Page 36 of Claimed By Daddy
“Hold them together and back,” he ordered.
She did as he asked, painfully aware that her bottom and sex were exposed to his gaze.
A strange feeling of fullness and discomfort in her bottom followed. He was moving the plug, pulling it out and pushing it in again. She whimpered, unused to the odd sensation.
“I think after the seriousness of your behaviour today I should take this ass tonight,” he said. Penny’s heart fluttered with shock.
“You heard me, Penny-pie, my cock in your tight ass, after I have spanked it nice and red that is...”
With a twisting motion he eased the plug from her anus. Gasping, her hands gripped the duvet.
Without warning a sharp thwack landed across her buttocks.
“Ow-ee, Daddy, that hurts!” she cried, flinching as she attempted to lower her legs, but his arm forestalled her action.
“Yup, the nappy position stretches your flesh rather nicely. I’m told it is more painful for a woman to be spanked this way. Next time you decide to indulge in fighting you will remember this spanking.”
The following barrage of smacks had her begging for a reprieve. He gave none. Scalding smacks rained down. These stung badly but they were nothing compared to the sting she felt when he began landing hard slaps to the tops of her thighs.
“Da-ddy, please stop,” she begged.
“No, not until I’m certain you have learned your lesson. I won’t have my girl, big or small, scrapping like a damned hillbilly!”
She tried to squirm away from him but he simply bent her legs back even further and carried on landing scalding thwacks to her bottom, turning the entire area of her hind end into a furnace. Tears spilled from her eyes trickling into her hair.
“Daddy, please... I am sooo sorry... Oh, Daddy!” She wailed apologies in a never-ending diatribe, yet still he spanked on. Just as she thought he would never stop, he did. Suddenly he removed his arm and her legs flopped straight down, which brought her sore rump into contact with the bed. Instinctively she rolled sideways with a yelp of discomfort. He lowered his face to hers.
“I never want to find you fighting like that again. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Daddy,” she whimpered.
“Good. Stand up.”
She shifted sideways off the bed to spare her sore rump. He pulled her between his thighs.
“Part your legs.” His voice turned gruff. Her stomach tightened as she shifted her feet to comply. His hand stroked the inside of her thigh, slowly climbing to her apex. She held her breath. As light as a butterfly kiss he caressed her erect clitoris. Her sex trembled at his touch.
“What do you say to Daddy?”
Her mind struggled to reason as his fondling increased. The hand giving pleasure whipped back landing a stinging slap on the left sore buttock, focusing her thoughts.
“I’m so sorry, Daddy!” she squawked.
His fingers resumed their explorations of her drenched folds. “And...?”
Her mind faltered. Once again his palm connected, this time he smacked her other cheek.
“I promise not to fight again but...” There was no time to finish the sentence. He had her over his thigh, his hand pounding her backside before she could finish.
“There is never a ‘but,’ young lady! The only butt is the one I shall paint red if you ever use the word ‘but’ after I have decided on your punishment. Are we clear?”
His voice was low and growly. Penny felt tremendously young, exactly like the little girl she was pretending to be. A burst of euphoric realisation caused her to collapse physically limp across David’s lap. She loved how his actions made her feel; helpless and protected, loved and cherished. This was a role she wanted to embrace and explore.
“I am so very sorry that I was a bad girl, Daddy and I promise I won’t fight ever again!” she cried out in her sing-song little girl voice.
He lifted her and positioned her on his lap. She wound her arms about his neck and hugged him. He snuggled her for a while in silence.