Page 36 of In Sheets of Rain
He just looked at me and then reached forward and picked up the TV remote.
* * *
Iwas pulling the CRV into the garage when Sean wandered down the internal stairs.
“Just gotta pop out for a minute,” he said, walking toward his Camry.
“Where to?”
“Derek wants me to look at the alarm system on station.”
“What? In Warkworth?”
He shrugged. “We might have to get an electrician in, but I’d like to check it over myself first.”
“You’re hardly qualified for that, and it’s your day off.”
“Not all of us like sitting around and playing Crash Bandicoot, Kylee. It’ll only take a couple of hours.”
I watched as he reversed out of the driveway and pealed off down the road, scattering the neighbourhood cats. I sat down on the stairs and stared at the CRV, deciding I didn’t like it.
* * *
“This is gonna take a little longer than I thought,” Sean said over the phone two hours later. “I think I can fix it and save the Service some money.”
“The Service can afford to repair an alarm system,” I pointed out.
“Not everyone comes from a privileged background, Kylee. Some of us have had to become masters of all trades. If I can save the Service some money, I will.”
He sighed. It sounded put-upon.
“What’s wrong?” he demanded.
“Nothing’s wrong.”
“When a woman says nothing’s wrong, she usually means something’s definitely wrong.” A pause. Then, “You sound down. Are you still thinking about that Weet-Bix Guy?”
“No.”Yes. I never stopped thinking about that Weet-Bix Guy.
“Why don’t you phone Tayla or Cathy? See if they want to go to the movies with you. Catch that latest James Bond one you said you wanted to watch.”
“I thought we could go see that one together. Tomorrow, maybe?” I asked.
“Can’t. Sorry, hon. I’ve taken a shift at New Lynn. They were short.”
I couldn’t form a reply if I had tried.
“I’ll make it up to you next days off. I promise. Just phone Tayla and see what she’s up to. I bet she’d love to go to the movies with you.”
“Go on. You don’t get out enough. You need to see your friends.”
“I think I’ll stay in. Maybe write something.”
“Kylee, you can’t lock yourself away in the office and live inside a story. You’re missing real life.”