want to tell me; I just found out.
And when she told me she was going to celebrate her birthday with this guy, who’s also prepared a surprise for her, I knew where it was all heading. She was gonna lose her virginity.
With someone else.
I was thinking about getting revenge on her and having a threesome. But I also knew that I was too upset to make my dick rise up for girls I did not want.
So I spent my birthday alone, thinking about Kylie, who was losing her virginity with her new boyfriend.
I hated her. I hated Kylie with all of my heart that day. I still do.
And even more, I hated myself for not being able to stop loving her.
I’ve missed her so much that I’ve been counting the days until she gets back home.
Kylie has been my friend since the first day I attended The Elite Academy. She's the only girl who liked me even before I started swimming and had muscles. She's the only girl who liked me when I wore braces and was shorter than most of the girls my age. We were always best friends.
But the time came when I realized that I wanted to be more than just friends with her.
It happened right after we both turned fifteen. As it happened before, I sneaked to her window to sleep in her bed because she was scared to stay alone when her mom worked late.
I remember that day perfectly. I realized I couldn’t sleep in her bed any longer. She pressed her curvy hips to mine, and my dick got so hard I had to lie on my stomach for the rest of the night.
That's when I realized that I was attracted to my best friend. I mean, I always knew that I loved her, but I never realized that I was in love with her. And that's a big difference.
That's when I started dating other girls. At first, I tried to make Kylie jealous, and then I tried to fall in love with someone else when I realized that she didn't care.
I really tried.
Nothing worked out.
I still love her. Even more now.
Kylie never gave me a chance to kiss her. I tried a couple of times at the parties when I was drunk enough to be brave but not drunk enough to forget it. She always pushed me away even before I could press my lips to hers.
After my third attempt to kiss her, I stopped trying. I realized that our friendship was much more important than my feelings for her. I was afraid that I could lose her if she got scared of my feelings because she didn't feel the same way.
And then she went to Africa. I was crushed, but at the same time, I was relieved. I thought maybe this would help me to stop loving her.
It didn't help.
Even after almost a year without her, I still miss her. My favorite part of the day is the time before training when I can call her and hear her voice, for at least a couple of minutes. That's how my day starts.
We also speak a lot more on weekends. Sometimes Kylie goes to bed at three in the morning because of me. Those are my favorite moments in life.
I don't know if she does that because she also misses me or if it’s just because she's lonely there—all she does is study online and help her mother—but I am glad for our everyday talks, even when they are short.
No way I would go to the party and spend the night with some cheerleaders while my girl is back in town.
"Where are you rushing off to?" Zac asks when I look at my watch for the third time since we started walking.
"Kylie is coming back home," I reply quickly and instantly regret it. Now Zac's gonna make jokes about us.
"Wow, really?" he laughs. "Our ice queen is coming back home? I hope this time she'll finally let you take her cherry."