Page 5 of Hold Me Tight
This girl is incredibly hot, hotter than any girl I've ever seen. She's like a Greek goddess, fallen from the sky—for people to see but not approach.
A forbidden desire.
And then I see Kylie's mom...
...and realize that she's also a lot tanner than she was before their trip.
That can't be real. No way...
My heart starts beating faster when I realize the truth.
And when the girl turns to face me, it’s confirmed: this fit blonde with big breasts and curvy hips is Kylie.
My Kylie.My best friend who left a year ago, the one I've waited for so long to tell her that I missed her.
The blood is pounding in my veins, and my heart is beating so loudly that I can hear it in my ears.
Mine. She's mine. Fuck her boyfriend. No way I'll ever let her go again.
Chapter Four
I walk out of the car and look at the house we used to live in. It's bigger than I remember, probably because we lived in a small private suite in Africa's natural reserve.
I close my eyes and take a deep breath, inhaling the California air, which I missed so much.
It takes a couple of seconds before I open my eyes again and freeze in place. Tyler Parish is standing in front of me, on the porch of our house, holding a bouquet of light pink peonies in his hands.
He's even taller now, probably two heads taller than me or more. His body was perfect when I saw him last year, but now he looks more like a sports model on the cover of a magazine than an eighteen-year-old boy.
That's because he's not a boy anymore, I remind myself.He's a man now.
A very attractive man with high cheekbones, a diamond jaw, and big, piercing brown eyes.
I hold my breath, both from excitement and fear.
He's here.
Because of me.
He takes a couple of steps closer, probably realizing that he scared me and is trying to act slowly.
His light brown hair is cut on the sides, but falls over his forehead slightly, and I fight the urge to touch it.
"Hi," he finally says, ruining this awkwardness between us.
"Hi," I say with a trembling voice, still not able to move. "How did you get here so fast?"
"I was hiding behind the bushes, waiting for you," he says with a slight smile.
I smile back, and that's when he smiles wider, showing his perfectly white teeth.
He's gorgeous, so much more than I remembered.
"These are for you," he says and takes a couple of steps closer until he reaches me, his chest almost touching mine.
I take the flowers from his hands, and when our fingers touch, I feel a slight electric shock spreading out from our fingers and up my arm.