Page 29 of Claimed By Daddy
“Okay. One, never knowingly put yourself in danger,” she read and looked to him for his reply.
“Self-explanatory, but also covers things like remembering not to leave your phone behind when you leave the house, or, not forgetting to tell someone where you are going. Not wearing foolish shoes to drive in and so forth.”
She nodded. “Understood. Rule two. Be respectful at all times, especially during an argument. Yeah, I get that.”
“No questions?” he asked.
“Nope. Onto the next. Be truthful with Daddy. Yeah, I get that too. Moving on... Once Daddy has decided on a punishment there is no backtracking. Wait, really?” She fixed him with a hard stare.
“Yes, really! You will have time for explanations and negotiation but once I’ve decided on a punishment there will be no further argument or backtalk.” He stared her down.
“Okay, well, last rule; I must tidy up after myself. Well, duh! I do that anyway.” She rolled her eyes.
“We’ll see. The Penny I know has a habit of leaving her nursery in a total mess.”
Images of how untidy the room upstairs had been left after her shower invaded her mind. She felt her cheeks heating.
“I’ll just pop upstairs and get things ready for Emily’s visit,” she mumbled, quickly standing.
His eyebrow quirked with amusement.
He knew!Her face flamed.
“What, no more questions about my rules?”
“No, they are easy enough to remember and they make sense.” She moved toward the door.
“Come here,” he demanded.
She trailed back to where he sat. His arm snaked about her and pulled her down onto his lap. He nuzzled her neck.
“You will tell me if anything bothers you, won’t you? Promise me you won’t keep anything bottled up, you’ll come and talk to me if anything about our lifestyle unsettles you?” he urged.
“I promise,” she answered softly and grazed his mouth with hers. His arms tightened about her, his tongue swept her lips apart. Heat flared in her veins. She couldn’t believe it; this gorgeous man was hers!
For the time being... an insidious little voice in her head whispered.