Page 32 of Claimed By Daddy
“Penny, come here, please,” he called lightly and seated himself on the bed to wait.
She finally appeared wearing a long white tee shirt.
“Come here.” He pointed between his parted thighs. Once she was in front of him he took her hand in his.
“I’m going to give you a safe-word,” he told her.
She frowned. “A-a what?”
“It is a word you can call out at any time you want something we are doing to end. I will always stop when you call out ‘ice cube.’”
“Ice cube?”
“Yes, it is not a word you are likely to say normally during sex or punishment and so it will stand out and attract my attention. However, this word is not to be used lightly or often because it will end our dynamic. Do you understand?”
She nodded. “Does that mean you are going to punish me?” she asked in a small voice.
“Not just yet, but yes, I will be putting you over my knee and spanking you.”
She gulped audibly.
“First I am going to ask you once again what you could have done differently when Emily threw her juice over you. Your answer will determine your fate, so take your time before you answer.” He watched the struggle reflected in her eyes. It was obvious that she understood there was no way out of punishment for her.
“I could have run out of the room and shouted for you,” she answered quietly.
“Yes, but you didn’t. The consequences are such that you will be spanked and you will wear a plug until bedtime.”
Her head jerked up. “A plug?”
“A butt plug.”
“No-o,” she moaned.
“Over my knee, little girl,” he growled.
She wrung her hands. “I-I can’t.”
“Part of our dynamic is your submission to Daddy. Your willingness gives me permission to be your daddy. By placing yourself over my knee you are agreeing to our dynamic, do you see?” he explained patiently.
“Ice cube!” she cried, and bolted into the girly room, slamming the door.
“Shit!” He ran an exasperated hand through his hair and leapt to his feet; crossing the room he tapped on her door. “I am going downstairs. You can come down when you are ready for your spanking, but otherwise you are to stay in your room!” he bellowed through the closed wood then turned away and stomped down the stairs. Christ, he needed a beer.
He sat in the living room drinking his second beer straight from the bottle. Honey’s head rested on his knee; idly he played with her soft ears. She was such a comfort. The television flashed images across the screen, which he watched with blind vision, his mind in turmoil.
Where did her reaction leave them? It was dusk and Penny still hadn’t appeared. The woman wasn’t his wife and yet she was. Could he live with her if she didn’t want him to be her daddy? He knew the answer to that without giving it deep thought. He did not want to leave Penny, the love he felt for her was too intense. His head ached with the conundrum.
There was a sound at the doorway. He glanced up and saw her standing there in her long tee shirt and bare legs with a look of uncertainty on her face. He opened his arms and she rushed across the room and perched on his lap leaning against him. He enclosed her in his embrace and kissed her cheek.
“Do you feel ready to talk, because we have to,” he said.
“Yes, I know.”
He fumbled for the remote and clicked the TV off. “What do you want to do?” he asked.
A look of surprise crossed her face. “I don’t understand?”
“Your refusal to allow me to be your daddy and punish you leaves our dynamic at risk, which in turn means our marriage could be too if we don’t sort this out right now.”