Page 39 of Claimed By Daddy
Chapter Eleven
“Ican’t do this...Hello! I have to get out of here,” Penny yelled as she ripped off the headphones and scrambled down the length of the MRI scanner and dropped onto the floor. She had balked at the sight of the tube she was supposed to lie still like a statue inside for the next thirty minutes. It reminded her of the airplane.
Once the technician had arranged the plastic blocks on either side of her head and under her knees, she felt claustrophobic. Conveyed backward into the tube with her nose barely an inch from the top of the inside of the machine, Penny panicked. It was too close; too much like being trapped. The noise of the scanner reminded her of the turbulence aboard the plane. It became overwhelming.
“Mrs. Forrester, please stay where you are, would you like some soothing music to listen to?” the disembodied voice asked, but it was already too late, Penny had crawled free.
“I want my daddy!” she cried.
“Your father, is he in the waiting room?” That weird metallic voice again.
“My husband, fetch my husband!” Penny yelled.
A nurse appeared in the room.
“It’s okay, Mrs. Forrester, please calm down. A colleague has gone to fetch him. Would you like some water?”
“No, I don’t want any water! I want my...” Her shriek cut short upon hearing David’s voice. She ran to him.
“Penny, what the hell?” he gasped, staggering under the force of her impact.
“I can’t do it—I can’t be shut inside that tube!” she wailed.
“Calm down, take a deep breath.”
“Here, I have some water.” The nurse stepped forward and offered the polystyrene cup. David took it and offered it to her.
“Sip this, it will help you calm down,” he said.
She did as he bid and gradually the panic subsided.
“Can I speak to the radiographer a moment, please?” David called.
“In here,” the disembodied voice answered from inside the glass box with the closed door.
“Could you stay with my wife for a moment?” he asked the nurse.
“Why, where are you going?” Penny asked.
“I am going to ask if I can stay and talk you through this while they do the scan.”
“I don’t want the scan!” she argued, feeling panicked.