Page 17 of Make Me Believe
"Baby, it's me, please open the door," I say, trying to speak as calmly as possible, although I've never been more terrified in my life.
When I couldn't reach her and saw that she’d left school, I was afraid that something had happened to her and that's why she was keeping silent.
I never let her use Uber. You never know who your driver might be. I always drive her back home, even if I'm busy.
"Go away!" she shouts in response, and I freeze.
Is she mad at me? But why?
"What happened, baby? Who upset you?" I keep asking, trying to open the door again, although I know it's locked.
Shit. I left the key in her room yesterday.
And that means if she doesn't open it, I'll need to break in.
"Go away, Zac! I don't want to see you! I don't want to see you ever again!" she screams, and I can hear that her voice is shaking as if she's on the verge of crying.
"Sky, please open the door," I beg, leaning my whole body on it. "Whatever happened, we can deal with it together."
"There's no we, Zac! And there never was! Go back to Ashley!" she yells again, angrier this time.
Sky's voice is shaking when she speaks, and my heart squeezes from pain when I realize how upset she is.
What is she talking about? What does it have to do with Ashley?
"I don't know what she told you, but..."
"She told me she gave you a blowjob this morning, Zac!" she interrupts, not letting me finish. "And she was very specific about the men's shower in your team's locker room!"
"What?!" I yell in response, slapping the door. "I haven't even seen her today! I had an exam, remember?"
A million thoughts rush through my head at the same time.
Ashley texted me this morning, asking to meet her, but I'm not interested and asked her not to text me again.
Why the hell did she lie? Is she jealous or something? But the last time we slept together was more than a year ago.
And I can't believe Sky believed this girl so easily. I don't know what I'm angrier about more: that Ashley lied or that Sky believes her over me?
"That's not true, Sky. Please open the door," I plead again, speaking quieter this time.
I don't want to fight. I only want her to look into my eyes and see that I'm telling the truth.
But how the hell will I convince her that I haven't touched Ashley for the last year?
"She texted me to meet, but I refused," I shout, trying to force the door open with my weight. "I have the messages to prove it."
Actually I'm not sure if I still have them; I probably deleted them as soon as I responded.
But I'll do anything to prove Sky how wrong she is to believe Ashley over me.
Sky keeps quiet, and we both stay silent for some time.
I am not angry anymore. I just can't believe that our relationship ended before it even started. Did it mean as much to her as it meant to me? Or was she just waiting for a chance to push me away?
"I haven't slept with her in over a year, angel," I whisper, barely audible, scared she may not believe me. "I haven't slept with anyone since I met you."
Believe it or not, I haven't touched a single woman since I met Sky for the first time. I haven't even dreamt about another girl since then.