Page 23 of Ashes of Aether
I close my eyes and exhale deeply. Eliya is right. Kaely isn’t worth wasting another moment on. She doesn’t deserve even my anger.
I give Eliya a nod, and we pass around Kaely. But she refuses to let us leave so easily.
“Do take care he doesn’t impregnate you with an undead fetus, Reyna!”
I halt.
Blood drums in my ears, deafening me. It boils through my body so furiously I think I will burst.
“What’s the matter?” she asks me with a delighted laugh. “Scared he already has? Have you found out whether it’s a baby ghoul or a baby wraith yet—”
My magic possesses me. Aether sparks in my fingers, and the fury in my veins rises to a crescendo.
“Ignira.” As the spell-word escapes my lips, I barely recognize my voice as my own.
The crackling flames are as loud as thunder. A ferocious fireball forms in my hands.
I unleash it upon her.
Other adepts shout, and so does Eliya. But their cries are distant, as though I’m hearing them through a stone wall.
“Aquir’muriz!” Kaely calls, conjuring a water shield before the fireball slams into her. The barrier withstands the attack, and droplets splatter across the stone path.
Magi charge forth, grabbing my arms and restraining them behind my back. I struggle to free myself but don’t dare use any magic against them.
The corners of Kaely’s lips curl into a vicious smile. When I try to breathe, it feels as if steel encases my chest.
I have made a horrible mistake.
Kaely taunted me into lashing out, and I have given her exactly what she sought. Using magic to strike other adepts or magi, unless instructed during classes, is prohibited by Nolderan’s laws.
I should have heeded Eliya’s warning.
This time, my father will be furious.
The books lining the back shelves are arranged in alphabetical order, and each spine is perfectly aligned with the next. A small chandelier laden with aether crystals hangs from the ceiling and casts violet light over us all.
I stand to the left of Archmage Gidston’s desk, restrained by the two magi either side of me. Even if my arms weren’t secured behind my back, I wouldn’t try to escape. Running would be futile, and foolish. It would only worsen my inevitable punishment.
Kaely stands across from me. When I lift my head, our gazes lock together. The corners of her mouth curl into a savage smirk, eager to see me punished.
Beside Kaely is her father, Archmage Branvir Calton. He’s bald, with a beard the same shade as Kaely’s braid. His bushy brows pull together in a deep crease, and his fists are tightened at his side. When his eyes sweep over to Kaely, she swaps her expression to a facade of fear, as though she is the victim.
I don’t hide my glare, though I know it will only further condemn me.
In all my eighteen years, I’ve never known anyone to be more a snake than Kaely.
To think I once called her a friend.
I tear my attention from Kaely and scan across the few other adepts brought here as witnesses. Eliya is among them, as well as Koby.
My best friend’s eyes are filled with worry. When Eliya catches my gaze, she presses her lips together in gentle reassurance, as if everything will be fine.
But it won’t.