Page 3 of Her Wayward Earl
Holly bashfully lowered her gaze; a small smile of pleasure hovered over her mouth. How sweet, her father was going to toast her birthday. It seemed she was proven right. Footmen arrived with trays of glasses brimming with pale, sparkling champagne. They circled discreetly, placing a glass in front of each guest.
“As you know, tonight is my dearest daughter Annabelle Holly’s birthday, but that is not wholly the reason that I invited you all here this evening.”
Holly was nonplussed.It isn’t?Her father smiled across the table at her.
“I am proud and happy to announce the betrothal between my daughter, Lady Annabelle Holly Mable Lushington, and Lord Gregory Richard Anthony Godfrey Mounthurst, Earl of Caulderbury. Ladies and gentlemen, I bid you rise.”
Everyone around her stood. Holly sat frozen in place.
“Please join me in a toast to the betrothed couple!”
People sank back down into their seats after the toast. Holly looked over at Lord Caulderbury as he clasped her father’s hand. He glanced up and caught her eye. They stared at one another. He rose suddenly to his feet and closed the distance between them. Her mouth went dry. The words ‘be careful what you wish for’ echoed in her head. She was not ready for this.
His progress was slowed by guests detaining him to offer their congratulations. Holly admitted he was a charmingly handsome man. The gentlemen pumped his hand. A bevy of simpering ladies took the opportunity to kiss his cheek and offer him congratulations.
Had this announcement been made yesterday, she might have been pleased by the sudden turn of events, but after tonight’s interaction with the earl, she was worried.
Knowing that her parents would choose her husband had not prepared her for the feeling of futility that swamped her. Mounthurst had not even asked personally for her hand in marriage before the announcement was made. Neither of her parents had sought her opinion on the match. It appeared she was nothing more than a pawn to be bartered.
Desperately needing to escape, Holly felt she could no longer remain where she was, surrounded by those she felt had betrayed her trust and stood. With a fixed smile she hastened through the throng. Her mother’s eyes widened—obviously having caught sight of her daughter ploughing through the well-wishers, but luckily, Holly was too far away for any attempt at interference.
Having just taken her first step on the staircase, a large gloved hand clasped her upper arm, halting her progress.
“You cannot leave without first speaking with me.” It was Caulderbury.
She tried to shake his hand from her arm, but his grip was firm.
“Oh, I think I can, and I will. Goodnight, Lord Mounthurst.”
“Come, do not behave so childishly,” he reproached. “Although perhaps at nineteen that is exactly what you still are.”
His rude arrogance simmered her blood.
“You are a bully and a sneak, sir; unhand me at once!”
He looked bewildered.
“Asneak…how so?”
Ah, so he accepted my judgement that he is a bully.
“It is usual for a gentleman to ask a lady for her hand in marriage before approaching her father. Although why I expect manners from a man so obviously lacking in basic propriety is another matter. Perhaps it was your title that led me to believe you were a gentleman.”
His flinty gaze regarded her, making her shift uncomfortably. Then the frown cleared from his forehead. It appeared that he’d come to some kind of decision and removed his hand from her arm.
“You are absolutely right. I apologise and formally request an audience with you. I shall call upon you at eleven of the clock on the morrow. Goodnight, my lady, sweet dreams.”
Holly flushed. His apology unexpected. Lifting her chin, she cast him a reproachful look and hurried upwards, not giving him the satisfaction of a single backward glance.
Settled in bed,she was surprised by the arrival of her stepmother and sat up in surprise. Since she had left the nursery, she could not recall her stepmother ever visiting her chamber.
“Ah, good, you are still awake. Your father wished me to check on you since you departed the celebrations so promptly. Are you unwell, my dear?”
Holly was no fool, and she realised Henrietta was concerned about her reaction to the sudden betrothal.
“I am disappointed in Papa. Surely, he should have warned me before tonight? I cannot believe that he has betrothed me to a man who has barely spoken one word to me over the past season. It is badton, Mama, and an insult to me.” She did not mince her words. Anger made her bold and perhaps harsher with her stepmother than she ought to be.