Page 11 of Finding Time
"You're back," Jessica Harding said, breaking into my morose thoughts.
"We're going to start making Time to fix this rip," Jack told her, slipping into the command chair.
Jess threw me a hard look as I closed the hatch behind us.
"Couldn't find the location, then," she said smugly. "It pays to have appropriately trained assistance when dealing with a rip of this magnitude, Doctor."
"Not now, Jess," Jack murmured, making her take in a startled breath at the familiar use of her name.
And then she flicked superior eyes across the module to me and sneered. "Of course, Jack," she simpered. "You need to concentrate." She reached out and patted his hand, letting her fingers linger too long, in my opinion.
Using willpower I didn't even know I possessed, I ignored her blatant inciting behaviour and said, "Won't it just continue to keep fracturing if whoever is causing this is still here?"
We hadn't run them off as we usually did before we fixed a rip in Time.
"I have a suspicion," Jack said as he tapped away on the keyboard, "that once they know we're onto them, they'll pack up and head out to cause more havoc somewhere else."
"We're going to be chasing them all day, aren't we?" I said.
"Yes, I rather think that is Sergei's plan."
"What is she talking about?" Harding demanded. "I'm the Intern here. I should be the one discussing this with you and not her!"
The sine wave on the main viewscreen slowly changed from bright orange to pale orange, to purple, to pink, to finally blue.
"They've left," Jack said, sitting back in his seat and running a hand through his hair.
"Doctor," Harding snapped. "What the bloody hell is going on here?"
Jack looked at Harding for the first time since entering the Orion again and said, "Well, if you don't know, Dr Harding, then I suggest you vacate the Intern's seat and give it to our Novitiate who does."
Oh, Jack, I thought, wanting to shake my head, just as Harding hit Defcon 1 and went in for the attack.