Page 9 of Her Wayward Earl
His intention was to punish, but to his surprise, she responded in kind. Far from being cowed by his physicality, Holly countered his parrying thrusts with her tongue. Although it was obvious that she was a novice at kissing, he became highly aroused, his shaft strained at his breeches.
A kind of red mist enveloped him. Clasping her about her waist, he tightened his hold, crushed her to his chest and ravished her mouth.
A loud cough alerted him to another’s presence. Lifting his head, he met the startled gaze of Lord Lushington, and released his bride. His father-in-law refrained from mentioning the kiss and merely suggesting they rejoin their guests. As he passed through the doorway into the hall, a hand slipped into his. Surprised, he looked down to discover it was his new wife. Smiling sweetly up at him, she winked. An uncomfortable prickle tickled his neck; embarrassed at the flush he knew had crept into his face. She’d done this to him once before at a ball. His cock sprang up, and he cursed. How could he enter into company in an aroused state?
“I need some air, I shall join you presently,” Gregory said abruptly, and disentangling her hand, he hastened away.
Holly staredafter her new husband feeling bemused. It was almost as though he were the virgin bride and she the experienced bridegroom. My goodness, but that kiss had been enlightening. She’d not thought a kiss would feel so physical, so powerful, and liberating. Holly would happily leave now and repair at once to his house for their wedding night; she wanted…well, more than a kiss.
Eventually the time came and they were able to leave and travel to his London house which was situated on Curzon Street. The journey made in silence. On arrival it was to find the servants had gathered in the hallway in order to welcome their new mistress. It was not a large staff, but then she remembered that Lord Caulderbury tended to spend most of his time at his country estate. Without preamble, Holly made her way along the line of the household beginning with the butler, Dunnett, and ending with the scullery maid, Kathleen, chatting cheerfully and easily with each one of them.
“Dunnett, please that a drop of ale is made available for any staff who wishes to imbibe with a toast in honour of my marriage,” Gregory ordered jovially.
“And mine, darling,” she added, beaming at the staff.
“Yes, of course, ofourmarriage,” he added stiffly. “Mrs Wilkins, please show her ladyship up to her chambers.”
The housekeeper stepped forward, and Holly dutifully followed her up the staircase. This cold approbation from her new husband was not at all how she had imagined the start of her married life to be.
The chamber was charming, and more importantly, a fire burned brightly in the grate. Matilda awaited her there, and Holly greeted her maid as though she had not seen her in months. Rushing forward as soon as the housekeeper left the room, she hugged Matilda fiercely. Inexplicably, she found herself in tears.
“Miss, please don’t take on so, I’m sure everything will be fine. Hush now, miss—sorry, I mean, madam, no, mistress, no, no, I mean milady…oh Lordy.”
Holly giggled, despite herself.
“Thank goodness for you, Matilda.”
“What you need is a glass of warm milk and honey. I have some fruit cake, too, courtesy of your mother. She didn’t think you’d tasted any of your own wedding cake and had some sent over.”
Enjoying Matilda’s attention, she ate her refreshment seated before the fire. The maid then helped Holly disrobe and prepare for bed. While the maid brushed out her hair, there was a discreet knock at the door, and Gregory appeared, still fully clothed.
“I came to bid you goodnight. I shall sleep in my own chambers so as not to disturb you tonight. We have an early start on the morrow and a long journey. Probably best if your maid fetches you a light breakfast at dawn. That way we can be underway quickly. Rest well, dear girl. Goodnight.”
Holly stared after him, aghast. No honeymoon and no wedding night? What kind of marriage had she entered into? More importantly, what manner of man was this Earl she’d married?
Matilda cast a worried glance at her mistress, but Holly studiously ignored her. Containing her humiliation, she wanted to be alone with the sense of shame that flooded her.
“You may leave me, Matilda. Get a good night’s rest it seems we face further travel tomorrow. Thank you for agreeing to come with me; it means a lot to me to have a friendly face and someone I trust beside me.”
Matilda set aside the clothes brush she was using to tease out Holly’s wedding gown and crossed to Holly. Seemingly without thought to the consequences of her position, she hugged her mistress. Touched by her gesture, Holly returned her affection. It felt comforting to be held.
“Let me tuck you in, milady,” Matilda offered softly, and feeling vulnerable, Holly allowed herself to be helped into the four-poster bed and tucked between the crisp cotton sheets.
As soon as Matilda left the room, she turned her face into the pillow and wept bitterly.
Athin layer of snow coated the street; it remained extremely cold. The luggage coach left an hour before they were ready to set off with Braxton, Gregory’s valet, aboard the cumbersome old coach. His orders were to reserve rooms for his master at their intended overnight stop.
Matilda and Holly rode inside the Caulderbury crested carriage, snuggled under thick plaid blankets with heated bricks at their feet, Holly’s hands cocooned in a fur muff, Matilda’s in wool. An ample basket of food tucked under one seat had been provided by the cook for the journey. Gregory chose not to join the women inside but instead rode. Not the huge black steed that Holly had once pictured him astride, but a large roan with a gentle, stoical nature.
The houses thinned as they left London behind. The landscape became picturesque, etched by snow, the aspect cross-stitched by hedges, the country quilted with fields. Trees, frost-rimmed in their nakedness, stood stark against the winter sky. Yet the pretty scene did nothing to raise Holly’s spirits, and after an initial attempt at drawing her mistress into conversation, Matilda gave up and stared out at the rolling countryside.
They stopped briefly for luncheon at a tavern en route, but it was a rushed affair with Gregory chivvying Holly and her maid to hurry. He explained that he wanted to get underway again with haste. If they were to overnight before darkness fell at around four o’clock, there was no time to dally. He reassured them his valet had been instructed to reserve rooms at a coaching inn. Gregory surmised aloud that the luggage conveyance should arrive an hour previous since it had set off an hour earlier than them.
They drew into the courtyard at the Kings Arms and found the luggage coach arrived and chambers already reserved. Holly assumed they would be in separate rooms after spending her wedding night alone, but since the hostelry was full to bursting, she soon discovered they would be sleeping in the same bedchamber.
Matilda first unlaced her mistress’s boots. Removing them, she set them beside the smoky fire and bustled about making the threadbare chamber feel cosy and warm. Efficiently stoking the meagre fire, she soon had it blazing cheerily in the grate. Gregory left them and went down to order supper to be brought up to the room. Meanwhile, a maid entered carrying a tray of tea. Matilda poured Holly a reviving cupful.