Page 24 of Finding Time
Winterwascoming, I'd give the dickhead that.
A third doughnut went the way of the other two until I was sure he was feeling the aftereffects of too much sugar and fat. Death by doughnut. I wondered, idly, if I would get blamed.
He thrust the remaining single doughnut in the bag toward me.
"Thanks, sweetheart," he said. "Bring me some more of those tomorrow and I might let you sleep through the night without a surprise room check."
They'd been spot-checking our rooms each evening for contraband. Just before lights-out. Yep, we had a lights-out curfew now. But until then, nothing about surprise room checks in the middle of the night had been suggested. I didn't think he was bluffing. They had the master keys to our bedrooms.
And suddenly, I was feeling more than just frustrated and impotent and angry.
I was feeling scared.
I didn't like feeling scared, so I lifted my chin, stared him in the eyes, and said, "Can I go to my room now? Sir."
He stepped aside and waved me onward. I felt his eyes on my back all the way down the rest of the corridor and then I was standing outside my room, knowing he knew which door was mine now, unable to think of a thing to do to prevent him from visiting me during the dark hours of the night.
Shaking myself out of the fearful trance I'd entered, I reached for my door, useless key in hand, and my eyes landed on my bronze nameplate.
I'd been quite proud of that plaque when I'd first seen it.Novitiate Mimi Wylde,it had said.
It didn't say that now.
I stared at the words, and then a slow smile curved my lips. Crawford's last act of defiance, I thought smugly.
My fingers brushed the lettering as I opened the door. It took longer for my eyes to leave them.
Intern Dr Mimi Wylde, it said.