Page 66 of Needing Daddy
She blushed, flustered by his praise. “I... thanks. I realised that if I wanted to survive, I’d better start putting my own stamp on this world, and stop hankering after the things I’d lost. It’s not been easy, but yes, I am proud of myself.”
“You should be. Are you going to open your present?”
“Oh, okay.” She opened the bag and withdrew a soft tissue-wrapped package. As she unravelled her gift, a glint of dark red shimmered to reveal a sequin-covered boob tube top. She swallowed, recognising the top.
“I bought it for you the day we went shopping for little girl clothes. I intended to give it to you as soon as you slipped back into adult mode but...” His voice trailed away.
“But Jack happened,” she finished for him.
He grinned ruefully. “Yeah... I still have the receipt; you can change it if you want to.”
“I love it, thank you.” The memory of that day clutched at her heart. Silently she fought the return of tears.
“Are you truly happy?” he asked softly.
She didn’t answer, still fighting to gain control of her emotions. He watched her pour the tea.
“Penny?” he prompted a few moments later.
“I-I guess.”
“You guess?”
She spun about, furious. “What do you want me to say? That my heart is broken, that I’m a mess without you?”
He stepped toward her, his brow furrowed. “I’m sorry, little one.”
“S’okay. I was so very miserable.”
“Well, if it’s any consolation, so was I.”
“You were?” Her eyes widened.
“I’ve missed you every single day, Penny. I want us to try again, this time without any deceitful lies. There, I’ve placed my cards on the table, it’s your call.”
Something profound settled deep inside; she knew it was going to be all right.