Page 7 of Sub-Divided
An alpha dick, more like,but Josie tactfully kept that thought to herself. She realized Cadence was looking at her expectantly. What had she asked her?
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“I asked what you did to piss Marcus off.”
Josie flushed. “I guess it was totally my fault. I pulled out in front of his car on my arrival here yesterday. Stupid and irresponsible of me and not my usual behavior pattern, I assure you. I think I might have ruined my chances of getting the job up at the hospital because although my interview was supposed to be with the administrator, Phillip Scott, apparently he’s away. Your husband interviewed me instead and it did not go well. My partner will go ape-shit… Oops, sorry Michael! I forgot you were there, me and my naughty mouth!”
Both Cadence and Michael giggled at the expression on Josie’s contrite face.
“Don’t worry, the kids hear worse than ‘ape-shit’ from me on occasion. I tell you it’s a case of do as I say and not as I do in our household!” Cadence said and they both chuckled.
“Max will be real cross if I’ve messed up this position at the center. He’s already got a confirmed position as an anesthetist, working a part time clinic at The Medical Center, and another at a hospital down in Denver.”
“Hey, Marcus is a stickler, sure, but he’s a fair man. Don’t worry, it will be fine!”
“Thanks, Cadence. Seriously though, I think Michael should go over to the center and get checked out. Just to be safe. Heads can be delicate.”
“Yeah, okay. I’ll take him over to the hospital right now. Buddy’s gone over to a friend’s house to play, so we can shoot off from here. Come on, Mikey, let’s go see your dad.”
Josie watched them both leave, Michael trying unsuccessfully to talk his stepmother out of the visit to the hospital. She noticed that Cadence had a strange walking gait and wondered what had caused it. She wondered how such a lovely young woman came to be hitched up with such a bad-tempered man as Marcus Devon. She sighed and turned to look back into the Mini-Mart and, noticing that they had boxes of Lady Godiva chocolates at a reduced price, decided to buy a box for her grandmother. She swung around, directly into the path of a young woman.
“Oh, excuse me!” the girl cried before hurrying away, clutching her groceries.
“Sorry!” Josie called after her.
Chapter 4
Nicky was making soup when Josie arrived home. She couldn’t sit with any ease and so cooking, where she had to stand, seemed the sensible option.
“Hi Grandma, where’s Grandpa?”
“He’s been called out to help the vet, Gerald Douglas, with a skittish horse. Sometimes Gerry needs Liam to help him calm a difficult animal.”
Josie knew that her grandfather had a well-deserved reputation as an equine whisperer. He had the ability to understand most horse related behavior. This skill was much sought after up in the Rocky Mountains around Denver, Colorado.
Josie kissed her grandmother’s cheek and handed her the chocolates.
“Oh, how lovely! What are these for?” Nicky stopped stirring the soup and hugged her.
“Jus’ because.” Josie grinned, using the family riposte to a random gift.
“So, do you know when you can move in?” Nicky asked.
Josie groaned and plonked her butt down onto a tall stool.
“Sit and I’ll tell you all about it! We can pig out on the chocolates while I fill you in on the interview with the board. Oh, and guess who my mentor is?”
“Tell me—I won’t sit, I need to keep stirring, but I won’t say no to a choccy, thank you, darling!”
“Charmagne Carmichael! She’s real nice. I liked Brent, too, but I hope I did well in the interview with the board.”
Josie proceeded to fill her grandmother in about meeting Michael, Doctor Devon’s son and then his wife, Cadence, but before she’d finished her tale, her cell trilled.
Nicola reached across to look at the screen. “It’s Brent,” she said, handing Josie her phone.
“Hiya, mm, yes, oh that’s great, yeah, thanks Brent. I will, yup, okay and thanks again, bye!” Josie clicked the phone off and spun around to her grandmother, a delighted grin on her face.