Page 58 of Needing Daddy
She knelt, instantly obeying the deep tone of his voice that she simply couldn’t ignore. Her inner submissive attuned to his dominance. Facing the enormous bulge that strained his zipper, she placed her hand over the hardness and caressed him. His sharp intake of breath at her bold touch sent a shiver of lust to her already soaked core.
His hand swept her hair from her face and gently gathered the length into a ponytail. “You know what to do.”
Indeed she did. Lowering the zip, she saw he was commando. Careful not to catch him with any of the tiny sharp metal teeth, she soon had his black trousers open. Eager to be freed from constraint, his cock burst through. The wide, mushroom-shaped head leaked clear fluid from the tiny slit. Without a second thought her tongue darted out to capture the treat and savour the taste of her David. Another rasping breath came from above, encouraging her to open her lips and draw him into the warm ingress of her mouth. A deep groan of satisfaction rumbled through his body and filled her with pleasure. The fact that she alone caused such sensual sounds of appreciation helped her to strive for more. Hollowing her cheeks, she created as much of a vacuum around his shaft as she could.
This obviously pleased him, because his grasp on her hair tightened. “Yeah, that’s it, good girl,” he growled.
Dipping her head further, she allowed her teeth to gently graze his length and took long slow slurps on the upward rise, using her tongue to curl about the edge of his girth.
His hips rocked; using her hastily styled ponytail, he took control. Increasing the momentum, he vigorously fucked her mouth.
She rested her bottom back onto her heels, her punished rump sending a frisson of pleasure directly to her core. Relaxing, she handed all control to him. Her thighs became sticky with her own arousal as his dominance heated her blood and sent tingles of desire shooting around her nervous system.
His hand cupped her breast, rolling and pinching her nipple. Now it was her turn to groan. She hummed her pleasure even as his thrusts hit the back of her throat.
He froze. She felt his cock swell and prepared to take all of him. Streams of his essence pumped from his shuddering member. As fast as she swallowed, more filled her mouth.
Without warning he pulled himself free and, grasping her under the arms, tossed her back onto the bed. Holding her knees apart, he buried his face in her folds. At the first abrading swipe of his tongue on her aching clitoris she began to convulse.
“Good girl, come for Daddy,” he growled.
Her wet pussy throbbed, and she detonated. Parting her legs as wide as they would go, she bucked into his mouth. He drew her clit between his teeth, gently teasing and grazing her sensitive nub. Already highly wound, she yowled, the pleasure ricocheting around her body like a lightning bolt, bowing her body with its power.
As he slid up her length, she felt the broad head of his cock press open her now quivering channel. His plunge stretched her inner walls; the fluttering of her previous release built again under his powerful onslaught. Not holding back, he thrust and ground inside her body. She knew he was mastering her, claiming her, teaching her who was in charge. There was no need for the lesson, she knew it was David. There could never be any other man for her. Overwhelmed, she found herself engulfed by another intense climax. Thrust over the edge into the freefall of pleasure. His triumphant shout of completion cut through her haze of post-coital bliss.
“Who’s your daddy?” he growled, his voice ragged.
“You are David, always,” she responded.
* * *
“Wake up, sleepyhead, it’s already nine o’clock. I made you some tea. Sit up; I’ll leave it here by the bed. No, don’t go back to sleep or I’ll have to spank your sore little bottom and I guarantee you won’t like that... I’m going to hit the shower. Did you know you suck your thumb?” he asked.
Huh?“Wh-what?” Her eyes drifted open and shut again. “Ouch!”
“I did warn you,” he said, smacking her bottom.
“Owwee, I’m awake, all right! Ouch! Will you stop doing that?” She glared up at him.
He retracted his palm. “Of course, once you become the civil little girl I know.”
“Okay, okay, thank you for the tea, Daddy; I’m sitting up now, see?” She crawled up the pillows so that she was almost upright.
“Good morning to you too, beautiful.” He cocked his head and winked.
She grinned. Leaning sideways to rub her sore behind, she cast her gaze over his nakedness, taking in his solid form and sculptured muscles; the sight made her salivate. Her daddy was an utterly irresistible man.
He grinned. “My markings making themselves known to you?”
The beast! He was obviously enjoying her discomfort.
“When you’ve finished your tea, and I’m showered, I’ll rub some arnica into those stripes for you.” He sauntered into the bathroom.
Penny drank her tea and texted Allie.Don’t come today. Trust me, it’s best!She pressed send.
Her phone pinged.I disagree—see you at one!
“Dammit, Allie!” she muttered crossly. Why would her sister not listen to her? Maybe she should use David’s phone to cancel the lunch? Glancing over to his nightstand, she saw his watch and phone residing there. Scooting around the bed, she picked up the phone. Good, it didn’t seem to be locked. Quickly she fired off a message to Allie.