Page 34 of Finding Time
Bloody fucking bollocks, Fawkes.
"Yeah, he's right," I said. "It's Dr Wylde now, Dr Harding."
"We'll see about that!" Jess went to storm past us toward Dispatch and Anderson, no doubt, but Fawkes reached out and gripped her arm, halting her progress.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you, Jess."
"Get your hand off me, Doctor!"
"Listen," Fawkes tried. "We're at war here, and RATS is dangerously close to bein' obliterated. Time has already slipped. That fuck-knuckle Anderson can't see it, but I know you, Jess. I know you're not stupid. You're an Intern and when not bein' a special little snowflake, a damn fine one." I grimaced at Fawkes' backhanded compliment. "It's us versus them, Jess, and if we don't pull together, they could win. And them winnin' is Sergei winnin', and you know what will happen if Sergei wins."
Jess glared at him for a long moment and then said, voice soft and threatening, "Remove your hand, Surgeon."
Fawkes released his grip and stepped back, hands raised in surrender.
"Just think about it," he pressed.
"What would you know about our time? You're not even from this universe," Jess spat.
"Well, see, sweetheart, it's because I'm not from this universe that gives me the insight y'all lack. What happened tomyuniverse was caused by Sergei Ivanov and interference from Parliament."
My head spun toward Fawkes, ignoring Harding.
"You never told us that," I accused.
He shrugged his shoulders. "Never occurred to me until just now."
"How could it only occur to you just now?" I demanded.
He rubbed at the back of his neck and sighed. "That time slip," he said. "It slid a few things that had been out of line back into place." He tapped the side of his head. "Never did know for sure what blew my universe apart, but suddenly I've got this sense of déjà vu that's freakin' me the fuck out. I remember now feelin' like this not long before everyone I loved and cared about was destroyed in the mother of all Time explosions that took out my RATS." He looked us both in the eyes. "I watched the love of my life breathe her last breath in my arms, and I ain't gonna do that shit again."
"Bryan," I said softly, my heart breaking, and then I had nothing to add.
Bryan ignored me and looked at Jess.
"You were my Intern in my universe, Jess," he said. "A pain in my ass most of the time, but a competent Intern when the shit hit the fan. The shit has officially hit the fan, Dr Harding. Are you up to it?"
Jess said nothing, just stared at him. And then she shook her head and pushed past us both, making sure to offer me a solid hit with her pointy elbow. I rubbed my side and watched her storm off down the corridor, thankfully marching right past Dispatch.
"That might work," I said.
"Nah," Bryan offered. "Jess don't much like risin' to the challenge if she can help it. I mighta just set the cat amongst the pigeons."
"Could be a pissed-off she-cat is just what we need right now," I offered.
"Don't count on it."
Bryan started walking again.
"What are we going to do?" I whispered, aware ears could be listening.
"I'm gonna go to my room and have a stiff drink to drown my sorrows."
"Your guest room?"
"Nope. Been reinstated. I'm back on the Surgeon's floor inyourBryan's old quarters."
I said nothing for a moment, thinking a stiff drink might be what the doctor ordered. And then I stopped in my tracks, a lightbulb going off inside my head.