Page 108 of Finding Time
"You can't change the past," Mimi whispered, her words lost to the sound of the truck accelerating. "You can't raise the dead." Her voice was breaking.
I glanced at Carolyn. Her eyes were all for Mimi. So much heartache, I saw there. So much compassion. These people in the car on the bridge were not her parents. They were Mimi's. Carolyn's parents were either not here at all, or hiding. Either way, they were alive.
Mimi straightened her back, lifted her chin, and stared directly at the oncoming car now on the bridge. I don't know what sort of courage that took. I can't even fathom the amount of effort required to do nothing. But doing nothing was the right thing to do and Mimi Wylde, as wild and crazy and beautifully unpredictable as she was, knew doing the right thing was the only thing she could do.
Time had rules. Messing with Time was dangerous. And oh, so very painful.
I reached for her, but I don't think she needed me to. My hand pressed into the small of her back, but she was rigid in her stance. Immobile in the face of her agony. Such courage. Such strength of character. Such an indomitable will.
Sergei looked shocked. He glanced at Carrie, who offered him a shrug and picked at a fingernail. As if she wasn't feeling Mimi's pain along with her.
How would this have played out if Mimi had caved to Sergei's demands? What did Carolyn have planned? Did she have something planned?
At that moment, it didn't matter, because the truck swerved left.
The screeching of metal on metal made Mimi shudder. The sound of the bridge's railing crumbling under immense pressure made her let out a single sob. She stumbled. I reached to catch her. The car careened over the edge of the bridge. The truck drove on.
Everything happened at once. But Sergei clearly had an escape plan already worked out should Mimi fail to do what he wanted. The door to his Lunik was open. He spun on his heel and threw himself toward it. Carolyn was slower to react.
Off to the side, an Orion winked into sight. Out of the Lunik loomed a shadow.
Carrie withdrew a taser, ready to fire. Orion 2b's hatch opened and Jessica Harding appeared in the opening. And in amongst the chaos, Charles Crawford did what Charles Crawford did best.
He incapacitated Sergei Ivanov, so Mimi didn't have to kill him, as she watched her parents die.