Page 50 of Needing Daddy
Chapter Eighteen
Penny stretched languidly. Her body felt satiated and deliciously achy in all the right places. Drowsily her eyelids lifted, her gaze searched the room; with a delighted grin she saw that now she was in the nursery surrounded by unicorns and her new stuffies. Turning her head, she noticed a tall glass of milk and a plate with two chocolate chip cookies on it.
Shoving the pillows behind her, she leant back in comfort. Humming happily, she munched and sipped, nearly dropping her glass when a disembodied voice spoke from the blue.
“Are you awake, little one? Eat your snack then come and have your bath, Daddy has filled the tub for you.”
Looking about in surprise, she spotted an intercom system.
“Hi, Daddy. You gave me quite a fright. I’m just drinking my milk and I’ll be right there.”
“Good girl!”
The praise and warmth in his voice made her wriggle with pleasure. She gulped the rest of her milk and got up.
He met her in the master bedroom and scooped her up into his arms. She nuzzled his neck.
“Hi, sleepyhead. Did Daddy wear you out?” He was dressed in jeans and a pale blue shirt, his sleeves rolled up.
“Mm-hmm... You moved me into my nursery.”
“I did. You’ve been a big girl for a lot of time today. I thought it was only fair that little Penny came out to play. While you’re in the bath I’ll go and make a start on our supper.”
He carried her into the spacious Victorian bathroom now kitted out with a large modern roll-top bath on clawed feet and a large separate corner shower big enough for three people. Her focus was on the bubble-filled bath and the array of colourful plastic bath toys floating on the surface.
Her daddy lowered her into the blissfully warm water.
She grabbed a family of yellow ducks. “Five little ducks went out one day, over the hills and far away. Mummy duck said, ‘Quack, quack, quack,’ but only four little ducks came waddling back...”
Daddy pulled her hair into a knot on top of her head and tugged a frilly mop cap over her hair to keep it dry. “You look adorable,” he told her, and kissed the tip of her nose. She smiled happily and kept up her chanting as she moved her ducks about. While she played, Penny obeyed her daddy’s commands to lift either arm so he could wash her armpits. Once he’d finished washing her all over, he told her to stay put while he went down to prepare supper.
After playing with all the toys she was bored; time to get out and get dried. She clambered out of the bath and wrapped herself up in the voluminous towel that Daddy left on the heated towel rail for her. She trailed back into her nursery where she noticed a large doll’s house standing in the corner of the room.
“Penny, where are you?” Daddy called.
“In here,” she answered.
“I told you stay in the bath until I came for you. What are you doing?”
“I can see that. I also saw you roll your eyes at Daddy. That is not tolerated, little one. Look at you. You’re naked and damp—what happened to your hair?”
“It got wet.”
“Yeah, I see that. How did it get that way? I put your hair up in a cap to keep it dry.”
She shrugged. Really, sometimes Daddy could be tiresome.