Page 29 of Sub-Divided
He didn’t reply, remaining quietly where he was, letting her comfort him with her warmth and words of love.
Eventually he lifted his head and, standing, he lifted her into his arms. Without a word, he carried her through to their bedroom where he deposited her on the bed, lying down beside her.
Cupping her face between his hands he studied her face before his lips lowered to hers. She met his mouth eagerly as he deepened the kiss. She moaned. His mouth trailed down her neck over her breasts. His teeth grazed a nipple, worrying the taut bud until it was almost painful before he moved his attention to her other mound, toying with the peak until she bucked her hips. He flashed her a wicked grin before he slid down the length of her body. Shifting her legs over each of his shoulders, he reached for something beyond her vision. A low buzz filled the room and she felt rather than saw him push something inside her channel. Ah, a vibrator. Then his mouth was on her, his tongue tracing the folds and furrows of her cleft.
Her clit felt on fire but he avoided touching her there. It drove her wild with need. She arched her pelvis, tilting her hips, attempting to shift him so he would latch onto that tiny demanding scrap of flesh.
“No, be patient until Daddy’s ready to fuck you, naughty girl.” He pulled back and landed the lightest smack on her spread pussy. She moaned. One more like that and she would come for sure. He slapped her thigh. Grabbing her hips he pulled her toward him, yanking out the vibrator and impaling her on his thick shaft. She cried out with delight. It was an urgent coupling. Josie sensed his need to be conjoined. When his length entered her, he watched her face, leaning in to kiss her when he was fully seated. He remained motionless, his hardness pulsing inside her wet rippling sheath. His mouth slid from hers, into the warm curve where her neck met her shoulder. Slowly he began to thrust in and out.
“This is home,” he murmured. His hips moved rhythmically, thrusting deep and slow. She arched against him, incoherent with sensation. This was vanilla sex at its best, emotional and sweet. She loved that this man could fulfill every single one of her needs. Hot and dirty, rough and domineering, to slow, sweet, gentle and loving. His words of love washed over her, a balm to her soul. She wanted to reply but the repetitive pressure from his girth pressing so delightfully against her clit rendered her speechless. Her cry of completion became the catalysis that broke the spell of his restraint. Pounding her ruthlessly, his own shout of release drowned out her second orgasmic song.
Afterward she whispered words of love and adoration as she clasped him to her, cradling him against her breasts until she heard a gentle snore. She smiled sleepily and turned her head to the pillow. They slept through until morning.
Chapter 13
Acouple of days later Josie opened her closet, reaching for the hanger that held her nurse’s uniform. As she slid the shoulders of the garment off the plastic hanger she noticed an odd looking white blob. That was strange, since she’d laundered her uniform after her road accident. She’d hung the dress back in the closet but it still required pressing. Washed but otherwise brand new, it shouldn’t have had any marks on it at all. She drew the garment closer to identify the spot and shrieked when it moved. It was a grub; a greyish-white, fat, maggoty grub. She dropped the garment. Yelling for Max she sped from the room.
“They are everywhere, all over our clothes. I suspect they’re moth larvae,” Max reported back.
She was wide-eyed with horror, sitting on the couch hugging a cushion, as if it could afford her any protection from their horrible slug-like invaders. “What shall we do?”
“I’ll head over to the Dome right away and see if anyone has any advice. Keep the closet doors closed so they can’t escape. Fuck, this move is turning out to be more expensive than I’d anticipated. We’ll probably need a whole new wardrobe of clothes now.”
Josie knew that Max using the ‘F’ word in front of her indicated that he was genuinely pissed off. “What about our insurance, won’t that cover the cost?”
“Good point, but I hate to claim so soon. I only just took the policy out; they’ll think we’re a couple of scammers. Look, let’s just wait until we’ve assessed the damage.” He crossed the room and gave her a perfunctory kiss before he left the house.
Josie sat where she was, shuddering. She absolutely hated bugs. Where had the things come from? Perhaps they’d been in the closet all along, so tiny they’d been unnoticeable. Maybe they’d grown bigger after eating their clothing? She got up and went to peek into her bedroom—she wanted to check the closet doors were definitely closed. Spying her sneakers lying next to the bed, she dashed in, grabbing them before hurrying out and slamming the bedroom door behind her. Unable to stay in the house a moment longer she decided to go over to her grandparents’ house but first she remembered to write Max a note telling him where she had gone.
* * *
“Odd timeof year for the larvae to hatch but you could be right about them lying dormant for a while then waking up when they scented the clothing. They like natural materials, not manmade, so I think your uniform should be safe from damage. I think I’ll wander down to the Dome and join Max. Maybe I can help,” Liam said, reaching for his jacket.
“You aiming to become a moth whisperer too?” Nicky asked her husband saucily. He swatted her on the butt, kissed Josie on the forehead and left the room—whereupon the two women burst out laughing.
“Come on, I’ll pour us coffee and you can tell me how things are going between you and Max.”
Josie sighed. She really didn’t want to talk about her private life with her grandmother. “Everything’s fine, Grandma.”
“You sure? Because there have been a lot of strange happenings since Max arrived. First off, you turned your ankle. Then there was the leaking faucet flooding the kitchen, shortly followed by the bathtub overflowing, flooding the whole house. Then the incident the other day with your car getting a flat and you deciding to jaywalk the highway, nearly getting yourself killed in the process. Are you sure there isn’t something deeper at work here, honey?”
Josie glowered at her grandmother. Did she honestly think she was behind any of these odd occurrences?
“It’s no good you standing there and glaring daggers at me, Josie. I don’t often blow my own trumpet but I’m a highly qualified psychologist and you appear to be displaying classic signs of relationship diversion. But I can’t help you if you won’t talk to me.” Nicky reached out to touch Josie but she jerked away.
“You think I am responsible for filling my own closet with bugs?” she asked incredulously.
Nicky’s face twisted with sorrow. “No, I didn’t think that for one moment!”
“Yes, you did. I can see it in your face!” she accused, hurt that her own grandmother would think her capable of that kind of behavior. She picked up her jacket and turned to leave.
“Josie, wait!”
Josie ignored Nicky’s plea and left the house in a huff. Slamming the front door she set off for home, hoping Max might be back. She was seething. How could her grandma think so little of her? Tears blurred her vision. She began to consider the possibility they had made the wrong decision in moving to Corbin’s Bend. Perhaps they should leave here and move elsewhere. Maybe over nearer to Max’s sister, Lizzie?
As she turned into their road she saw Sandy sitting in her car outside their house. She tapped on the car window. Sandy looked up from her phone; it looked like she was texting. She grinned and whizzed the window down.
“Hiya, I was just about to give up on you! I thought you might like to join me on a trip into Denver for a bit of retail therapy. That is if you’re not busy?”