Page 16 of His First Love
Cami laughs. Her hair blows in the wind, and she tucks it behind her ears. She wrinkles her nose when she laughs, making her look even cuter. She is wearing no makeup and still looks like the most beautiful creature in the whole universe.
"They got married when Mom was already pregnant with me, so I guess Dad's efforts paid off," I add, and she laughs even louder.
I lean closer and press my lips to hers for a kiss. She startles slightly, surprised by my actions, but succumbs right away. She tastes like strawberry and champagne, and I already feel like I'm tipsy, and it's not the wine; it's her. Her intoxicating laugh, long, sun-bleached blond hair, beautiful blue eyes glittering when she's happy—all of it mixed makes my head spin. But most of all, her soul—so kind and fragile despite everything she's been through—makes me want to take her in my arms and never let her go.
And I will. Soon. Very soon, I'll make her mine and keep her with me forever.
I feel how my dick responds instantly to that kiss, and I pull away.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't contain myself," I whisper, brushing my fingers over her cheek, unable to stop touching her.
"Why are you apologizing? It's not like I was against it."
I smile. "Yeah, but if I go further, I won't be able to stop, and we'll miss dinner."
"Dinner?" she asks with surprise. "There's more food?"
"Let's go." I extend a hand to her and get up. "Don't worry, I didn't cook it."
She takes me by the hand, and I walk her to the lower deck.
"Happy birthday, beautiful," Antoine says, extending a glass in front of me.
"Is it already my birthday?" I ask in surprise, and he gestures for me to look at the wall on my right side. I see the clock hanging on it reading exactly one minute after midnight.
I can't believe how fast time flies when I spend it with this guy. We had an excellent four-course dinner with asparagus salad, tuna tartar, seafood pasta, and Napoleon cake. It all was made in advance and put into the heat storage containers. And then we watched the sunset. He stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. We were silent the whole time as we enjoyed it, but it didn't feel uncomfortable. It felt as if we had been doing it every day.
I can't believe Antoine was able to find a yacht, prepare the dinner, and arrange everything in such a short time. I just told him this afternoon that my family is leaving the mainland to go to Corsica Island without me. I wasn't surprised or offended that they didn't ask me to come with them; I was relieved. The best present for my birthday is to spend it without them.
I’ve imagined my unique date with Antoine from the first night I met him. I thought we'd walk along the seafront and then maybe have dinner in a small tavern. I dreamed of us spending the whole night on the beach, taking, kissing, and meeting the dawn. I could never imagine enjoying the sunset on a million-dollar yacht in the middle of the sea, looking at the French Riviera with a five-star dinner and champagne.
"Thank you for this," I say honestly, extending my glass to clink with his. "It's the best one I have had so far."
"Feliz cumpleaños, Bonita," he congratulates me in Spanish and takes a sip from his glass. It's a second bottle of the most expensive wine I've ever tried. I would be worried if he will get into trouble for taking it, but I'm just too happy and drunk to worry about anything.
"Do you know Spanish?"
"Of course," he says as if it's normal for every French guy to speak it.
"Any other languages that you know?"
"I also speak English and a little bit of Italian." From his mouth, it doesn't sound like bragging, more like just a fact.
"You speakfourlanguages?" I open my mouth to show him how surprised I am. He's only twenty-four years old. When did he manage to learn this much? I read English books daily and am still at the intermediate level.
"I went to school with an in-depth study of languages. But don't be too impressed; I'm the least talented in my family when it comes to studying. Both of my sisters speak five."
I'm lost for words. I've never felt this stupid in my whole life before. Also, the way he says it amazes me: as if it's not an achievement, it's just a matter of fact.
"Don't look at me like that." He smiles and lowers his gaze.
For the first time since we met, I can see that he feels slightly uncomfortable and...shy? I get it, he doesn't like to brag, but it makes me like him even more.
"Why didn't you become a tour guide? Or a hotel manager?" I wonder. A person with skills like his should have a better job than just 'helping with whatever my boss tells me,' as he explained when I asked.