Page 24 of Love Me Sweet
"Who? Josh?" I grimace in response, pretending I didn't get what he means. "I was looking at the ocean."
"Yeah, I bet." He chuckles, looking at me as if he can see right through me.
I say nothing, raising an eyebrow instead. If he wants to discuss this, he will have to start.
"You stared at each other the whole evening but haven't said a word." Damian continues, smiling slyly at me, "You used to pretend you liked each other when our parents were near, but now you don't. Something has changed."
I smirk, looking away from him because it seems like he can read my mind.
"I don't know what you saw. Josh ignores me, just like always." I shrug, trying to speak as quietly as I can because Josh isn’t that far from us. I just hope the sound of the ocean is keeping him from hearing us.
"He never disregarded your presence. You simply didn't notice," Damian continues, and I turn to face him again out of surprise and confusion.
I widen my eyes, looking at him, trying to force him to tell me more, but he doesn't.
"Is that why you're teasing him about us going on a date?" I decide to refocus, attacking him with questions instead.
"Yes," he agrees with a smile, and my eyes get even bigger. I didn't expect that answer. "But the question is: why did you pretend that it's possible?"
The surprise evaporates from my face, replaced by pure shock.
"I did not..." I object after a couple of seconds.
"Yes, you did." Damian smirks again. "And I would be flattered, just like I was a couple of years ago when you had a crush on me, but this time everything you express is fake. Is that because of Josh?"
"It's not fake!" I begin to argue, raising my voice too much. I bet Josh can hear me, and maybe some other neighbors, too. "Maybe I do like you, maybe..."
Wait a minute...How does he know that I liked him before?
"I never had a crush on you, Damian!" I push his shoulder hard, and he starts laughing.
"Yes, you did." He nods, still smiling. "By the way, I liked your pink hair, too; you were just too young for me, kid. You still are."
His satisfied smirk makes me want to punch him, which I do pleasurably once again, and he laughs in response, even louder this time.
When I turn to face the ocean again, I see that Josh is looking straight at us. His face expresses...rage. Rage and something else. Something as if he's disappointed. I can't say precisely because he turns away, going back to his book.
What's going on with him today? Why is he acting this strange?
"See?" Damian continues, whispering this time. "You've just awakened the beast."
"What are you talking about? What did I do?" I mumble back, and even though I'm whispering, I can hear that my voice trembles.
"I thought better of you, Pink," he continues, looking into my eyes again. "You're either blind or stupid. How can you not see that he's jealous?"
"Jealous..." I repeat, trying to process the word. "Jealous of me?"
Damian doesn't say anything. He simply laughs in response, getting up from his seat.
"Hey, son, are you coming?" Jordan Underwood calls from the house.
"I am," Damian yells in response.
"Josh, are you sure you don't want to play golf with us?" Jordan asks, looking out the door at his younger son.
"That game is for gaffers like Damian," Josh says, without looking up from the book. "Maybe in a couple of dozen years, Dad."
They all laugh at his words and silently walk through the main door.