Page 36 of Sub-Divided
“Ready to atone?”
“Yes, Sir.”
“Okay. On your knees then.”
She scrambled from his lap, dropping to her knees before him. He leant back slightly, legs splayed, arms relaxed by his sides. She smiled. She loved it when he simply waited for her to unzip him and perform her duty. The emancipated woman within whispered loudly in her ear that she shouldn’t enjoy this but for once Josie managed to zip her trap and joined her pole-dancing, submissive self in jostling for prime position. Her hands reached for the button at the top of his fly. She lowered the zip. As she eased his jeans apart his eager tumescent cock sprang through the gap. She loved his shaft. Grasping him at the base she lowered her head, allowing her closed lips to push over his crown, savoring the taste of his clean male flesh.
Although she hadn’t any vast experience of men, Max’s penis was the largest she’d come across among her meager list of prior relationships. She had never before enjoyed giving head but after meeting Max, so many things had changed. She’d thought there was something wrong with her when none of her boyfriends turned her on sexually and yet she’d known that other women were not her thing, either. Then she’d met Max. His utter dominance, the chivalrous attention he paid her, most especially in bed, flicked a switch that had her firing on all cylinders. She couldn’t get enough of him or his loving discipline.
She would happily suck him off any time. She especially loved to atone in this way. It spoke to her inner submissive like nothing else. Giving him pleasure, knowing that she would receive none in return except for the joy she got from pleasing him was a huge turn on for her.
His thick mast shuttled back and forth over her tongue. She opened wider to accommodate him, allowing him the freedom to fuck her mouth, and his long, drawn-out groan of pleasure was music to her ears. Tenderly she cupped his sac and rolled his balls with one hand while grasping the base of his thick shaft with the other. She squeezed his cock while allowing her teeth to graze along his length. He gasped and stiffened. She felt his sac tighten. His cock became as hard as concrete. Then she felt the pulse of his orgasm; it shuddered through his member, his essence spurting on her tongue. She swallowed, licking and suckling until he had no more to give.
Afterward, she rested her head on his thigh. His hand pulled the scrunchy from her hair. He threaded his fingers through her tresses and gently massaged her scalp. She waited for him to speak and maybe tell her that he loved her again.
“Go and stand in the corner.”
Her gaze swiveled to his in total surprise. This was new; he never gave her corner time after she’d atoned. His eyebrow quirked, she realized that he had no intention of explaining himself. With a small sigh she rose to her feet and padded dejectedly back into the corner.
“Good girl.” A pulse of pure pleasure shot through her at his warm praise. She heard him move about then go into the kitchen. Returning after a moment or two, he called her to him.
“Bend over.” She bent over the arm of the couch. He pulled on the plug seated deeply in her bottom, easing it in and out while she moaned. Her pussy flooded with heat and need. He eased it out slowly, then, pulling her upright, he wrapped his arms around her.
“I love you, Josie girl. Go get yourself dressed and come have coffee with me.” He gestured to the coffee table where he’d set down two mugs and two cinnamon buns. She reached up and kissed him. He returned the kiss briefly but set her from him.
“Keep your kisses for later, or I might break my own rules and fuck you right here and now.”
She leered hopefully.
“Uh-uh, not happening, babe—well, not just yet, anyhow.” He spun her around and landed a swift smack on her backside. She squealed, quickly obeying him by scuttling off to the bedroom in order to dress.
Chapter 15
Josie spent the following week settling into her new job at the Medical Center. There was a push on vaccinating teens against meningitis and so she was kept busy and found, to her delight, that she liked her work colleagues. She and Max began to make wedding plans. The more suggestions Max came up with the more Josie realized she just wanted a quiet wedding, with her father, grandparents and Max’s sister and husband as guests. Maybe she’d think about giving a party a few weeks later but she didn’t want a big wedding. She hated being the center of attention.
Corbin’s Bend always celebrated the Fourth of July in style. This year was to be no different. Nicola was in charge of organizing face painting for the children and she roped Josie in to help.
“Some of the little darlings may be allergic to face paint; it will be good to have a pediatric nurse on standby just in case,” she pointed out. Josie knew when she was beaten and agreed to help. Besides, she felt she owed her grandmother for running out on her the last time they’d met.
She’d received a very apologetic text message from Sandy, asking if they were still friends. Sandy added that she had no idea what else to do but leave Josie in the bar. She explained that she’d had an early shift the following morning and no way of contacting Max but she had alerted Ted to her predicament and he had promised to keep an eye on Josie. She’d even dropped Josie’s shopping off before she left.
Max was somewhat mollified by Sandy’s text. He suggested Josie invite her to their Fourth of July celebrations, unfortunately Sandy texted back that she was scheduled to work. She also phoned Josie to explain that since she’d known that Sean was to be deployed, she had offered to cover the Fourth of July some months ago. Josie passed on Max’s cell number to her and they ended the call amicably, promising to meet up soon.
There was to be a mid-day parade of floats sponsored by different businesses acting as sponsors to different charities. This was followed by a picnic auction, after which, lunch, where the winners could enjoy their prizes. In the afternoon there was to be a craft fair held inside the Dome with goods ranging from hand-painted horseshoes to baked cakes and everything else in between. Being Corbin’s Bend, there were plenty of home crafted paddles and wooden spoons carved with homilies. There were games set up for children and adults alike.
Brent Carmichael was busy directing procedures, while Charmagne mucked in helping wherever she was needed. She was running a fortuneteller’s tent, to be manned by three ‘tellers’ each taking shifts throughout the day.
In the evening there was to be a buffet and dance followed by fireworks as a grand finale.
Josie helped Nicky set up their stall along with examples of the faces the children could choose from. They were pinned up onto a stand behind the table. Nicky had painted the different faces onto white paper plates.
“Sit down and I’ll do you, what would you like to be?” her grandmother enquired.
“A cat, but only if you let me paint your face afterwards,” Josie bargained.
Nicky laughed. “Have you ever face painted before?” she asked.
“No, but how difficult can it be?”