Page 41 of Sub-Divided
“Josie, behave!”
He and Liam had spoken simultaneously. Josie ignored them both, tossing her head with defiance. Max stood up, unfolding to his full height. He threw back his shoulders and fixed her with a hard, unforgiving stare.
“I have had enough, girl. You can forget sitting!” he admonished, pointing at the floor in front of him. He noticed out of the corner of his eye that Josie’s grandparents were watching in fascination. He took full control, using his full six foot three to best advantage and looming over Josie. She stared back wide-eyed before her gaze dropped to the floor. Fluidly, she fell to her knees, her thighs shoulder-width apart. With a straight back, palms up and resting on her thighs, eyes lowered respectfully, she knelt submissively before him.
He placed a hand on top of her head, resting it there for a moment, saying nothing. Once he was confident she was settled and fully submissive, he sat back down and began to eat his pizza. He noticed Nicky casting anxious glances back and forth between himself and her granddaughter. He was thankful when she refrained from commenting.
He was also grateful when he saw Liam calmly pick up his cutlery and cut into his pizza, giving a small shake of his head at his wife when she raised her eyebrow at him questioningly. Max guessed that Liam was indicating Nicola shouldn’t interfere.
Once he’d finished his meal, Max pulled Josie’s plate toward him and cut off a piece of her pizza. He called her name softly and held out her fork. She looked up at him.
“Open,” he ordered curtly. She parted her lips obediently and he placed the morsel of pizza onto her tongue. “Eat,” he commanded, relieved when she chewed and swallowed without comment. They continued that way until her slice of pizza was finished.
“Stand up,” he ordered. She rose gracefully to her feet. “Go and stand in that corner.” He pointed across the room. Josie did as he asked, again, without comment.
He turned to Liam. “More pizza?” he asked conversationally.
“Don’t mind if I do. Nicky, would you like another slice?” he asked his wife, who sat staring at her granddaughter’s back with an expression of disbelief on her face.
“No thanks. What about Josie? She might like some more?” she asked, turning to Max.
He shook his head. “Nope,” he said calmly but adamant. “Badly behaved submissives don’t get treated to second helpings.”
The meal continued in a rather subdued atmosphere and as soon as they were done eating, Max decided it was time they should leave. Nicky tried to insist they stay overnight with them but after Josie’s meltdown Max needed to get her home and address the problem. It was with a heavy heart that he drove them both back to 101. He knew that they had a lot of talking ahead of them before either of them could sleep that night.
* * *
Liam watchedthe car pull away and closed the front door. “Who does that girl think she’s kidding?” he asked, shaking his head.
“Iknow.All that stuff about she was only a submissive in the bedroom. Poor Josie, she’s obviously working her way through some sort of identity crisis.” Nicola shook her head sadly.
“Do you think this is all due to her mother’s attitude towards our lifestyle? After all, Tabby was pretty freaked out that time she discovered I spanked you. I don’t think she ever forgave me,” Liam mused.
Nicky wandered into the living room and sat down, pondering her husband’s supposition. “Hm, you might be right about that but then again, it could be subliminal, due to grief issues—”
Liam interrupted, “Hey, I didn’t ask you for a detailed psychological assessment! I’m just saying, you know?”
Nicky grinned. “I know, all we can do is offer up our love and support. This is something Josie has to work out for herself. This nasty business with that girl Sandy hasn’t helped. She is pretty freaked out, as you so eloquently described psychological trauma.”
Liam grinned his wide, lopsided smile. In that moment she once again saw the handsome young cowboy she’d married all those years ago and returned his smile.
“Don’t know why you’re smiling, darlin’, you’re about to get that sweet butt of yours spanked for backtalk.”
“Huh—I protest! What backtalk, when? Ah, I see… any excuse, you-you spanko!” she accused.
Liam chuckled. “You betcha!” He grabbed her hand, pulling her to her feet.
She giggled like a schoolgirl as he led her through the house towards their bedroom.
* * *
Max guidedJosie to the couch in the living room, which he had to admit looked pretty soulless minus the cushions, ornaments and one drape which had been too badly damaged to be re-hung. He pulled up a hard-backed chair and seated himself directly in front of her so that he was placed higher than she, thus crowding her with his body. He knew that she needed to feel his dominating presence both to compel her and to give reassurance. He wanted her to open up to him fully.
“Okay spill, what’s going on with you?” he asked without preliminaries. She lowered her head, letting her hair shelter her face from his gaze. He reached out a hand, tilting her chin up, not allowing her to hide. “No finagling out of the discussion this time. Explain.”
She took a shuddering breath.
“Josie, if it helps, I can spank the problem out of you but I’d prefer you to simply open up and talk to me.”