Page 69 of Needing Daddy
“And if I am?” she purred.
He cupped her face between his palms. “Then I’m good with that,” he replied, and lowered his mouth to hers.
Gently their tongues twirled and caressed, his lips becoming more demanding.
Her arms wound about his neck. “David,” she whimpered.
“Love you,” he mumbled against her mouth.
Heat grew; she panted, needing air. They broke apart.
“There’s always been some spark, a link, between us, hasn’t there? I just failed to recognise it at first,” he admitted.
She nodded. “I think wherever there is a Penny and a David, in the universe they are destined to be together.”
“I like that.” He pulled her to him and kissed her. Turning her, he unzipped the white linen shift dress she’d changed into for the journey to Southampton. They had boarded a ship for a two-week cruise around the fjords of Norway.
David unhooked her brassiere, his hands moving over her naked breasts, caressing and cupping the soft mounds. Thumbs swept across her nipples causing them to tighten. Goosebumps rose along her spine. She arched, offering him her bounty.
One hand skimmed her pebbled peaks, another roamed lower, reaching the edge of her white lace panties. Hooking his fingers, he lowered the scrap of lingerie down over her peachy bottom cheeks.
She lifted first one dainty foot and then the other. He removed her lacy underwear and dropped it onto a chair.
“You’re beautiful,” he growled huskily, dropping a kiss onto her shoulder.
She caught sight of herself in the mirrored doors of the closet. Her golden highlighted hair had been artfully arranged. Her green eyes were darkened by lust. She looked over her naked body, stripped bare, apart from her high-heeled white satin shoes. Full breasts, her nipples pouty, swollen and raspberry-tipped. His hand, so dark in contrast to the pale skin of her stomach, spread over her denuded mound. It felt deliciously wicked to watch and feel the slide of his finger as it dipped into her dampening folds.
“I want you to watch yourself come.” His hot breath tickled her ear. His words released a gush of liquid arousal.
The pressure of his thumb against her clit while two of his fingers fucked inside her wetness caused such bliss, she closed her eyes.
“No, open your eyes, princess, and watch me pleasure your wet pussy.” His throaty, salacious words, combined with the actions of his clever fingers, sent a quiver of pleasure rippling through her channel. “David,” she moaned.
“Come for me, princess.” His sexy voice rasped the command.
Coiled tight, the pressure built until with a wild cry of release she orgasmed. Immediately her legs buckled.
David caught her with an arm hooked under her knees, and then he swept her up into his arms. With his mouth pressed hard to hers, he moved them to the large bed and settled her onto her back. He sat on the edge of the bed.
“We still have the small matter of the lies you told me to deal with.”
His words made her tense. “Lies?”
“Yes, ah... Do you trust me?”
She relaxed. “Always, Daddy.”
He patted his thigh. “Over my knee, then, Mrs. Forrester.”
She crawled obediently across his lap; her upper body was supported by the bed.
“There will be no more lies between us.”
She jerked as he punctuated his words with hard smacks. Not particularly painful slaps but each one hard enough to make her gasp. The spanking soon had her writhing. Being held across her husband’s knee naked while he was fully clothed had always turned her on. Submitting to his discipline, accepting his dominance spoke deeply to her submissive side, arousing her to such a pitch she often wondered if she would come if he spanked her long enough and hard enough.