Page 22 of His First Love
I stop licking and sucking only after I feel his dick softens, and Antoine falls on the bed with his back.
"I can't believe you did this," he says hoarsely, breathing heavily, trying to breathe. "I can't believe you swallowed."
I smile, letting him go and arranging myself on the bed next to him.
"I wasn't expecting you to do this," he continues, turning to face me; his eyes are blurry with satisfaction. "I mean, all of it: your first kiss, virginity, blow job."
I smile, completely satisfied that I was able to surprise him and that I could make him come. I wasn't sure I could make it. I thought I'd need some training at first.
I trace my fingers across his chest and feel the drops of sweat on his muscles.
"That's the best fucking blow job in my life," he confesses, and I hit him gently into the shoulder.
"Don't lie to me," I say, smiling shyly, even though deep down inside me, I feel it's the truth.
"I never lied to you." He turns to the side and looks me straight in the eyes. "I love you, Camilla."
The smile evaporates from my face immediately, and instead, I open my mouth in surprise, unable to say a word.
"Don't get married," he says thoughtfully, and I can see in his eyes that he means it. "Let's run away together, build a new life somewhere far from here."
I can't believe I hear it. Is he serious? But we met only a couple of days ago.
"I never felt anything like this before," he continues, probably noticing my frustration. "I tried to deny it. I never really believed in love. I know this is happening too fast, but when you know, you know, right?"
I just nod silently in response.
"I..." I start but stop, at a loss for words.
"Don't say anything," he cuts me off. "Don't say things you'll regret tomorrow. Don't promise me anything right now."
I won't. I want to, but I just can't. I have to deal with my life at first; with all those promises I gave to my aunt, even though they were forced. I never really wanted to say them.
Antoine brushes his fingers across my belly, getting lower to my pussy.
"Are you ready to continue?" he asks when he finds me wet.
I nod in response, unable to say a word.
"It's going to hurt a little at first," I whisper into Camilla's mouth as I arrange myself on top of her.
I don't know how this woman does it, but I'm already hard as a rock again, even though it's been ten minutes since I came.
She doesn't stop to amaze me. I know she's a little bit drunk from the champagne and the heat, but I wasn't expecting her to open up like that to me this quickly. I thought we'd need to spend more time together before she could express herself fully in bed with me. I can't even imagine what other fantasies she has in mind. I believe I'm ready to fulfill every single one of them.
"I know," she whispers back, our gazes locked together as she speaks.
I can't believe I just told her that I love her. I don't want to take my words back, but I'm afraid she might think it's just not serious; a burst of passion will pass after we sleep together.
It's not. I meant every single word I ever told her. The last person I confessed I loved was my mother, right before she passed away. After that, I promised myself I would never say those words to anyone if I didn't mean them.
I reach for the drawer near the bed and take out an entire pack of condoms. I bought a twelve-pack while preparing everything for Cami's birthday; I didn't know if we would have sex, but I wanted to be ready. And now I think twelve condoms won't be enough with her.
"Have you ever..." she starts but stops, biting her tongue.