Page 71 of Claimed By Daddy
Stirring, she awokelaid on her side, his arm curled about her. Stretching out her toes, she felt him stir.
“What time is it?” he asked.
She reached for his phone on the bedside cabinet.
“We’ve missed lunch. It’s two o’clock,” she told him.
“I’ll order room service. Sandwiches okay?” he asked, pulling himself up.
“Anything except snails, I’m starving!” She clambered out of bed.
Catching sight of herself in the tall mirror, she saw the turquoise dress shimmy down over her hips un-creased. She slid it down over her body and took it to the closet where she hung it reverently.
“They don’t do sandwichesper se, they make French bread batons sliced with fillings, and they havecroque-monsieur, which is a grilled cheese sandwich. D’you want that?” David asked, his hand covering the mouthpiece of the phone.
“Umm.” She was undecided. He expected her to go for nursery food. A grilled cheese sandwich did sound heavenly but maybe she should ask for something more adult? “What else have they got?”
“Come on, babe, they have a ton of things!” he said impatiently.
“What are you having?” she asked.
“French onion soup with bread.”
“I’ll have the same,” she replied.
He placed the order and set the old-fashioned phone back on its cradle.
“Don’t forget to hang that red dress up too. I’m going for a shower.” She could see he was annoyed at her. A warm pleasure filled her. Penny realised he was allowing her adult decisions without putting her under pressure to make any little choices. She went to join him in the shower.
* * *
“You would think itwould be easy to spot an enormous tower, wouldn’t you?” she said, twisting and turning on the seat of the taxi in an attempt to catch sight of the Eiffel Tower.
He chuckled. “Remember that film,French Kiss, with Meg Ryan and Kevin Kline?” he asked.
“We have to watch that together, you’ll love it. Meg Ryan wants to see the Eiffel Tower and she is always looking in the wrong direction and misses seeing the tower,” he explained.
“Is that the story line?” she asked scathingly.
“Nah, I’m not spoiling it for you by saying any more. You’ll love it, trust me. I know your taste in films!”
“Disney, you mean.”
“Hey, stop being so touchy! I love the adult you, didn’t I prove that earlier on?” He leant in and kissed her gently on the mouth. She smiled under his lips. He broke away, startling her.
“Look!” He pointed.
Turning to look at what he was pointing at, she saw the tower and clapped her hands.
The queue at the base of the structure moved steadily and soon it was their turn to buy tickets. David conversed rapidly in French with the cashier. He turned to her.
“Do you want to go right onto the top deck?” he asked.
“I might, but I don’t like heights,” she replied. He nodded and bought their tickets.
In the glass elevator, she clung to David and fretted about how she’d cope on level three, the top and highest level of the tower.