Page 6 of Claimed By Daddy
“Well, aren’t dogs supposed to sense when things aren’t quite right?”
“I guess. She must have picked up on your confusion. Right, let’s get you out of your travel clothes and into the tub,” he said, clapping his hands together.
“Thank you, but I can take it from here,” she said frostily, stepping back.
“Are you sure?” He sounded disappointed.
She stiffened. “Yes, quite certain. Thank you.”
“Well, if you’re okay? I’m going to call Doctor Blake and set up an appointment for you. I’ll make us some tea. Put on your onesie when you’re done here, and join me in the kitchen.”
He didn’t wait for a reply. She watched him leave and closed the bedroom door behind him. Looking about the room, she noticed that once again it was decorated to her taste, pale calming shades of grey. The curtains and bed throw were lighter, a silvery grey, made from a rich velour. Crisp white bed linen and a large silver velvet cushion dressed the wide bed, with a row of closets opposite. Penny noticed another door. She padded across the light grey carpet in her stocking feet and turned the handle.
Unable to believe her eyes, she gazed about the smaller room. Unicorn wallpaper and matching curtains, aBeauty and the Beastcupboard, one door decorated with a full-sized picture of the beast, the other of Belle, wearing her famous yellow dress. Her eyes tracked around the room in amazement.
Against one wall stood a lovely single bed dressed with a lace canopy and aBeauty and the Beastduvet cover and pillow set. Positioned on another wall was the largest changing station Penny had ever seen. The plastic-covered changing mat was adult-sized and matched the unicorn curtains. No one knew which books she’d downloaded onto her Kindle except her, and yet here was her deepest fantasy come to life. She’d been reading age-play books for the past year or so. Downloading a free book from the genre had begun her secret fascination for the lifestyle. This was a nursery for an adult little.
First the house—not just any old house but her dream house. Now this—a perfect little girl’s room, decorated as she had always imagined. This was beyond weird, this was creepy. She remembered David calling her little girl, and himself Daddy.
God, what have I wished for?
She ran from the room and slammed the door behind her.
Lying back in the bath, Penny tried not to worry, but it was no good. Her whole world was topsy-turvy. Could she be losing her mind? She decided talking to a doctor might be a good idea.
She finished washing and climbed out of the bath. Catching sight of herself in the mirror, she leaned in and studied her reflection. She looked no different. Same honey-blonde highlights in brown hair, same green-hazel eyes and cupid’s bow-shaped mouth.
“You all right up there?” David’s voice called from below.
Hastily she wrapped a towel around her and raced to the door.
“Yeah, I’ll be down in a minute!” she yelled, terrified he might come up.
“Doctor Blake said she’d call in on her way home. Tea is ready.”
“Okay, thank you. I’ll be right down!” she shouted back.
Going to the closet, she found no all-in-ones. Crossing to the entrance of the little girl’s room, she hesitated before stepping back inside the room. Searching under the pillow on the bed, she found an adult-sized nightdress decorated withBeauty and the Beast, but no onesie. Opening the closet, she gasped. Inside, neatly hung on pink velvet-covered hangers, were the dress-up clothes that most small girls yearn for; hanging alongside those were many daily outfits more fitting for young girls, but these looked to be adult-sized.
Penny peered at the label stitched in the neck of a pretty strawberry patterned dress; a twelve, her size. She spotted three onesies hanging on the far end of the rail. One was unicorn patterned; the second teddy bear themed; the third was decorated with fairies and each carried a wand. Penny fingered each of them in turn, discovering that all three were made of the softest fleece. She selected the unicorn outfit. On the floor of the cupboard sat a shoe rack and among the shoes were girly slippers. Picking up the pair of white unicorns with small glittery mauve horns sprouting from each toe, Penny sniffed inside the slippers; they smelt of her lemon foot balm.
Shakily, she slipped from the room clutching her finds. She couldn’t think about how she felt about this discovery, not now, not while the world as she knew it had imploded.
* * *
Penny found the kitchenby using the route she’d seen the dog take. She stepped into a huge space quite different from the rest of the house; it was ultra-modern. Cabinets lined the walls in pale grey, topped by white work surfaces that twinkled with silver sparkles, which she guessed was some kind of granite. David leaned against a central island with Honey resting against his leg. He absently scratched the dog’s ears. Looking up, he grinned at her.
“Found your onesie?”
She noted the lilting question in his voice. “Yes, and I found a-a little girl’s bedroom.”
“Come and have some tea.” He moved a mug toward her and she joined him. It was made as she liked—weak Earl Grey with just a dash of skimmed milk. How did he know so much about her?
“You know, I’ve been pondering on how to treat you and I have come to the conclusion that since I’m the daddy in this relationship, I should take the lead. I’ve decided I am going to behave as I always do around you, but if I do anything, or say something that worries you, just tell me, and we can talk it through. I mean that pretty much sums up our usual approach to our lifestyle, so what do you say?”
“That sounds fair. I do have some questions though.”
He nodded. “Yeah, I thought you might.”