Page 54 of Needing Daddy
“Enough. Hold out your hand.”
There was no question of disobeying his implacable tone. Trembling, she held her arm out.
“Palm up.” His tone held an impatient edge.
She swivelled her hand, palm uppermost.
He plunged a hand into his trouser pocket and came out with a small glass vial.What the heck?
Removing the top, he reached out and took her hand. Holding her arm steady, he poured a small oily drop onto her fingertips. “Smell,” he demanded.
She drew her hand to her nose and sniffed. It smelt strongly of mint. Raising her eyes to his, she cast him a look of confusion.
“Rub the peppermint oil between your legs.”
“You heard me. It is a mild mix of peppermint oil. You’re not allergic. I tested it on your inner wrist while you slept last night. There was no soreness or change in skin tone this morning.”
“I...” She was lost for words.
“Do this...or we leave now, and no Crown Jewels. I have no intention of touching you inappropriately while you are little. You have to do this yourself,” he said, his tone implacable.
Slowly she edged her hand beneath her skirt under the elastic edge of her pink knickers and gingerly stroked her labia with oily fingers. There was no sensation other than slickness. Confidently she straightened her clothes.
“Excuse me, is everything all right here?” It was a woman’s voice.
“Hello, yes. My girlfriend is feeling unwell; could you direct us to the nearest bathroom facility?” David asked, smoothly taking control of the situation.
“Yes, of course. The fastest route is to backtrack the way you came in and the sign outside the dungeon entrance will direct you to the toilets.”
Daddy took her hand and led the way out. As she walked, the chafing between her legs heated. “Oh!” she exclaimed.
He slowed and looked back at her with a look of amusement. “It won’t get any worse than this. The peppermint oil is not a punishment as such, merely a tool to make you mindful of your behaviour. Retribution comes when we get home. Now perhaps I can enjoy the rest of our day without any more attitude from you, little girl.”
All bravado drained away as she recognised how antagonistic she’d actually been toward him. Conscious of him watching her, she swallowed and looked at her feet. “Sorry, Daddy,” she muttered.
“What was that?”
She cleared her throat and lifted her head to meet his stern gaze. “I’m sorry, Daddy.”
He nodded. “Apology accepted, but just so you know, that won’t save your sweet ass when we get home. Now you just have time to use the ladies’ room and wash your hands, before we need to head on over to see the jewels.”
She stood there feeling awkward.
“Well, off you go,” he said.
She joined the queue for the ladies’, wondering why there was always a queue. Business taken care of and hands thoroughly soaped, she returned to Daddy. His welcoming smile warmed her. She ran to him and flung her arms around his waist. His enveloping hug was balm to her soul.
“Come along, princess, time to take a peek at those fabulous jewels.”
The crocodile line of people moved slowly around the exhibits. This suited Penny. She oohed and aahed over the priceless items of ancient treasure, each piece backlit by specialist lighting so that every gem sparkled and the precious metals gleamed.
“These crowns are exquisite. I like the King Edward crown best of all!” she enthused.
“The workmanship is quite extraordinary,” David agreed.
Blinking, they emerged from the twilight world of the jewel vault. “How about grabbing some tea?” David asked.