Page 41 of Claimed By Daddy
Without a word her husband swung her over his thigh, his booted foot raised on the lowest shelf of the cupboard.
He yanked down her jeggings and knickers, his hand crashed down on her exposed flesh. The sound of the clap of his palm against her flesh ricocheted about the small room. Her throat tightened with tears. Relentlessly he continued to spank her.
“Someone will hear!” she cried.
“You should have thought about that before behaving like a spoiled brat! I won’t tolerate bratty behaviour, not now, not ever!” He punctuated his words with scalding slaps. Penny clung to his jeaned leg and questioned herself as to why she had pushed him to take this action.
“I don’t want another blood test!” she wailed.
“What you want and what you get are two very different things!” he replied sternly.
The smacks now fell on the tender flesh of her thighs.
“I’m sorry!”
“I hope so. Will you go and have your blood test now?” he asked.
“Yes! Yes! I am so sorry, Daddy. Please stop...”
“What the hell is going on in here?” a male voice bellowed from the doorway.
David pulled her clothing up and lowered her to her feet.
“I’m calling security!”
“No need, sir. This is my wife...”
The man, who Penny saw was dressed in the same janitor’s uniform as the other cleaner they’d seen earlier, ignored David. He turned to address her.
“You can press charges, lady; I am a witness to this man’s assault.”
Penny felt panic rise in her chest. “No! There has been a misunderstanding; this man is my husband. We um, practice er...”
“What my wife is trying to explain is that we practice a domestic discipline relationship and she...”
The man’s face turned puce and he shouted David down. “I know what you are, mister. The police will lock you away, man!” he snarled, shoving a pudgy finger at David and jabbing him in the chest.
“No! Stop this nonsense right now! My husband has my permission to spank me when he sees fit—we have a consensual relationship. Now back off—we are leaving!” Penny shoved the heavy man; thankfully he moved aside. David took her hand in his, they sidestepped the janitor and hurried out into the corridor.
Saying nothing, they hastily made their way to the phlebotomy department. As they sat in the waiting area Penny apologised to her husband. He looked at her coldly.
“We’ll discuss this at home.”
“Mrs. Forrester?” a nurse called.
“I’m so sorry,” she whispered back at him as she stood to follow the nurse. He nodded curtly.
“At home,” he repeated.
* * *
Travelling throughthe streets in the car they drove past the Build-A-Bear factory shop. She straightened up and peered through the window.
“It’ll be a while before you earn a visit there, princess,” David informed her brusquely.
Her eyes swam with tears. What an idiot she’d been to play up and jeopardise what she had with David. She was really beginning to like the dynamic they had. Why did she always seem to ruin stuff?
She recalled the many times she had spoiled her own fun by perverse behaviour. What the hell was the matter with her? Slumped in the seat morosely, she wallowed in self-loathing.