Page 129 of Ashes of Aether
We wait outside the Arcanium for many more minutes, but there’s still no sign of Nolan and the music grows louder inside. Maybe Archmage Calton has already arrived. Maybe the Ball has already started without us.
“What if he doesn’t come?” I say.
Eliya peers at me. “Why wouldn’t he?”
“I don’t think things went that well.”
“I thought you just said he was a good kisser?”
“That part was fine. I mean after it.”
“What happened after it?”
“He started looking at my necklace—”
“The one Arluin got you?”
“Yes, that one.”
“He didn’t open it, did he? Because if the memory crystal started playing and he heard Arluin proposing to you, then I hate to say it, but I don’t think Nolan will be showing up tonight.”
“Luckily, he didn’t open it.”
She lets out a sigh of relief. “Thank the gods for that. Did he ask who it was from?”
“I told him it was from my mother.”
“Did he believe you?”
“I’m not sure.”
Eliya pauses, watching as the guests ascend the stairs around us. “It doesn’t matter if he doesn’t show up tonight.”
“It doesn’t?”
“No, because you’re an official Mage of Nolderan now. And that matters more than anything.”
“You were the one encouraging me to get to know him in the first place.”
“Just to get to know him. I thought a bit of harmless fun would do you some good. And I think it has.”
I play with the locket, running my fingers across the edges of the silver heart.
I don’t know whether Eliya is right, whether Nolan is helping me to set aside the past. When I think of Arluin, the burden does feel a little lighter—if only marginally so. But there’s a part of me which fears closing that door means forgetting him and betraying his memory.
Eliya glances back at the Arcanium.
“It’s all right,” I say. “You head back inside.”
“You’re sure?”
“Just come and get me if they start without me.”
She breathes a laugh. “Will do.”
With that, she ascends the stairs and disappears inside the Arcanium.
There are fewer people outside now. It seems everyone is already in the hall, waiting for the Ball to begin. Since Eliya hasn’t hurried back out, it’s probably yet to start.